

单词 runs over
释义 runs over短语⁴²³⁴⁶
A bridge runs over the river.

A complex pattern of iridescent dots and lines, perfectly symmetrical, runs over the body, almost following the lines of the nervous or circulatory system.
一个复杂的由发光的点和线连结而成的图案对称地遍布整个身体,几乎跟随着神经系统或内分泌系统。 yeeyan

Afterwards, time strode over me slowly, like the road roller runs over the surface of an asphalt pavement that was not enough smooth.
后来,时间慢慢跨过我,像压路机碾过不够驯服的沥青路面。 yeeyan

Anything you update on one device instantly updates everywhere else, and your stuff is safe in case a truck runs over your laptop.
您在一台设备上的任何更新都将同步到其他所有设备,即使一辆卡车碾过您的笔记本您的数据也不会丢失。 yeeyan

If one crosses the path of a dead bird, road kill or runs over an animal oneself with one's own vehicle, it is a mirror of the karma one is transcending.
如果你穿过一条有一只死鸟的路,或自己开车辗死一只马路上的动物,它是你正在超越业力的一面镜子。 shuimo

In Version5, internal administrative communication between servers, and from administrative clients, is via SOAP by default, which runs over HTTP S.
在版本5中,服务器间的和来自管理客户端的内部管理通信在缺省情况下都是通过 HTTP S之上的 SOAP来进行的。 ibm

One study found that the average Galapagos car runs over seven birds a year.
有研究发现,在加拉帕戈斯群岛上,每辆车年均撞死七只鸟。 ecocn

Sometimes he runs over budget after inviting his colleagues to a fairly expensive dinner.
有时,丈夫可能因为请同事吃了顿大餐而超出预算。 i21st

Sometimes you just happen to be the person whose car runs over a nail in the road, and you end up with a flat tire.
有时候你就是那个人:开着小车,轮胎辗过钉子,最后轮胎瘪掉了。 yeeyan

The car runs over the bridge.
汽车驶过大桥。 hok7

Vary your routes and workouts, so you're not doing the same runs over and over again.
改变你的路线和训练,那样你就不会一遍又一遍地做着相同的事情。 yeeyan




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