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SAAC 基本例句 =Simulator for Air-to Air Combat 空对空战斗模拟器¹⁰⁰ Based on the practice inSAAC, the paper discusses the method of changing the customer satisfaction thought into specific measures.结合SAAC的实际工作,深入研究了顾客满意管理的思想转化为组织具体实施的方法和步骤。 Dynamic mathematical model of the fixed temperature and steam control system of a steam drivenSAACwas built by the means of experimentation and computer simulation, which based on PID control method.通过实验及计算机仿真的方法,建立了小型蒸汽型吸收式制冷机基于热源调节法、使用PID控制器的常规定水温控制系统的动态数学模型,编写了相应的仿真程序,并对PID控制器进行了参数整定,得到了处于最优控制状态的PID控制参数。 The paper researches about the market environment and the management actuality inSAACfirstly, then analyzes the factors of advantaged and disadvantaged for actualizing satisfaction management.在对SAAC所处的市场环境和管理现状进行调查研究的基础上,分析了SAAC实施顾客满意管理的有利因素和制约因素,为顾客满意管理的实施提供了改进方向。 |