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Sab. 基本例句 Sabbath 安息日; abbr.;=Sabbath For an insight into SAB's competitive edge, all one needs to do is look at how it operates on the mainland. 若想深入了解南非酿酒公司的竞争优势,我们只需要看看它是如何在中国大陆运作业务的。 jpkc.xafy.edu.cn MethodsThe personality, social adaptive behavior, coping style of56 children with asthma were measured by means of EPQ, SAB and CSQ scales. 方法采用 EPQ、 SAB、 CSQ量表,对56例哮喘儿童及对照进行个性、适应行为及应付方式的心理测试。 cnki The company agrees with the SAB that the Agency should continue to work to strengthen its risk assessment by incorporating additional data as it becomes available. 杜邦公司同意美国科学顾问委员会的观点,即美国环保署应该通过采纳更多的信息,来继续加强其风险评估。 iciba SAB as a reliable technique for prevention of AH when operative procedures are performed in the lower abdomen, pelvis, and lower ext. 若手术部位位于下腹部、盆腔或下肢, 蛛网膜下腔阻滞是一种预防 AH的可靠方法。 mdchome A new high density, high reliable interconnection technology, surface activated bonding SAB was introduced in this paper. 介绍一种微电子系统用新型超高密度、高可靠互连方法及表面活化连接 SAB技术。 cnki Arjen and I, in close cooperation with SAB, are trying to create a plan that will allow us to provide structural assistance. 阿里安和我与 SAB合作,正在尝试创建一个计划,让 SAB可以同意我们给他们提供建设方面的协助。 dutianya Conclusion SAB can protect cells from injury of glucose deprivation and the mechanism is related with its effect of mediating cellular calcium ion. 结论 SAB对细胞缺糖损伤有明显的保护作用,其作用机制与抑制钙离子内流有关。 cnki Or you invest in China like SAB and you get rich from the other BRICs. 又或者你像南非银行那样在中国投资,然后从其他金砖国获得财富。 blog.sina.com.cn Some of them mark the hours at sab has and temples while halfway across the globe, the time races by for their children. 他们中的部分人或聚集或在寺庙打发时光,而在地球的另一端,对儿女们来说却是时光飞逝。 http://dj.iciba.com The deal makes SAB the second-largest brewer in the world behind rival Budweiser brewer Anheuser-Busch. 这笔交易使南非酿酒公司一举成为世界第二大啤酒公司,仅次于生产百威啤酒的安霍伊泽——布施公司。 jpkc.xafy.edu.cn The reaction of SAB might be secondary to the inflammation and be involved in the rotator cuff tear. SAB的变化可能系组织炎性反应引起的继发反应,与肩袖撕裂的发生发展有关。 shouxi These people don't come to the Centre SAB Clinic because that is physically not possible or they don't have money to pay for that. 这些人并不会来 SAB的诊所,因为他们认为外伤没有什么大不了的,或者是没有钱来看病。 bbs.sports.163.com SAB Miller took its A$9.5 billion$10 billion offer for Fosters directly to shareholders, after two months during which the Australian brewer’s board refused to discuss a deal. 在澳大利亚啤酒制造商拒绝商讨收购事宜的2个月后,南非米勒 SAB Miller将其对福斯特集团 Fosters9.5亿澳币合100亿美元的收购出价转为直接向股东收购股份。 ecocn You should see the same data that you entered in the SAB application. 您应该看到与您在 SAB应用程序中输入了相同的数据。 ibm |