

单词 saba
释义 Sa·ba 英ˈsɑːbə美ˈsɑbə COCA⁴⁹⁷⁹⁰BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²

a island in the Netherlands Antilles that is the top of an extinct volcano Daniel Saba, the chairman of Perupetro, says that exploration is yielding results again after decades in which little was found.
秘鲁国家石油公司董事长丹尼尔·萨瓦说,在几十年中一无所获之后,勘探又开始取得成果了。 ecocn

The sellers of Saba, and Reema, they were thy merchants: with all the best spices, and precious stones, and gold, which they set forth in thy market.
舍巴和辣阿玛的买卖人也作你的顾客,以各种上等的香料,各种宝石和黄金和你交换货品。 ccreadbible

The density of fibres in muscle was consistently and significantly lower for all muscle types in hybrid compared to Saba pigs P0.001.
杂交后显著地降低了腰肌、股二头肌和背最长肌肌纤维密度 P0.001; cnki

“ Our findings are consistent with earlier studies that have shown a high degree of association between depression and disability,” commented lead author Saba Moussavi of the WHO and colleagues.
经过计算,衡量基本生活质量的“全球平均健康指数”表明,沮丧是让人最难忍受的。 研究人员称,“此前的研究表明,沮丧与健康不佳之间有着很高的关联性,我们的研究也与此一致。” ebigear

A hawksbill turtle glides just above the floor of a marine sanctuary near Saba, Netherlands Antilles.
在靠近萨巴的荷兰安的列斯群岛处,一只玳瑁龟正的海洋避难所的海底上方滑翔。 yeeyan

He turns detective when a former pupil, George Saba, is framed for a murder and charged as a collaborator.
当他的一位名叫乔治•赛伯 George Saba的前任学生被陷害犯有谋杀罪并被指控为同犯时,尤塞夫便自愿做了侦探。 ecocn

Secretary Yan expressed thanks to Ambassador Gao for her time, and briefed Jinan's cooperation with the city of Kfar Saba of Israel and some Israeli companies such as Tshuva Group and Kardan Group.
焉书记感谢高大使拨冗会见,简要介绍了济南市与以色列卡法萨巴市和舒华集团、凯丹集团等以色列企业的合作情况。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Some older supporters from around the San Saba district even remember the Ranieri family's butchers shop, and how Claudio himself would deliver cuts of meat by bike as a teenager.
一些圣萨巴区附近上了年纪的支持者甚至仍然记得拉涅利家开的肉店,以及当年十几岁的克劳迪沃是怎样骑着车到处送肉块的。 yeeyan

The Jinan delegation was invited to visit Israel by the city of Kfar Saba of Israel, which became sister city with Jinan in 2009.
济南市代表团应以色列卡法萨巴市邀请访问以色列,该市与济南市于2009年结为友好城市。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The canonical correlation analysis was carried on3 body weight traits and5 body size traits in two groups from577 Saba pigs by using SAS.
采用 SAS统计分析系统对577头撒坝猪的3个体重性状和5个体尺性状进行了典型相关分析。 dictall

Saba said the president thanked the GCC leaders for their efforts to solve the crisis through dialogue.
萨巴还说,总统对海湾合作委员会的领导通过对话的方式解决危机所做的努力表示感谢。 blog.sina.com.cn




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