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rut·s 英rʌt美rʌt COCA³²⁶⁸⁹BNC³⁷⁹²¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本双解英英搭配近义反义句型例句例句 n.车辙²;槽⁵;凹痕⁶;发情²⁴;陈旧不变的一套²;常规¹⁷v.形成车辙;处于发情期⁵;耕犁⁵原型rut的三单过去分词rutted现在分词rutting三单ruts n.名词 C车辙;犁沟deep track made by a wheel or wheels in soft ground;furrow C常规,老规矩a fixed and dull way of life v.动词 vt. 在某物上)形成车辙mark (sth with ruts Noun: a groove or furrow especially one in soft earth caused by wheelsa settled and monotonous routine that is hard to escape;they fell into a conversational rut applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity Verb: be in a state of sexual excitement; of male mammalshollow out in the form of a furrow or groove;furrow soil 用作名词 n. 形容词+~deep rut深深的车辙介词+~move in a rut按常规办事get into〔out of〕 a rut开始〔不再〕过刻板的生活 近义词 groove槽heat热度habit习惯furrow犁沟runnel小河estrus发情channel频道pothole坑洞oestrus发情routine例行公事 用作名词n.The farm carts have worn ruts in the lane.农用大车在乡间小路上磨出了车辙。 The company is in a rut and it's up to us to get it out.这家公司已经墨守成规了,需要我们来改变它。用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+ ~+n./pron.The lane was rutted with tyre track.这小巷有车轮轧出的车辙。 名词99%,动词1% 用作名词The detective followed therutmade by the jeep.侦探追寻着吉普留下的车辙痕迹。 I found a fish lying in therutof cartwheel.我发现一条鱼躺在马车的车辙中。 During therut, the male deer can be very irritable.在发情期间,公鹿可能很易怒。 Environment can sometimes alter therutage of an animal.有时环境可以改变动物发情的年龄。 You mustn't let yourself get into arut.你不能陷入老一套。 You will not skid if you stay in arut.如果墨守成规的话,你就不会溜滑了。 It works great, until we get stuck inrutand the ideas dry up.一开始这个方法很好,直到最后我们陷入了常规思维,想法枯竭。用作动词The lane wasruttedwith tyre tracks.这小巷有车胎轧出的凹痕。 Are there any useful methods which help you get out of your ruts? 还有什么有益的方法帮人摆脱困顿? yeeyan The farm carts have worn ruts in this field. 火车在这块地里轧出了辙痕。1stenglish The ruts that we tend to find ourselves in seem to get deeper over time, until we can feel like there is no way out. 随着时间的推移,我们变得似乎能更深层次地理解我们自己,直到我们感觉到无路可循。 yeeyan The photos also show ruts left by a roving vehicle and even backpacks pitched out of the lunar landers before the US visitors returned to Earth. 照片上还清楚地显示了探险车在月球表面留下的车辙,以及美宇航员返航前从着陆舱中丢弃的背包。 kekenet And I'm convinced self- depreciation goes right to the heart of our financial ruts. 我确信自我贬值促成了我们理财习惯的核心。 chinastudents As I've noted before, when people say they want to go off the beaten track, you never know just how deep into the ruts they really want to head. 正如我以前说过的,当人们声称想打破常规的时候,你永远不知道他们想打破到什么程度。 blog.sina.com.cn At other times they plod along in drawn- out lines, creating deep ruts in the dusty soil. 那时它们的阵线拉得很长,沉重的脚步在尘土里踏出深深的印迹。 iciba Bikes are fitted with a small electronic tag. When the bike is placed into the ruts of the bike tree machine, a sensor logs the owner's details. 每辆自行车都会贴上一个小型电子标签,当自行车被推入“自行车树”的车辙内后,一个传感器会记录下车主的详细信息。 yeeyan But don’t bother trying to kill off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the brain, they’re there to stay. 但是,不要白费力气试图戒除旧习惯;一旦这些惯有程序融进脑部,它们就会留在那里。 kekenet Commissary wagons with torn canvas covers rocked through the ruts. 盖着破帆布的军需车摇摇晃晃地在凌乱的车辙中驶着。 bab Down on the plain, the heavens have opened, huge drops of rain hammering into the muddy ruts which mark the road around the turn-off to the refinery. 