

单词 sacred
释义 sa·cred 英ˈseɪkrɪd美ˈsekrɪdAHDsāʹkrĭd ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIST宝46八COCA⁴³⁸¹BNC⁵³⁵⁴iWeb⁴⁴⁵⁰Economist⁸⁸²³


connected with religion;holy


regarded with great respect or reverence

concerned with religion or religious purposes;

sacred texts

sacred rites

sacred music

worthy of respect or dedication;

saw motherhood as woman's sacred calling

made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use;

a consecrated church

the sacred mosque

sacred elephants

sacred bread and wine

sanctified wine

worthy of religious veneration;

the sacred name of Jesus

Jerusalem's hallowed soil

often followed by `to' devoted exclusively to a single use or purpose or person;

a fund sacred to charity

a morning hour sacred to study

a private office sacred to the President






词根词缀: -sacr-神圣的 + -edsacred cow神圣不可侵犯的人不…sacred music宗教音乐sacred and inviolable神圣不可侵犯…sacred mushroom墨西哥裸盖菇; 威廉…sacred baboon狒狒(类人猿…sacred duty神圣职责the sacred volume圣经sacred fire真挚的爱
sacr神化,使变得神圣+ed过去分词形式→已经变得神圣的→神圣的⇒宗教的,与上帝或神相关的,不可侵犯的。非常记忆s美女〖编码〗+acAC米兰〖编码〗+red红色〖熟词〗⇒美女说AC米兰的红色球衣很神圣GRE难词记忆sacred→scared a.恐惧的, 害怕的→大殿里的神像很神圣,但也令人感到恐惧词根记忆sacr神圣的+ed→神圣的近义词 holy神圣的divine神圣的blessed神圣的hallowed神圣的religious宗教的spiritual精神的consecrated神圣的adorable值得崇敬的sanctified神圣化的sacrosanct神圣不可侵犯的…反义词 profane亵渎的
~+ n.A church is a sacred building.教堂是神圣的建筑物。
S+be+~+ prep. -phraseIn Africa the snake is still sacred with many tribes.非洲许多部落仍把蛇尊为圣物。
用作形容词In India the cow is asacredanimal.在印度,牛是神圣的动物。
We use them to protect oursacredgrounds.我们使用它们来保卫我们神圣的土地。
Nothing issacredto these wild youths.这些狂野的年轻人什么都不尊重。
This area was hallowed bysacredmemories.这个地区由于宗教上的纪念意义而被视为圣地。adj.holy, blessed
同义词 cherished,divine,hallowed,religious,revered,solemn,spiritualangelic,consecrated,enshrined,godly,numinous,pious,pure,sacramental,saintly,sanctified,unprofane,venerable
反义词 irreligiouslay,open,profane,ungodly,unholy,unprotected,unsacred,vulnerableadj.protected
同义词 sacrosanctdedicated,defended,guarded,immune,inviolable,inviolate,invulnerable,secure,shielded,untouchable
反义词 irreligious,lay,open,profane,ungodly,unholy,unprotected,unsacred,vulnerable
God-fearingadjective religious
biblicaladjective relating to the Bible
blessedadjective sanctified
adored,among the angels,beatified,consecrated,divine,enthroned,exalted,glorified,hallowed,holy,inviolable,redeemed,resurrected,revered,rewarded,sacred,sacrosanct,saved,spiritual,unprofane
clericaladjective concerning clergy
deificadjective divine
divineadjective godlike;excellent
admirable,all-powerful,almighty,ambrosial,angelic,anointed,beatific,beautiful,blissful,celestial,consecrated,deific,deistic,eternal,exalted,excellent,glorious,godlike,godly,hallowed,heavenly,holy,immaculate,magnificent,marvelous,mystical,omnipotent,omnipresent,omniscient,rapturous,religious,sacramental,sacred,sacrosanct,sanctified,spiritual,splendid,superhuman,superlative,supernatural,supreme,theistic,transcendent,transcendental,transmundane,unearthly,wonderful And these curtains surround the sacred precincts.

