

单词 rushkoff
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By adding this concept to our cognitive toolkit, Rushkoff argues, we will have a better chance of using technologies“ consciously and purposefully” and of resisting that bias.
洛西科夫认为,意识到这种偏见的存在之后,人们将来更有可能“有意识有目的地”运用技术并抑制偏见。 yeeyan

But Rushkoff's ideas are more complex.
但是,洛西克夫的观点还要更加复杂。 yeeyan

In Rushkoff's view, Charles and Sandra are victims of corporations and governments that have spent decades inculcating people into being commuters and consumers.
在洛西克夫看来,查尔斯和桑德拉是企业和政府的受害者。 企业和政府,几十年以来一直灌输给人们要他们成为庸碌的劳动者和消费者的想法。 yeeyan

Technology scholar Douglas Rushkoff nominates the concept that technologies have an“ embedded bias” rather than being blank slates from which any outcome can arise.
来自技术专家道格拉斯·洛西科夫的提名是:技术存在一种“固有的偏见”,而不是一张可以留下任何痕迹的白纸。 yeeyan

Rushkoff says he started working on the book more than four years ago although getting mugged brought the project into sharper focus.
洛西克夫说他着手写这本书有超过四个年头了虽然是遭遇抢劫才使这个作品聚焦于一个更尖锐的主题。 yeeyan




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