在下面的平原上,暴雨滂沱,大滴的雨点敲打在泥泞的车辙上,车辙标识出沿着岔道通往炼铝厂的道路。 yeeyan Eventually help came and we were towed out of the huge ruts, my tires as smooth as a baby's behind. 帮手终于来了,我们被拖出巨大的槽沟,轮胎光滑得就像婴儿的屁股蛋。 blog.sina.com.cn How worn and dusty, then, must be the highways of the world, how deep the ruts of tradition and conformity! 想人世的公路如何给践踏得尘埃蔽天,传统和习俗形成了何等深的车辙! blog.sina.com.cn If you come across some wheel ruts halfway up the hill, what do you do? 如果行进到半山腰时,车辆前方突然出现几条车辙,那你应当什么办? yeeyan If we associate closely with those who, while not given up to moral recklessness, live their lives comfortably adjusted to mundane routines, we too will remain stuck in the ruts of the commonplace. 我们若与那些虽未放纵于道德之不端,然已舒适地纳入世俗惯习者频繁交往,也将继续沦陷于庸碌人生之旧辙。 blog.sina.com.cn It's easy to fall into routines that turn into ruts, but trying new things literally triggers a happiness response in the brain. 人很容易陷入常规而停滞不前,但尝试一些新鲜事儿却能激起大脑的快乐反应。 yeeyan Passengers were still complaining about the ruts in the road but that's about all that was the same. 乘客们仍然在一直抱怨着路上的车辙,但是情况还是和以前一样。 ebigear People pulled their carts and rode their carriages over the streets cutting deep ruts into the turtle's shell. 人们在马路上开车骑马,车辙深深地切进了龟壳内; blog.sina.com.cn Relationship ruts and boredom are common. 关系的发情和厌倦是很普通的。 yeeyan She leered. Tears slid, tears fell; tears, like diamonds, collecting powder in the ruts of her cherry blossom cheeks. 她用挑逗的眼光看着他。眼泪滴溜溜地流了下来,像钻石,吸附着她那樱花色脸颊褶皱里的化妆粉底。 kcpt.cidp.edu.cn She looked down the glaring red road, cut in deep ruts where cannon wheels and ambulances had gone over it. 她顺着红光闪烁的大路向前望去,只见路上尽是深陷的车辙,那是炮车和救护车碾过后留下来的。 jukuu The sol- gel method could be classified into three kinds of ruts: colloidal sol- gel route, inorganic polymeric gel route, and organic polymeric gel route. 最基本的无机聚合凝胶法是醇盐水解法,也是目前应用得最广泛也是最成功的一种溶胶-凝胶制备方法。 cnki The truck bumped and rumbled along on a washboard surface cut with deep ruts. Some of the ruts were running with water. 我的卡车在搓板似的路面上颠簸,地上还有很多深沟,有的沟里还有流水。 yeeyan There is such a human desire to be different from what we are, to get out of the present ruts, that anything which offer a change always has a tremendous appeal to average humanity. 人类有一种热烈的欲望,想把今日的我们变成另一种人,脱离现在的常规。只要是可以促成变迁的事物,一般人便趋之若鹜。 crazymouth.com They point to places like Argentina and Russia, which defaulted and briefly struggled before emerging from their economic ruts unexpectedly well. 他们指出,阿根廷、俄罗斯等国在经历了违约后的短暂沉浮后,很快就出乎意料地重回正轨。 fortunechina Thorough planning can help smooth out the road, but there will be some ruts in the road that threaten to rip the wheels off of the car. 通过周密的计划能够铺平道路,但是总有着一些不平可能会让你有翻车的危险。 ebigear Visitors can explore the ruins of the buildings and the ruts made by wagons. And they can follow the path of the trail over a modern highway. 游客们可以在此探寻那时的建筑遗迹和当时四轮马车所留下的车辙,而且游客们还可以沿着这条路越过一条现代的公路。 yeeyan What they did not always realise, as their cars left tyre- ruts on his property, was exactly what Mr Salinger had been doing there. 但是,当他们把轮胎印留在他的“领地”上的同时,他们并不总是搞得懂塞林格到底在那儿做着什么。 putclub When you experience these ruts in your relationship, don't let sex go by the wayside. 当你的感情生活在经历这些俗事的时候,别让你的性生活靠边站。 pengyouwo |