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词汇 Rupert
释义 Ru·pert 英ˈruːpət美ˈrupətAHDr›“pərt 高Economist⁷⁴⁸⁰

English leader born in Germany of the Royalist forces during the English Civil War 1619-1682
用作名词Most of the timeRupertis the victim.大多数时间里倒霉的都是鲁珀特。
Of course Emma's going to have to kissRupert, how could I forget!艾玛当然是要吻鲁珀特的,我怎么给忘了! A protester wearing a giant Rupert Murdoch mask was parading in front of the media boss’s London home this week dressed as a convict.
本周一名戴着巨幅默多克相面具、身穿罪犯服装的抗议者在这位传媒大亨伦敦的家门口游行抗议。 ecocn

Rupert Murdoch said he expected that all of his websites would charge users for access within a year, despite his previous commitment that only some sites would experiment with such charges.
鲁伯特•默多克称,他预计要在一年内对他旗下的所有网站的使用者收费,尽管他之前曾承诺说只对一部分网站试验这种收费。 ecocn

During his long career as the pantomime villain of the media world, Rupert Murdoch has seen out many scandals, but nothing like this one.
在他常年扮演童话里坏人的媒体行业,默多克经历并送走很多流言蜚语和丑闻,但是没有一次像这次这么严重。 hjenglish

Ed Miliband has demanded the breakup of Rupert Murdoch's UK media empire in a dramatic intervention in the row over phone hacking.
埃德.米利班德要求解体鲁珀特.默多克在英国的媒体帝国,这源于他在一系列电话窃听事件当中戏剧性地介入。 yeeyan

Eventually, your senses overloaded, you feel the train slow as you close on your destination, the port of Prince Rupert, a looming silhouette of cranes tacked with red lights.
最后,你终于感觉已经看够了。接近目的地时车速慢了下来,鲁珀特王子港红灯闪亮的吊车剪影越来越近了。 yeeyan

He is constantly on the phone to her and to Rupert Murdoch.
他经常与撒切尔和鲁伯特默多克进行电话交谈。 yeeyan

He will also step down as boss of the Fox group of film studios and television stations, which will now report direct to Rupert Murdoch.
他也将辞去福克斯集团电影制片厂和电视台的经理职务,公司将由鲁珀特默多克负责。 ecocn

Her last question elicited the best answer of the day from Rupert Murdoch.
她的最后问题引出了鲁珀特•默多克今天最好的回答。 ecocn

Jasper, Alberta, to Prince Rupert, British Columbia, with an overnight stop in Prince George, BC.
从阿尔伯塔省的贾斯帕到不列颠哥伦比亚省的鲁珀特王子港,在乔治王子港过一夜。 yeeyan

Just for a moment, I wondered if we were watching the echt Rupert Murdoch.
就在一瞬间,我怀疑我们看见的是否是真正的鲁珀特•默多克。 yeeyan

NEWS reports suggested that the result was in doubt right up to the end, but Rupert Murdoch’s admirers were certain that he would prevail.
新闻报道都暗示现在盖棺定论还为时尚早,但是鲁珀特.默多克的粉丝们都确信他会获胜。 ecocn

One of several fatalities in the operation was the battalion’s commander, Lieutenant- Colonel Rupert Thorneloe.
在行动中的数个死亡事件之一是营指挥官鲁珀特中校的死亡。 ecocn

Others will follow: Rupert Murdoch, the Journal’s owner, has said he expects his other titles to start charging too.
其他人也在行动着,华尔街日报的所有者鲁珀特默多克,表示希望他旗下的其他报纸也开始收费。 yeeyan

Rival media outfits, including the BBC and Guardian Media Group, will wail and gnash their teeth at the prospect of Rupert Murdoch taking a larger slice of the British media pie.
包括 BBC和卫报传媒集团在内的竞争对手,看到默多克在英国媒体的汤中分得了最大的一杯羹,都将咬牙切齿痛哭流涕。 ecocn

Shortly after she married Rupert, The Wall Street Journal, in one of the more prurient stories in its mostly staid history, ran a detailed account of her life before Rupert.
在她嫁给默多克后不久,华尔街日报就一改往日一本正经的风格,以非常淫秽的笔触详细描绘了她嫁给默多克前的生活。 yeeyan

Some, such as Rupert Murdoch, are abandoning entirely the idea of free newspaper websites.
一些如默多克这样的人完全放弃了自由报纸网站的想法。 yeeyan

This annual event is a chance for the likes of Rupert Murdoch, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates to discuss the latest business and technology issues in a relaxed atmosphere.
这项一年一度的盛事是一个机会,这样的传媒大亨默多克,史蒂夫乔布斯和比尔盖茨,讨论最新的商业和技术问题在轻松的气氛。 yeeyan

We now know that Rupert just might be a doddering old fool, that his son can prevaricate with the best of them, and that Wendi Deng has clearly been put on edge by the whole experience.
现在我们知道,鲁伯特或许只是一个糊涂的糟老头子,他儿子则是尽其所能支吾其词,而且显然整个事件已经让他的妻子邓文迪变得神经紧张。 fortunechina

When they entrusted Rupert Murdoch with their money, they knew he would not let them tell him what to do with it.
当将自己的钱委托给鲁伯特·默多克时,他们知道他不会让他们告诉他该怎样处理这些钱。 ecocn

When Rupert Murdoch sees beams of light in the American advertising market, it is not necessarily time to reach for the sunglasses.
当鲁珀特·默多克看到美国广告市场上反弹的光芒时,那光线还不够刺眼戴太阳镜还为时过早。 hjenglish

Rupert Murdoch was at a conference of media and technology leaders in Idaho on Thursday, but had no comment for reporters.
默多克周四参加了在美国爱达荷州举办的一次媒体和科技领导人会议,但没有对记者发表评论。 tingvoa

Rupert Murdoch, the Beaverbrook of our age, once described them as the industry's rivers of gold— but, as he said last year, “ Sometimes rivers dry up.”
鲁珀特,默多克——我们这个时代的比弗布鲁克一曾把分类广告形容成报业的金河,但是,正如去年他所说的,“有时河流会干涸”。 ecocn

Rupert Murdoch apparently wants his employees to know that he does not take piracy lightly-- especially when it's one of his movies that is being illegally downloaded.
显然,鲁伯特默多克希望他的员工们认识到他对非法翻印有多么重视---尤其是当他的一部电影正在被非法下载时。 yeeyan

Rupert Murdoch suggested recently that he might start charging users of the websites of titles owned by News Corporation, as he already does with the Wall Street Journal.
鲁伯特默多克最近暗示,对于那些使用新闻有限公司网页标题的网站的用户,将会开始对其收取费用。此举已经在《华尔街日报》实施。 ecocn




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