释义 |
sabean 基本例句 n.塞巴人语adj.塞巴的;塞巴人语的 We used to be a nation in which the Arab would share with the Turkman and the Kurd and the Assyrian and the Sabean and the Yazid his daily bread.我的祖国曾是这样一个国家,在这里阿拉伯人可以和土库曼人、库尔德人、亚述人、塞巴人和亚齐德人一起分享他每日的食粮; John W. Sabean; Mark J. Lewis. Computational Optimization of a Hypersonic Rectangular-to-Circular Inlet ;.Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2001,vol.17 no.3571-578我们学校没有这种杂志,包括数据库,不过2001年的文章应该不难找吧,以后写清楚了别人好帮你找。我把详细查询资料写全,希望别人能帮你找到。祝好运! |