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词汇 RWE
释义 RWEEconomist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺
A deal between Gazprom and RWE could have big consequences for European energy policy.
俄罗斯天然气公司和莱茵集团如果达成协议将会对欧洲能源政策造成巨大影响。 ecocn

And the main consortium partner in the EU's preferred proposal, known as Nabucco, is RWE.
建设这一项目的公司联盟中一个重要的成员就是莱茵集团。 ecocn

Meanwhile, RWE, a German utility, is building a plant which will use the residual heat of its own flue gas to dry lignite before burning it.
但是,德国一家公用事业公司—— RWE正在建造一座电站,这所电站能够利用自己烟道内气体所含的残余热量干燥待燃烧的褐煤。 ecocn

When concerned about oversea water enterprises such as Suez, Veolia, RWE, it discusses the change of investment strategy in different courses including early and present phase.
外资水务公司以国际三大水务巨头——苏伊士、威利雅、泰晤士为例,分析了它们在华早期和现在的投资策略的转变过程及原因; fabiao

For Thames Water, a British utility that is now a part of Germany's RWE, the experience was much worse.
英国的泰晤士水务,其现在为德国莱茵集团的一部分,它的经历更糟。 ecocn

In return for going into business with the Russian gas giant, RWE would likely get cheaper gas, but still on the basis of oil indexation.
作为和俄罗斯巨头合作的回报,莱茵集团可能会以较低价格获得天然气,但仍然会和油价挂钩。 ecocn

Some consequences of the new nuclear policy became apparent on August9th when RWE, a big energy firm, said the move had cost it €900m$1.3 billion in the first six months of2011.
这项新核能政策在8月9日就已经有明显的后果,当天德国一大能源公司莱茵集团称这项政策已经使起2011年上半年的损失达到9亿欧元约13亿美圆。 ecocn

These companies include ExxonMobil, Sasol, Shell, RWE, and Total.
这些公司包括埃克森美孚、沙索、壳牌、莱恩和道达尔。 ilazhu

This is bad news for EDF, E.ON, Gaz de France, a French gas company, and RWE, another German energy firm. They are all vertically integrated.
这对法电、E.ON、法国燃气公司以及德国能源企业 RWE来说是个坏消息,因为它们全是纵向一体化的企业。 ecocn

Troubles at RWE, Germany's second-biggest electricity producer, have also played into Gazprom's hand.
德国第二大电力公司莱茵集团的重重问题也为俄罗斯天然气公司助了一臂之力。 ecocn

Two big members of the consortium, RWE of Germany and OMV of Austria, said on October8th that they had postponed to next year a final decision on whether to invest.
财团的两大成员,德国莱茵集团和奥地利油气集团于10月8日称他们需延期至明年才会做出是否投资的决定。 ecocn

Unless the lives of his and RWE's oldest plants are reprieved by a capacity shift, then that is about the time they will have to be shut down.
除非他和 RWE最老的发电厂的生命被产能的转移所延长,那么那将是它被关闭的时候。 ecocn

RWE AG and E.ON AG, Germany’s largest utilities, fell as brokers downgraded the shares.
德国最大的两家公用事业企业莱茵集团和意昂集团股票评级遭到下调,股价随即下跌。 yeeyan

RWE would like to build the Turkish part of the project. But Turkey is considering a public tender in which local firms would get a share of the cake.
德国莱茵集团倒是很想负责项目的土耳其部分,但土耳其又在考虑进行公开招标的形式,这样本国公司能够分上一杯羹。 ecocn

RWE, a German utility with a larger stake in a different grouping, denies rumours that it may follow suit.
德国莱茵集团,一个在不同团体组织中都占有很大股本的德国公司,否认了他们也会跟牌出招的谣言。 remword

RWE, which favours a complete shift to spot prices, has apparently followed suit.
赞成完全采用现货价格的德国莱茵集团也效仿这一做法。 ecocn

RWE and E. ON have joint plans to build up to four nuclear-power plants in Britain, but the taste for new nuclear may desert even the British.
RWE和 E. ON公司已经推出联合计划,在英国建立四个核电站,但是对新的核的喜爱已经消退,甚至英国也是如此。 ecocn

RWE is also among the companies looking at building nuclear power plants but said there was no question of Gazprom being involved in those schemes.
RWE公司也是考虑建设核电厂的公司之一,它说,毫无疑问高兹普罗姆公司可以参与到那些项目中去。 yeeyan

RWE said talks with Gazprom were at a very early stage but it admitted it could include an equity stake being released to the Russians and combined gas projects in the UK.
RWE公司说与高兹普罗姆公司的交流还是处于初步接触阶段,但它承认可能会包括在俄罗斯发行普通股,并共同在英国开发燃气电厂项目等内容。 yeeyan




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