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词汇 ruse
释义 ruse 英ruːs, ruːz美rus, ruzAHDr›s, r›z

a deceptive maneuver especially to avoid capture来自古法语 ruse,诡计,恶做剧,来自 reuser,躲避,逃避,欺骗,词源同 rouse.ruse of war战略
GRE红宝书ru入, se色: 只有用诡计才能使你进入色情的状态.
rose 送玫瑰花是得到爱情的诡计
联想记忆用玫瑰rose来骗取ruse姑娘的芳心 ⇒骗术,诡计GRE难词记忆ruse→sure a.肯定的→他肯定会用计策的GRE难词记忆ruse→user n.用户→诡计多端的用户近义词 con骗局hoax欺骗wile诡计scam骗局ploy策略plot情节trick诡计fraud欺骗dodge避开stunt特技device装置artifice诡计pretense借口deception骗局diversion转向subterfuge遁词

用作名词Their firstrusehaving failed, then tried another.他们一计不成, 又施一计。
The criminal adoptedruseto escape detection.这罪犯采取诈术来逃避侦破。
To feign frankness is aruseof war.装作坦白,是为了作战的目的。noun.trick, deception
同义词 feint,game plan,gimmick,hoax,ploy,sham,stratagem,stunt,subterfugeangle,artifice,blind,deceit,device,dodge,gambit,game,imposture,jig,maneuver,scenario,shenanigans,shift,switch,twist,wilebooby trap,curveball
反义词 frankness,honesty,openness,reality,stagnation,truth,truthfulness
artificenoun hoax;clever act
bluffnoun boast;deceit
bluster,braggadocio,bragging,bravado,deception,delusion,facade,fake,false colors,false front,feint,fraud,front,humbug,jiving,lie,pretense,pretext,ruse,sham,show,snow,stall,subterfuge,trick
chicanerynoun deception, trickery
artifice,cheating,chicane,deviousness,dishonesty,dodge,double-crossing,double-dealing,duplicity,feint,fourberie,fraud,furtiveness,gambit,hanky-panky,intrigue,machination,maneuver,plot,ploy,ruse,sharp practice,skullduggery,sophistry,stratagem,subterfuge,surreptitiousness,underhandedness,wiles
contrivancenoun plan, fabrication
craftnoun deceit, scheme
craftsnoun deceit, scheme
abilities,adeptness,adroitness,aptitudes,artistry,arts,cleverness,competences,cunning,dexterities,expertness,ingenuity,knacks,know-hows,proficiencies,techniques It was all a ruse, they say, to make it sound to centrist voters that he could be trusted with America’s security even as he milked the anti- Iraq war movement for every vote and dollar he could get.
共和党人称,其时正当奥巴马从反伊拉克战争运动中获益,他让中间派选民以为可以将美国国家安全托付给他,这招是耍阴谋诡计。 ecocn

The rebels' reported capture of two of the colonel's sons in hindsight may have been a loyalist ruse, to throw the rebellion off the scent while the ruling family planned its getaway.
关于卡扎菲的儿子被捕的报道现在看来可能是忠实派的计策,来故意误导反动派从而辅助卡扎菲家庭计划出逃。 ecocn

The most recent ruse is the proposal for a“ trigger” — the public option will only become available if private insurers fail to meet certain performance criteria.
他们最近的的策略就是提议建立一个“触发机制”——只有在私营保险未能达到绩效标准的时候,公众的选择权才是有效的。 yeeyan

The ruse worked, and12 hours after he first hooked him, Grant pulled in a50- pounder.
计策生效了,十二小时后他终于钓到了他,骄傲的格兰特拖拽着这条重达50磅鲑鱼。 ecocn

After receiving the brown envelope from his broker, he would divide the money between team-mates in on the ruse.
在收受了经纪人的“棕色信封”后,他便把钱分给队友,让他们在比赛中作假。 yeeyan

An offer to talk or just another ruse?
一个谈判的契机或者只是一个诡计? ecocn

But my father loves to tease, so he kept the ruse up for some time, and after that night I never played the game again.
父亲喜欢逗弄我,所以他会持续一段时间,所以在那晚之后我再也没有玩过这个游戏了。 yeeyan

But it was a ruse and within hours he underwent the painful treatment.

But that too, it seems, was just another ruse.
然而这看来同样是他的另一个诡计。 yeeyan

Imaginary enemies are a desperate ruse to provide the union with coherence.
假想的敌人是一个为了团结欧盟迫不得已的策略。 ecocn

In fact this was just a ruse to ensure the participants couldn't physically see the other people they were talking to.
实际上这是一个策略,以保证被试无法看到和自己谈话的人。 yeeyan

It needs to be more than a re-election ruse.
它需要的远多于连任的诡计。 yeeyan

Michael Ruse teaches the history and philosophy of science at Florida State University.
迈克尔鲁斯在弗罗里达州大学教历史和科学哲学。 yeeyan

Michael Ruse teaches the history and philosophy of science at Florida State University. His next book is on philosophical questions arising out of human evolution.
迈克尔鲁斯在弗罗里达州大学教历史和科学哲学。他的下一本书是关于人类进化引起的哲学问题。 yeeyan

Once they discovered this ruse, the Chinese buyers, already suspicious, became far more cautious in their dealings.
这一诡计曝光之后,原本就疑心重重的中国买家在交易中就变得更加谨慎了。 yeeyan

Shaikh, who is imprisoned in the isolated north- western city of Urumqi, was the victim of an elaborate ruse to exploit his mental condition, say his supporters.
谢赫被关在偏僻的西北城市乌鲁木齐。支持者称,他因患有精神疾病而被利用,是一个精心策划诡计的牺牲品。 yeeyan

Sniffer dogs seemed to take a particular interest in his shorts and the ruse was up, leaving him naked from the waist down and in handcuffs.
嗅探犬似乎对他的短裤表现出了特别的兴趣,于是这个骗子就完蛋了,脱下了腰部以下的衣物同时戴上了手铐。 yeeyan

Such a ruse relied on credible monetary policy in both Britain and America.
这一策略主要依赖英国与美国可靠的货币政策。 ecocn

That was just a ruse, to get you to click the link.
这只是一个诡计,诱你点击链接,阅读文章。 yeeyan

The protesters also accused Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of using the cleaning as a ruse to shut down their activity.
示威者还指控布朗伯格市长利用整理市容的诡计来阻碍示威游行。 yeeyan

The rebels’ reported capture of two of the colonel’s sons in hindsight may have been a loyalist ruse, to throw the rebellion off the scent while the ruling family planned its getaway.
反对派发表讲话说他们已经捉获了卡扎菲的两个儿子,这个有可能是反对独立者的策略,让两个儿子吸引反对派的注意,让统治家族能够逃脱。 yeeyan

The wave of petrol bomb attacks is more likely a ruse orchestrated by the police as part of the king's renewed repression of political opposition and civil society.
这一波的汽油炸弹袭击可能是国王对反对派政敌和民间社会新一轮压迫的一部分,是由警方精心策划的诡计。 yeeyan

The ruse did not save Mr Mappus.
这条计策没能挽救马普斯。 ecocn

When he was in charge of Porto, Mourinho had employed the ruse before a game at Benfica and it worked.

Years later we realized her marks were a ruse. My mother was illiterate; she had only received a third- grade education.
多年以后,我们才恍然大悟,她给我们的评语是“诡计”,因为母亲并不识字,其实她仅仅有小学三年级文化。 yeeyan




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