

单词 back bone
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名词 backbone:
a central cohesive source of support and stabilityfortitude and determinationthe series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cordthe part of a book's cover that encloses the inner side of the book's pages and that faces outward when the book is shelvedthe part of a network that connects other networks together Conclusion: Lumbosacral transitional vertebra is one of the important factors in the emergence of lumbar disc herniation. It can influence the stability of lower back bone in many ways and reduce it.
结论:腰骶部移行椎是腰椎间盘突出症的重要发病因素之一,它可从多方面影响下腰部脊柱的稳定,使下腰部稳定性减弱。 fabiao

Europe suffered terribly because the peasants were the back bone of society doing all the low paying jobs that nobody wanted to do which included things like farming.
因为农民是社会的分水岭,他们做着所有收入低而且没有人愿意做的工作——如农活——所以欧洲受灾严重。 yeeyan

From the reasoning of conception, the author considered book spine as the chine and back bone of book.
通过概念的层推,笔者认为书脊就是书的脊梁、中枢。 fabiao

He never tells anything true. He's a liar to the back bone.
他从来不说实话,就是个彻头彻尾的大骗子。 ebigear

Student are always back bone of a society.




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