

单词 rx
释义 rx.
医prescription 处方,药方
A built-in constant- current source, formed by VS and R, forces a known current through the unknown resistance RX.
由 VS和 R形成的内置恒流源迫使已知的电流流过未知电阻 RX。 eefocus

ConclusiontDuring a LITT treatment, the Rx should be based on the general consideration of different biological properties and the laser wavelength, laser power and the laser probe exposure duration.
结论:激光诱导间质热疗中,需要综合考虑生物组织特性和激光波长、功率及曝光时间等治疗参数来制定治疗方案。 cnki

The matrix material polyvinyl butyral PVB with leuco malachite green LMG and additive halogenated compounds RX were manufactured as the PVG dosifilm.
它用基料聚乙烯醇缩了醛 PVB、无色孔雀缘 LMG和添加剂卤化物 RX加工而成。 cnki

The new generation RX is the symbol of Lexus Think Forward philosophy. To enter the site you should enter the future. Welcome to forward living!
新一代的雷克萨斯 RX是象征哲学思考前进。进入网站,你应该进入未来。欢迎转发生活! movingshop.org

Another important concept is the communication mechanism used by an AFS server as well as client processes within or across AFS cells which is called Rx.
另一个重要的概念是 AFS服务器以及 AFS单元内或跨 AFS单元的客户端进程使用的通信机制,也称为 Rx。 ibm

Cardiac function of all subjects was tested with Apache RX-400 color Doppler ultrasonic cardiogram before treatment for1 week.
所有入选者经美国阿帕奇 RX-400心脏彩超仪在治疗前1周内进行心功能测试。 cnki

Conclusion The effect of VEGF and COX-2 expression to prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma may be an index that can be used to estimate prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma and constitute logical Rx.
结论 VEGF、 COX-2表达对肺腺癌预后有一定的影响,可作为估计肺腺癌预后、指导制定合理治疗方案的指标。 cnki

Elements of this new design might soon appear on passenger sedans like the Mazda6, as well as replacements for sporty models like the MX-5 Miata and RX-8.
新设计的元素可能会很快出现在像马自达6之类的车上,也可能会替代像 MX-5和 RX-8的运动车型。 yeeyan

In order to solve the problem of re transmitting messages to a nonaddressable endpoint, the WS- RX TC examined several possible solutions.
为了解决将消息重新发送到无法寻址的端点的问题, WS- RX TC对多个可能的解决方案进行了研究。 ibm

In this method, shown in Figure1-20, a current source generates current I, which flows through the unknown resistor RX.
在图1-20所示的这种方法中,电流源产生的电流 I流过未知电阻器 RX。 eefocus

Mazda officially ended production of the RX-8, the final nail in the coffin for the once promising rotary engine.
马自达官方停止了 RX-8的生产,彻底终结了曾大有希望的转子引擎的制造。 yeeyan

Running Rx Get up and head to the kitchen for a glass of milk and some pretzels.
跑步对策赶快起床到厨房去,喝一杯牛奶,吃一点椒盐饼干。 running8

Running Rx If you really have to ask, maybe you should go for a run.
跑步对策如果您真的要问,可能您应该再去跑几圈。 running8

Running Rx In the weeks before an important run or race, determine how much coffee you need for an evac, then sip and lighten your load accordingly.
跑步对策在重要的跑步或比赛之前的几周内,确定您需要多少咖啡才会排泄,然后,相应地减少摄入量。 running8

Running Rx Warming up pre run is key for beginners and vets.
跑步对策无论是新人还是老手,跑前热身时关键。 running8

Standardize the Rx, combine drug and non- drug therapy to prevent cardiac function from getting worse.
规范治疗方案,药物和非药物治疗相结合,防止心功能恶化。 cnki

The important rows are those beginning RX and TX, which show information about the packets sent and received.
以 RX和 TX开头的行很重要,它们提供关于发送和接收的数据包的信息。 ibm

The mechanism used for RPC is RX.
RPC使用的机制是 RX。 ibm

This is allowing the Rx project to finally build observables directly from Task.
这使得 Rx项目最终可以直接从 Task构建 Observable。 infoq

You Rx: Start devoting at least half an hour a day to talking to a friend, reading a book or indulging in an activity you enjoy. Think of it as preventive medicine.
给你的处方是:每天抽出至少半小时时间和朋友聊聊天,看看书或者投入你所喜欢的活动中去,把这些都当成预防疾病的良药。 bdg365

Your Rx: Chop a clove of fresh, crushed garlic crushing helps release beneficial enzymes, and sprinkle it into that lycopene-rich tomato sauce while it simmers.
你的处方:取一瓣新鲜的,碾碎了的大蒜碾碎它有助于释放有益酶,当将富含蕃茄红素的西红柿酱煮沸时,将大蒜洒入其中。 englishsea

Your Rx: The more broccoli, the better, research suggests—so add it wherever you can, from salads to omelets to the top of your pizza.
你的处方:椰菜吃得越多越好,研究表明——将之加到所有可能的食物里面,从沙拉到煎蛋到撒到比萨饼上面。 yeeyan

Your Rx: The biggest benefits come from cooked tomatoes think pasta sauce! , since the heating process increases the amount of lycopene your body is able to absorb.
你的处方:最受益的是煮过的西红柿如西红柿沙司,因为加热的过程会增加人体可以吸收利用的番茄红素。 englishsea.cn

Your Rx: Munching on an ounce of walnuts a day may yield the best benefits, Hardman's research found.
你的处方: 哈德曼的研究发现,一天嚼一盎司核桃可以产生最有益效果。 englishsea.cn

Your Rx: Stoner uses a concentrated berry powder in his studies but says a half- cup serving of berries a day may help your health, too.
你的处方:斯通乐博士在他的研究中使用了一种高浓缩的浆果粉,但是他说,每天食用半杯浆果也可以对你健康有益。 englishsea

The Rx library is suitably designed to be used in kernel as well as user space applications with similar API interfaces.
Rx库很适合用于内核内,还适用于具有类似 API接口的用户空间应用程序。 ibm




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