

单词 sack out
释义 sack out短语¹⁸⁰⁰⁹⁸⁺¹

prepare for sleep;

I usually turn in at midnight

He goes to bed at the crack of dawn

sack out睡觉
近义词 bed床retire退休turn in上缴kip down睡觉go to bed去睡觉go to sleep入睡hit the sack就寝hit the hay上床睡觉
as in.hit the hay
同义词 crash,go to sleep,hit the sack,kip down,turn inas in.sleep
同义词 bed down,doze,fall asleep,languish,relax,snoozebunk,catnap,crash,dream,drowse,flop,hibernate,nap,nod,oversleep,repose,rest,retire,slumber,snore,yawncatch a wink,catch forty winks,conk out,cop some z's,drop off,fall out,hit the hay,hit the sack,nod off,saw wood,take a nap,turn in,zonk out,zzz
hit the hayverb go to bed
crash,go to sleep,hit the sack,kip down,turn in
hitting the hayverb go to bed
crashing,going to sleep,hitting the sack,kipping down,sacking out,turning in
sleepverb suspend consciousness
bed down,bunk,catch a wink,catch forty winks,catnap,conk out,cop some z's,crash,doze,dream,drop off,drowse,fall asleep,fall out,flop,hibernate,hit the hay,hit the sack,languish,nap,nod,nod off,oversleep,relax,repose,rest,retire,sack out,saw wood,slumber,snooze,snore,take a nap,turn in,yawn,zonk out,zzz
sleptverb suspend consciousness
bed down,bunked,catnapped,caught a wink,caught forty winks,conk out,copped some zwas,crashed,dozed,dreamed,dropped off,drowsed,fell asleep,fell out,flopped,hibernated,hit the hay,hit the sack,languished,napped,nodded,nodded off,overslept,relaxed,reposed,rested,retired,sacked out,saw wood,slumbered,snoozed,snored,took a nap,turned in,yawned,zonked out,zzzed




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