

单词 run their course
释义 run their course短语⁹⁰⁸⁸⁷⁺
自然地发展; 持续到自然结束
Still, the outlook for Japan remains unclear, and some analysts question whether the economy can sustain this recovery after stimulus measures at home and elsewhere run their course.
日本的前景依然不明朗,一些分析家怀疑,在国内及其它地方的刺激措施实施后,这种复苏势头能否保持住。 yeeyan

“ Those things have naturally run their course, and we're left with a very weak economy, ” Paul Ashworth, senior U. S. economist at Capital Economics.
“那些事情都是自然的规律,而我们剩下了一个十分疲软的的经济,”保罗艾希沃斯,在成本经济学的高级美国的经济学家。 aitrans

But EU leaders might still prefer to let the corruption cases run their course before admitting Croatia, lest they implicate more high-level figures.
不过欧盟的领导人更希望在承认克罗地亚之前,先放任腐败案不管,以免涉及更多的高层人物。 ecocn

Even if popping an aspirin before drinking did do anything to fight a hangover, its powers would have run their course well before you needed help.
即使喝酒前吞上一片阿司匹林的确可以对抗宿醉,它的药效早就在你需要帮助前就卸甲归田了。 yeeyan

Once these effects had run their course, rapid growth became much harder to sustain.
以前这些绩效都只是顺其自然,现在很难人为来维持高速发展了。 topsage

Or should financial crises be left to run their course?
金融危机还是应该留给自生自灭? pinggu

She heard a faint, delicate hesitation before he chose bother, and smiled in spite of her tears, which had pretty well run their course, anyway.
在他说打搅之前她听出微弱的、小心翼翼的踌躇,她露出笑容,尽管还流着眼泪,随便,顺其自然好了。 yeeyan

So I let my emotions run their course, and then respond when I’m calmer.
因此我让自己的情绪奔放,然后在平静下来后再回复。 yeeyan

There is much uncertainty about the economic impact of fiscal tightening, not least because some temporary measures will also have run their course by next year.
财经缩减对于经济的影响有很多的不确定性不仅仅是因为明年也有一些临时措施要实行。 ecocn




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