

单词 Sabah
释义 Sa·bah 英ˈsɑːˌbɑː美ˈsɑˌbɑAHDsäʹbä' 高Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
n.沙巴州马来西亚州名;旧称北婆罗州North Borneo¹⁰⁰

a region of Malaysia in northeastern Borneo近义词 North Borneo北婆罗洲
Sabahspor yapmay sevenler az deil.爱早上运动的人真不少。
I give you one freeSabahRed Snapper lah!!我给你一只免费的沙巴红曹啦!!
I come back from the group trip ofSabahwith my friends.我和朋友们刚从沙巴团体旅游回来。
The starting point for adventure is Kota Kinabalu,Sabah's capital.首先是科塔基纳巴卢山,沙巴的首府。
For many years,Sabahhas always been mysterious to outside world.从以前到现在,沙巴对西马人来说,是那么的神秘而遥远。
IfSabahdin protect itself, situation will be worse.沙巴不保护自己,情形会变得更惨不忍睹。 Non- Malay indigenous groups make up more than half of Sarawak“s population and about 66% of Sabah”s.
马来本土的群体占砂劳越人口总数的一半以上和沙巴人口的66%。 ebigear

Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad, who became emir in2006, has exercised his privilege of giving family members top cabinet posts, repeatedly choosing his nephew, Sheikh Nasser Muhammad, as prime minister.
谢赫·萨巴赫·艾哈迈德,在2006年成为国王,拥有行使授予家庭成员高层内阁职位的特权,他反复选举他的侄子,谢赫·纳赛尔·穆罕默德担任总理。 yeeyan

Tens of thousands of undocumented immigrant children in the Malaysian state of Sabah on Borneo Island are not being allowed to go to school.
在马来西亚沙巴州的婆罗洲岛上,成千上万的移民人口的子女,因为没有正式户籍,没法上学。 tingvoa

The first several years of the country“s history were marred by Indonesian efforts to control Malaysia, Philippine claims to Sabah, and Singapore”s secession from the Federation in1965.
马来西亚前几年的建国历史受到印度尼西亚尝试控制马来西亚,菲律宾认沙巴州为其主权地和新加坡在1965年宣告脱离联盟所影响。 ebigear

The senior political adviser for Iraq's Interior Ministry is Sabah Kadhim.
萨巴卡迪姆是伊拉克内政部高级政治顾问。 www.voanews.com.cn

After a national referendum in 1962, Singapore was admitted into the Federation of Malaysia along with Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak as a state with autonomous powers in September1963.
1962年国家全民投票之后,新加坡在1963年9月被允许作为自治主权国同马来亚,沙巴和沙捞越一起进入马来西亚联邦。 ebigear

Ahmad Al-Fahad Al- Sabah and Rogge highly evaluated the preparation work for the Guangzhou Asian Games and believed that the games will make a success with the joint efforts of all parties.
艾哈迈德·萨巴赫和罗格高度评价广州亚运会的筹备工作,相信在各方共同努力下,广州亚运会一定会取得成功。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Among other worries, the Philippines had not dropped a claim to Sabah.
一些其他的问题存在,比如菲律宾还未放弃对沙巴的索赔。 ecocn

But Kuwait’s politics limp from crisis to crisis because the ever- ruling al- Sabah family refuses to let parliament hold its senior members, such as the prime minister, to account.
但是,由于科威特长久以来的执政的萨巴赫家族拒绝议会自行决定其主要成员,如首相等议会成员,使科威特的政局只是从一个危机步入另一个危机。 ecocn

East Malaysia, consisting of the federal territory of Labuan and the states of Sabah and Sarawak, occupies the northern part of the island of Borneo, bordering Indonesia and the Sultanate of Brunei.
东马来群岛是由联邦地域中的纳闽岛和沙巴诸州还有沙捞越组成的,它占据了婆罗洲诸岛的南部,接壤着印度尼西亚和文莱。 ebigear

In any event, the al- Sabah family will still run the show.
不管如何,萨巴赫家族 al- Sabah仍将操纵局势。 ecocn

In fact, Sabah continues to be registered as the poorest State in Malaysia despite the richness in natural resources.
事实上沙巴州尽管自然资源丰富,但是一直是最贫穷的州属。 dapsabah.org

