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词汇 runtimes
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n.执行时间;运行时间原型runtime的复数 A domain consists of one or more cooperating SCA servers, or SCA runtimes, that host components in containers.
域包含了一个或多个协同操作的 SCA服务器或者 SCA运行时,它们将组件托管于容器之中。 infoq

An opportunity to leverage existing industry schemas and powerful XML tools and runtimes.
可以利用现有的行业模式以及强大的 XML工具和运行时。 ibm

By accessing memory through well- defined paths, the runtimes or in this case, kernels can verify that code is not accessing memory locations to which it should not have access.
通过定义好的路径——在当前情况下是运行时——访问内存,核心可以验证代码并没有访问不该访问的内存位置。 infoq

The Eclipse Platform is robust in such a way that other programming languages can use the debug facilities for their respective language runtimes.
Eclipse平台很健壮,因为其他编程语言可以将该平台提供的调试工具用于各自的语言运行时。 ibm

The IBM runtimes provide dump and trace engines that can generate either PHD- format or system dumps in a large number of interactive and event- based based scenarios.
IBM运行时环境提供了转储文件和跟踪引擎,它们可以在众多交互式和基于事件的场景中生成 PHD格式或系统转储文件。 ibm

A detailed specification is necessary for all implementers of Ruby runtimes.
存在一个详细的规格规范所有 Ruby运行时实现是很有必要的。 infoq

As computers have gotten more powerful, we've offloaded more and more mundane automatable tasks to languages and runtimes.
由于计算机变得越来越强大,我们对语言与运行时间的要求越来越高。 ibm

Because if you don't capture the developers, then the runtimes are basically secondary.
因为如果您没有抓住开发人员,运行时基本上是次要的。 ibm

Class libraries are reusable, but with the caveat that they be bounded by the language runtimes.
类库是可以重新使用的,但他们可能被限制于语言运行时环境。 cnblogs

Configuration synchronization will ensure that only configuration documents that can be consumed by Version5 runtimes are replicated to those nodes.
配置同步确保只有能被版本5运行时所使用的配置文档能够被复制到他们的节点中。 ibm

Deploy includes application deployment and runtimes such as Enterprise Service Buses ESB.
部署包括应用程序和运行时如企业服务总线—— Enterprise Service Buses, ESB的部署。 ibm

Finally, systems management products, agents, and instrumentation support the administration of the runtimes and the programming model artifacts they host.
最后,系统管理产品、代理和设备支持对运行时和它们托管的编程模型构件的管理。 ibm

If multiple Java runtimes are in use on a single machine at the same time, the physical memory must be sufficient to fit all of the Java heaps.
如果多个 Java运行时在一台机器上同时运行,则物理内存必须满足所有 Java堆的需要。 ibm

It combines tools, runtimes and middleware for building, testing, and deploying server- managed client software to pervasive devices.
它将工具、运行库和中间件组合在一起,以便构建、测试服务器托管的客户端软件并将其部署到普及设备上。 ibm

It's easy to hit native out- of- memory conditions with32- bit Java runtimes because the address space is relatively small.
在32位 Java运行时中,很容易出现本机内存不足的情况,因为地址空间相对较小。 ibm

JBI can be used as the infrastructure for creating runtimes that can deploy and execute applications described using SCA composites.
JBI可被作为创建运行时的基础设施使用,这些运行时可以部署和执行使用 SCA组合体Composite描述的应用。 infoq

Many notations and runtimes do not permit backward flowing connections.
许多表示法和运行时不允许向后传输连接。 ibm

Portals provide the ability to aggregate and integrate the UI similar to the way SOA runtimes combine and integrate services.
门户提供了聚合和集成 UI的功能,其方式与 SOA运行时组合和集成服务的方式类似。 ibm

The micro broker is implemented in Java and runs on the desktop and device runtimes provided by Lotus Expeditor as well as a J2SE Java runtime.
微代理使用 Java实现,并且在 Lotus Expeditor和 J2SE Java运行时所提供的台式机和设备运行时上运行。 ibm

The second trend I'll show throughout this series is the offloading of mundane details to programming languages and runtimes, allowing us to focus on the unique aspects of our programming problems.
我将在本系列中展示的第二个主题是,将琐碎的细节放到编程语言和运行时,我们只关注编程问题的特定方面。 ibm

The Eclipse plug-in allows you to associate target runtimes for Web applications.
这个 Eclipse插件允许指定 Web应用程序的目标运行时环境。 ibm

This choice has had a widespread impact on the evolution of Java runtimes built to improve performance.
这种选择对构建用于改善性能的 Java运行时具有广泛影响。 ibm

This is one of the reasons that neither of the open source SCA runtimes that I'm familiar with Fabric3 and Tuscany have been based on JBI.
这就是我所熟知的开源 SCA运行时 Fabric3和 Tuscany中没有一个基于 JBI的原因。 infoq

Use of third-party JAX- WS runtimes has limitations and requires certain configuration changes.
第三方 JAX- WS运行时的使用有一些限制,需要进行一些配置更改。 ibm

When we refer to the underlying“ runtime”, we will usually discuss the JVM, but most of what we will say applies equally to both runtimes.
当我们提到底层的“运行时”时,我们通常是指 JVM。但是许多我们提到的概念能同时运用于两种不同的运行时。 yeeyan




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