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词汇 ryukyu
释义 ryu·kyu AHDrēˈyü₍ˌ₎kyü,rə̇ˈ-
n.琉球群岛 位于中国台湾岛与日本九州岛之间
An arm of the western Pacific Ocean bounded by China, South Korea, and the Ryukyu and Kyushu islands. It has rich fishing grounds.
西太平洋的一片海域,沿岸为中国、韩国、琉球群岛和九州岛所包围,此区鱼资源丰富。 poptool

Fractal dimension of land coastlines of Zhejiang Province, Shanghai City, and island coastlines of Chongming Island and integer Ryukyu are 1.165, 1.0182, 1.0279 and 1.1949 respectively.
求算出浙江省大陆岸线的分维度为1.165,上海市大陆岸线的分维度为1.0182,崇明岛的分维度为1.0279,琉球群岛整体的分维度为:1.1949。 cnki

Her main responsibility is to be a patron saint in navigation, and in Ryukyu it continued to play its role as a god to guard the people living on the sea together with Kikoeookimi, Wonarrikami.
作为航海守护神,在传入琉球后与当地固有的守护神闻得大君、姐妹神信仰一起合力保护着琉球海民的安全。 dictall

In the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, Ryukyu had close vassal relationship with China.
明清时期,琉球是一个与中国关系极为密切的藩属国。 cnki

Probing into the problem of Ryukyu may provide us some insights into cold war and the post- cold war situation.
从琉球的角度追问也提供了理解冷战和后冷战格局的独特视角。 douban

Secondly, controlled by the plate subduction, the volcanic activities and the age of volcanic activities increase with the distance from the location of volcano to the Ryukyu Arc increasing.
受板块俯冲的控制,此期火山活动年龄按照与琉球岛弧距离的由近到远而由新到老; cnki

The Sea of Japan had been tranquil but this route, on the western edge of the Pacific Ocean, past the Ryukyu Islands and into the East China Sea, is notorious for high seas and typhoons.
日本海是平静的,但是这条西太平洋经过琉球群岛直到中国东海的航线,却以浪高和台风闻名。 yeeyan

The east slope is slow, and is the inserting side from the northwest Philippine Plate into the Ryukyu Island Arc, connecting with the ocean basin.
东坡洋坡缓,是西北菲律宾海板块向琉球岛弧下插的一边,与大洋盆地相连。 cnki

The Okinawansthe indigenous people of the Ryukyu islands in Japan are famous for having the longest life expectancy in the world.
冲绳岛居民日本琉球群岛上的当地人以其全世界最长寿而闻名。 yeeyan

The problem of Ryukyu has provided a unique perspective for understanding modern nationalism and imperialism.
琉球问题提供了思考近代民族主义历史、帝国主义知识的一个非常独特的视角。 douban

Two subduction zones, the Ryukyu trench and Manila trench, exist in the East Asia continental margin.
东亚大陆边缘自北向南发育了琉球海沟和马尼拉海沟等俯冲带。 dictall

A city of southwest Okinawa, Japan, in the Ryukyu Islands on the East China Sea. It is a port and the commercial center of the islands. Population, 303, 680.
那霸日本冲绳岛西南部一城市,位于中国海东部的琉球群岛,是该岛的一个港口和商业中心。人口303,680。 hotdic

Accompanying with the real strength of Ming decline and the conservative policy to RyuKyu, the superiority of Japan in RyuKyu was rising increasingly.
随着明末国家实力的衰落,以及明廷对琉球采取保守的宗藩政策,日本在琉球的优越地位日益上升。 cnki

According to an official examination, a magnitude-8 earthquake may strike both the Ryukyu and Manila trenches, triggering a tsunami within one hour's time.
根据一个正式调查指出,邻近台湾的琉球海沟与马尼拉海沟可能会发生8级以上的地震,所造成的海啸将不用一小时就能抵达台湾沿岸。 hxen

China and Japan including Ryukyu Islands are neighboring countries, connected on the sea.
中国和日本包括琉球群岛是海区相连之海上邻国。 cnki

For example it never conquered the Ryukyu Kingdom, which paid tribute to it for centuries.

Fuzhou Ryukyu Hotel played an important role in the association between China and Ryukyu.
福州琉球馆在当时的中琉交往中发挥着重要的历史作用。 cnki

In the regions east and south of the Ryukyu Islands, there are some mesoscale cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies with different scales, and the variability of their character is also reviewed.
最后指出在琉球群岛以东、以南海域,经常出现各种不同的中尺度反气旋式和气旋式涡,讨论了它们在时间与空间尺度上变化的特征。 cnki

Naha on Okinawa, in the Ryukyu archipelago, is over 600 km to the southwest of Kyushu.
位于硫球群岛中冲绳岛 Okinawa上的那霸 Naha,距离九州西南部大约600千米。 ebigear

Researchers have discovered a potential new species of comb, or ctenophore, jellyfish near the Ryukyu Trench near Japan.
在日本附近的琉球海沟,研究者们发现了栉水母的一个可能新种。 yeeyan

The results show that Kuroshio intrudes onto the continental shelf of East China Sea in large scale and during its flow water is exchanged ceaselessly with outer sea along Ryukyu Island.
模拟结果表明黑潮在东海陆架有大规模的入侵,其在沿东海陆坡流动途中沿着冲绳岛与外海不断的进行水体交换。 cnki

The fleet was assembling near the Ryukyu Islands, waiting to launch a fatal surprise attack on the US Navy, to repeat Pearl Harbor and Leyte Gulf.
这个舰队正在琉球群岛附近集结,准备对美国海军发起一次致命的突袭,重演珍珠港和雷伊泰湾事件。 yeeyan

These characteristics reflect that couplings between the upper arc and the subduction slab of the Ryukyu trench are weak relative to other common trenches, and themselves weaken toward to the south.
这些特点说明琉球沟弧系上覆板块与俯冲板块的耦合比其他沟弧系弱,而琉球海沟本身又往南趋弱。 cnki




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