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A lot of people refer to S3 as a Web Server replacement but Amazon S3 is not a Web Server.
许多人将其视作 Web服务器的替代品,但 Amazon S3不是 Web服务器。 yeeyan

At the bottom end of the stack is storage S3 and processing EC2.
最底层的是储存 S3和处理 EC2。

The cloud server drops a file with some metadata in a common place, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service Amazon S3, where other scripts look to rebuild their configuration files.
云服务器在通常的位置放置一个带有元数据的文件,例如 Amazon Simple Storage Service Amazon S3,在这个位置其他脚本会重建它们的配置文件。 ibm

A simple way to back up files from your servers is to copy them into Amazon S3 or make them part of your stock AMI.
从您的服务器备份文件的一个简单方法是将它们复制到 Amazon S3或者将它们作为您库存 AMI的一部分。 ibm

Amazon S3 is just one of a set of services that exist in a larger context.
Amazon S3只是位于一个更大的上下文中的一组服务之一。 ibm

Businesses using S3 can mark up data buckets so their transfer will be paid by data requesters instead of being paid by their owners as it is now.
使用 S3的公司可以为数据量记账,这样数据传输费用将由数据访问者支付,而不是像现在这样由数据拥有者支付。 infoq

Creating a public URL is a handy feature exposed by S3; in fact, with S3, you can create a public URL that is only valid for a period of time for instance,24 hours.
创建一个公共 URL是 S3 提供的一个便捷功能;实际上,使用 S3,您可以创建一个公共 URL,但只在一段时间内有效例如,24小时内。 ibm

Each S3 request is time- stamped and serves as proof of the transaction.
每个 S3请求都包含时间戳,以此作为事务的证据。 ibm

From there, use the S3 object to add the file to the bucket.
此后,使用 S3对象将文件添加到桶中。 ibm

I'm going to use the public- read option so I can use Amazon S3 to serve up my images.
我将使用公有可读选项,以便使用 Amazon S3来提供图像。 ibm

In summary, the benefits of Amazon's S3 are simple: low cost, high availability, and security.
一言以蔽之, Amazon S3的好处很简单:低成本、高可用性、安全。 ibm

Indeed, when the Amazon S3 cloud service is used for online storage, the Access Key ID forms part of the URL.
事实上,当 Amazon S3云服务用于在线存储时, Access Key ID就构成了 URL的一部分。 ibm

Instance storage is used, with S3 and EBS volumes, as shown in Figure5.
使用了实例存储, S3和 EBS卷,如图5所示。 ibm

Log files will add to monthly bills because they use Amazon S3 storage.
日志文件的费用将添加到每月的账单中,因为它使用了 Amazon S3存储空间。 ibm

Logically, S3 is a global storage area network SAN, which appears as a super-big hard drive where you can store and retrieve digital assets.
理论上, S3是一个全球存储区域网络 SAN,它表现为一个超大的硬盘,您可以在其中存储和检索数字资产。 ibm

Many S3 customers found that unacceptable, considering entire businesses were shut down during the duration of the outage.
许多 S3的客户不能接受在宕机期间关闭整个业务。 yeeyan

My goal is to provide select customers a way to view the new movie for a limited time until I'm ready to start charging for accesswhich S3 can facilitate as well.
我的目的是为选择的用户提供一种方式查看新影片在有限的时间内,直到我开始收取访问费用 S3也会提供帮助。 ibm

Objects contain the data stored within the buckets in S3.
对象包含存储在 S3中 bucket中的数据。 ibm

Perhaps the weakest point to the whole S3 system is Amazon’s own password scheme.
整个 S3系统最薄弱的地方可能是 Amazon自己的密码方案。 infoq

Remember, you pay for the S3 usage, so this is important.
记住,您要为 S3的使用付费,因此这非常重要。 ibm

So S3 is, like most things in life, a convenience at a cost, and only you can decide if it's right for your business or personal use.
因此, S3和日常生活中的许多物品一样,是廉价便利的,并且由您决定它是否适合您的业务或个人需求。 ibm

The simpler data model of S3 is reflected in the code for listing all of the items in an S3 bucket.
较简单的 S3数据模型体现在列出 S3 存储桶中所有项目的代码中。 ibm

The metadata for an object is specified by the developer as key- value pairs when the object is sent to S3 for storage.
在把对象发送给 S3时,由开发人员以键-值对的形式指定对象的元数据。 ibm

This“ pericardial knock” may be mistaken for an S3.
这种“心包叩击音”可以被误诊为 S3。

To resolve the conflict you can merge S2 and S3 and create a new state S4.
要解决冲突,您可以将 S2和 S3进行合并,并且创建新的状态 S4。 ibm

Unfortunately, SOAP:: Amazon:: S3 is marked as experimental in the documentation.
不幸的是, SOAP:: Amazon:: S3在文档中被标记为处于试验阶段。 ibm

When you define an object or a bucket in S3, you can specify an access- control policy that states who can access your S3 assets and how for example, read and write permissions.
在 S3中定义对象或存储段时,您可以指定一个访问控制策略,注明谁可以访问您的 S3资产以及如何访问例如,读和写权限。 ibm

With the S3 class in hand, you won't have issues with the signature process.
手边有了 S3类,签名过程就不是问题了。 ibm

You could keep user IDs that are independent of the user name and associate the user ID with the S3 object, but that gets needlessly complicated for our purpose—to build a simple photo-sh a ring site.
您可以使用独立于用户名的用户 ID并将用户 ID与 S3对象关联在一起,但是这添加了不必要的复杂性,因为我们的目的是构建一个简单的照片共享站点。 ibm

You've now seen how to set up an HTML upload form to upload files directly to S3.
通过本文您了解了如何设置 HTML上传表单将文件直接上传到 S3。 ibm




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