

单词 Sa
释义 Sa.
The French government is looking into a possible Chinese role in spying on carmaker Renault SA's and Nissan's electric vehicle program.
法国政府正在调查在汽车制造商雷诺 SA和日产的电动汽车计划间谍活动中,中国可能发挥的作用。 yeeyan

The performance of these services can impact the overall SA.
这些服务的性能会影响总体 SA。 ibm

The Software License Library SA provides a mechanism for employees to manage their licenses and release licenses they no longer need to the IBM community for reuse.
软件许可证库 SA为员工提供了一种机制,使他们可以管理自己的许可证,并将不再需要的许可证转让给 IBM社区以便重用。 ibm

The timing of the SA acquisition would indicate that the answer is no, as the set-top box market is poised to change dramatically in the next few years.
从这几年电视机顶盒的市场从稳定变成剧烈变动,再看看从并购 SA的时程来看我们就知道答案是否定的。 engadget

The SA logging function is configurable so you can tune your logging to the level you feel is necessary.
SA日志功能是可配置的,所以您可以将日志优化到所需的级别。 ibm

A special widget has been created that builders can include in their SA to provide such a link.
有一个特殊的小部件已经创建完成,构建人员可以在其 SA中包括该小部件以提供这样的链接。 ibm

After a user builds a consumable or an SA, he or she has to deploy host it somewhere.
在用户构建某个可使用件或 SA之后,他或她必须将其部署承载在某个地方。 ibm

Aviation Week reports that the majority of coalition combat air patrols are conducted at20, 000 feet or higher, putting them above the roughly11, 000-foot range of the SA-24.
航空周刊报道说,大多数盟军战斗空中巡视活动都是在20,000英尺或是更高的空中进行的,这超出了 SA-24的大约11,000英尺的攻击范围。 yeeyan

Better tools for building SAs and consumables are needed to enforce corporate security and governance policies without placing a burden on the SA builder.
需要更好的 SA和可使用件构建工具来加强公司安全和治理策略,而不会对 SA构建人员施加负担。 ibm

Each matrix is created from the intersection of two SA reports.
每个矩阵都是由两个 SA报表相交生成。 ibm

Figure7 shows the mapping between SA Entity Relationship and EAML.
图7所示为 SA实体关系与 EAML之间的映射。 ibm

GACVS considered recent data on the safety profile of live attenuated SA14-14-2 JE vaccine, provided in a number of expert presentations to the Committee.
GACVS审议了一系列新近由专家递交的关于乙脑病毒减毒活疫苗 SA14-14-2株安全特性的资料。 who

GAE. SA, a holding company that functions as the military’s business arm, has been a prime beneficiary, and is now thought to control around40% of the country’s economy.
职能相当于军方业务部门的一家控股公司 GAE. SA是主要的受益人,现在控制着大约40%的国家经济。 ecocn

In the transformation process, SA models serialized as proprietary XML files have been reversed engineered.
在转换过程中,正如 XML文件已经被反向工程化一样, SA模型被串行化。 ibm

In future releases, this widget will be integrated with the SA builder tooling so that it becomes an integral part of any SA built with that tool.
在将来的版本中,这个小部件将与 SA构建工具集成,以使其成为使用该工具来构建的任何 SA的不可或缺的一部分。 ibm

Much community comment about SAs complains that the performance is poor— sadly the end user rarely appreciates the underlying complexity of the SA and therefore has unreasonable expectations of it.
许多有关 SA的社区评论抱怨说性能非常糟糕——很悲哀,最终用户很少理解 SA的底层复杂性,因此对 SA具有不合理的预期。 ibm

Others are LOB- specific, yet with typical challenges that can be successfully addressed by an SA.
其他挑战则特定于 LOB,但这些 LOB还具有可由 SA成功解决的典型挑战。 ibm

Some people comment that the SOA- SA relationship is contrived.
一些人认为 SOA- SA之间的关系是人为建立的。 ibm

The SAE provides a set of lightweight virtual hosting environments that remove SA builders' responsibility for the infrastructure management.
SAE提供了一组轻量级虚拟承载环境,从而消除了 SA构建人员的基础设施管理职责。 ibm

The developed SA provides an analytical tool to obtain a navigable graphical portrayal of a patent family through automated analysis of patents.
所开发的 SA提供了分析工具,以通过自动化的专利分析,获得某个专利系列的可导航图形描绘。 ibm

These hosted stacks are chosen to match those commonly used for SA building and are set up to be self- serviced to minimize central administration overhead.
将选择这些承载的堆栈来与常用于 SA构建的堆栈进行匹配,并将其设置为支持自助服务,从而最小化中央管理开销。 ibm

This SA shows how you can mix enterprise data and user- defined data to increase employee collaboration.
这个 SA表明了如何能够混合企业数据和用户定义的数据来加强员工协作。 ibm

To stimulate a vibrant SA enterprise ecosystem, it's important to bring together users with a range of complementary skills.
为了能让 SA企业生态系统变得更有活力,召集一些具有广泛互补技能的用户是非常重要的。 ibm

To quickly take this idea from concept to a prototype to show its business value, we implemented this idea as an SA.
为了使该思想迅速从概念转换为原型以展示其业务价值,我们将该思想实现为一个 SA。 ibm

Translated as“ storm division, ” the SA was the paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party, which played a key role in Hitler's rise to power.
“ SA”翻译出来意为“风暴支队”,是纳粹党的准军事组织,为希特勒夺取政权立下过汗马功劳。 yeeyan

While working on the Virtual Team SA, we discovered that some of the fields within the CTP database were never updated.
在从事虚拟团队 SA的工作时,我们发现 CTP数据库中的某些字段从未进行更新。 ibm

You also read about the lessons learned from our experience developing each SA.
您还将了解从我们开发每个 SA的经验中获得的经验教训。 ibm




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