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SaadaCOCA¹⁴³⁵⁹⁴BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺² 基本例句 n.塞阿代在伊拉克;东经 42º08' 北纬 36º50' The government of Yemen rejected a ceasefire offer by rebels in the country’s northern Saada region, where fighting has raged since the army launched an offensive in mid- August. 也门政府拒绝了国家北部萨达地区叛军的停火要求,萨达地区自八月中旬政府军队发起攻击以来战事愈加猛烈。 ecocn The rebellious Houthi clan now controls the area around Saada in the north. 叛军胡赛 Houthi部落现在控制了北方萨达Saada周围的区域。 ecocn With such things as rocket-propelled grenades and anti- aircraft guns on open display, Saada is said to boast the best- stocked arms bazaar west of Pakistan’s Peshawar. 萨阿达随处可见比如火箭筒、高射炮这样的武器,被称为是巴基斯坦白沙瓦市以西库存最大的军火市场。 ecocn Fierce fighting continued in northern Yemen, where the country's president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, is trying to suppress a rebellion in the Saada region led by the Houthi clan. 也门北方激烈的战斗依然继续,国家总统萨利赫·阿卜杜拉正试图镇压萨阿达地区由胡西氏族领导的叛乱。 zhinei Fierce fighting continued in northern Yemen, where the country’s president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, is trying to suppress a rebellion in the Saada region led by the Houthi clan. 也门北部战事依然非常激烈,也门总统阿里-阿卜杜拉-萨利赫试图在萨达省镇压由胡西家族领导的叛军。 ecocn In Saada, the situation was aggravated by a protracted conflict between government forces and militant Shiite rebels, UNICEF said. 在萨阿达,形势被政府军和激进的什叶派叛乱分子之间旷日持久的冲突恶化,联合国儿童基金组织说。 aitrans More than50 people have been killed in the past week alone, at least18 of them when a bomb went off by a mosque in the provincial capital, Saada. 仅在上周,就有超过50人被杀,其中至少18人死于省会萨阿代一所清真寺的爆炸事件中。 ecocn The United Nations children's agency supported a government screening that found50 percent of the 26,246 children in five districts of Saada to be at risk of death because of inadequate nutrition. 联合国的儿童机构支持一项政府的筛选,发现在萨阿达的5个地区,26,246名儿童的50%都有因为营养不足而死亡的危险。 aitrans |