Kuwait’s Sheikha Lulu Al Sabah in February held her country’s first-ever contemporary art auction.
科威特的 Sheikha Lulu Al Sabah在2月举行了该国有史以来第一次当代艺术拍卖。 ecocn

Malaysia was formed in 1963 when the former British colonies of Singapore and the East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak on the northern coast of Borneo joined the Federation.
1963年,当先前的英国殖民地新加坡,还有位于婆罗洲北海岸的东马来国家沙巴和砂劳越加入联盟后,马来西亚诞生了。 ebigear

Recently, it announced two more connections to Miri Sarawak and Tawau Sabah, which it will operate from September.
近日,亚航宣布增加两条航线到米尔沙捞越和斗湖沙巴,并计划九月份投入运营。 yeeyan

Rumours also hint at tensions in the Sabah family, with princely rivals to Sheikh Nasser said to be quietly egging on his parliamentary foes.
谣言也暗示了萨巴赫家族的紧张局势,与谢赫·纳赛尔竞争的王子派说,正在暗地里怂恿他在议会中的敌人。 yeeyan

Studies of the orangutan population in part of Sabah indicated they might go extinct within60 years due to inbreeding and loss of habitat unless the jungle patches are reconnected.
婆罗洲部分地区红毛猩猩数量研究表明,由于近亲繁殖和栖息地减少,红毛猩猩可能在60年内灭绝,除非被分割成小片的丛林被重新连接起来。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The Kuwaiti prime minister's chief of staff, Mohammad Abdullah al- Sabah, has told the BBC that a group of opposition parliamentarians led youths in storming the parliament building.
科威特总理参谋长穆罕默德•阿卜杜拉•萨巴赫告诉 BBC电台,一群反对派议员让青年闯入国会大厦。 putclub

There are four teachers training colleges in Sabah and they should be able to produce enough trained teachers to fill up the position in all the SJKC.
有四间师训学院在沙巴州,他们应该能够提供足够经过训练的华文教师,以填补华小的空缺。 dapsabah.org

They provide merely for the five countries to “consult” in the event of an attack on Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia Sabah and Sarawak, the Malaysian states on Borneo, are excluded.
对于新加坡和马拉西亚半岛沙巴、沙捞越、婆罗洲上的马来西亚除外发生的袭击事件,它们仅仅对五国提供建议。 yeeyan

This is positive towards a new future in Sabah and Malaysia with brighter hopes.
我们要积极争取,为沙巴州和马来西亚带来新的展望与光明。 dapsabah.org

True, the United States has supplied military and economic assistance in generous quantities to some of the governments and did save Kuwait's ruling Sabah family from Iraqi takeover in1991.
事实上,美国对一些政府慷慨地提供过军队和经济支持。 例如美国解救了伊拉克1991年接管的科威特政府。 yeeyan

Under the cover of darkness, a butterfly with folded wings rests gracefully on a leaf in the Danum Valley Conservation Area in Sabah, Borneo.
在婆罗洲的沙巴的丹浓谷保护区中,一只蝴蝶正在夜幕的掩护下优雅的在一片叶子上合翅休息。 kekenet

Yet while liberals have cheered the result as a mark of social progress, it does not necessarily augur plain sailing for the al- Sabah family that has ruled Kuwait since the18th century.
然而,虽然自由派为这个结果欢呼并以此作为社会进步的标志,但是它不一定预示萨巴赫家族18世纪以来对科威特统治就这么简单。 yeeyan

Sabah and Nasser said that the friendly exchanges between both peoples go back to ancient times and the two countries are friends that treat each other sincerely.
萨巴赫和纳赛尔说,科中人民的友好交往源远流长,两国是真诚相待的朋友。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Sabah said that both Kuwait and China are earnest in developing the bilateral relations.
萨巴赫表示,科中双方对发展双边关系都抱有诚意。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Sabah said that Kuwait-China relations have been established on the basis of mutual understanding and mutual trust, with good momentum and bright prospects for development.
萨巴赫说,科中关系是建立在相互理解和相互支持基础之上的,发展势头良好,前景广阔。 www.fmprc.gov.cn




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