So then, anchor in the heart of One, then simply feel yourself as if you are drifting down the sacred spiral, staying within, into the Fifth.
锚定在合一的心,然后简单的感觉你自己,感觉你就像飘落的神圣螺旋,保持在内在,进入第五维度。 blog.sina.com.cn

So on this solemn day, at this sacred hour, once more we pause.
在这庄严的日子,在这个神圣的时刻,让我们再一次停顿一下。 yeeyan

Within each being is the sacred spark of the Divine.
每个存有的内在都是圣之神圣火花。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ In a world where some treat life as something to be debased and discarded, we need your message that all human life is sacred and that each of us is willed, each of us is loved,” the president said.
他说:“在这个世界上,有些人任意贬低和抛弃生命,我们需要你教导人们,所有人的生命都是神圣的,每个人是有意志的,每个人都得到慈爱。” www.voanews.com.cn

And when we begin to speak about the human being and human dignity, people with religious identification quickly find themselves talking about concepts that have an element of sacred to them.

As if that wasn't enough, the biggest reason to stay a virgin was because sex is sacred— it creates life, and therefore is an act that unites us with God.
好像那样还不充分,保持处女的最大的原因是因为性是神圣的——它产生生命,所以那是一个把我们与上帝联合在一起的行为。 yeeyan

As the beneficiaries of their service we have a sacred duty to support all of our troops and the families of our military and all of our veterans.
作为他们工作的受益者,我们有一项神圣的责任:支持我们所有的军队,军人家属以及我们所有的退伍军人。 putclub

At the Seventh Dimension of Light, there is a Clear Understanding of the Divine Light in all things and the Joy of celebrating the Divine Light and Heart in Ceremonies of Sacred Communion and Love.
在第七维度的光中,你们会对存在于所有一切中的神圣的光有清晰的认识,同时你们也会在庆祝神圣的爱到来的过程中感受到无比的欢乐。 blog.sina.com.cn

At this conference, they barely mentioned the yearning for transcendence and the sacred, which plays such a major role in every human society.
在本次会议上,他们也几乎从未提及在所有人类社会中都有着重要作用的对卓越和神圣的追求。 yeeyan

But the paper, the writing, that sacred relic,-- all that was his very heart.
但是,那张纸,那墨迹,那神圣的遗物,那一切,是他自己的心。 ebigear

He left them as sacred heirlooms to his children.

I was brought up in France, where five, seven, even nine weeks of vacation per year is seen not only as a sacred right, but the choicest, most coveted part of even the most fulfilling career.
我在法国长大,在那儿每年五个、七个、甚至九个星期的假期似乎不仅是神圣权利,而且甚至是最能实现自我的职业中,最上等的、最梦寐以求的一部分。 yeeyan

In performance of this sacred duty he blundered now and again, did certain things incorrectly, and others which he did correctly were done over and over.
在履行这个神圣的职责时,他跌跌撞撞,做错了一些事,又重复一遍又一遍地做已经做过的正确的事。 yeeyan

It is for something far greater, far more sacred, far more deserving of them and of humanity.
他们为的是一个更伟大、更神圣、更人道、更值得他们奋斗的理念。 yeeyan

It is sacred in popular belief.

Kant believes we, as individuals, are sacred and the bearer of rights, but not because we own ourselves.
康德认为,我们作为个体,是神圣的,是权力的享有者,但并不是因为我们拥有自己。 yeeyan

Perhaps we really should be reflecting on another sacred liberty: the freedom of the press.
也许我们真正应该反思的是另一个神圣的自由:新闻自由。 yeeyan

That was a sacred moment.
那是一个神圣的时刻。 who

There is nothing sacred about any initial definition of the gold dollar, so long as we stick to it once we are on the gold standard.
关于金美元的初始定义或比值并没有什么神圣的,一旦我们回归到了金本位,只要坚持这个初始定价就行了。 yeeyan

This rather sweeping opinion seems out of tone with the rest of the book which, with wit and style, condemns the industry for crudely colonising an event that many still consider sacred.
这种观点似乎和全书的其余部分完全不搭调,充满机智和时尚,责备了这个行业的鲁莽闯入以及还有很多人仍然愚蠢地认为这样的婚礼是神圣的。 ecocn

Woman in the bud is sacred.
花蕾似的女性是神圣的。 ebigear




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