

单词 runs off
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At the moment excess gunk runs off into rivers, gathers in lakes and produces toxic blooms of algae.
目前过剩的肥料流入河流,在湖中富集,有毒的藻类大量繁殖。 ecocn

The cooling suit runs off of the same onboard battery that powers the suit's lamp, fan, and comm link; a pump circulates a liter of ice water stored in a specially shaped bottle from head to toe.
冷却装置和套服中的照明、风扇、通讯器使用同样的内置电源;一个帮浦令一公升冰水储存在一个形状特殊的容器中从头到脚进行循环。 yeeyan

The robot platform runs off of two separate battery packs, which share only a ground.
机器人平台靠两组独立的电池运行,它们共享一根地线。 kuenglish

The time runs off in a hurry, but I am the whole are all at mark time originally!
时光匆匆的流失,而我一切都是在原地踏步! hicoo

As more water runs off, there is more erosion, while the drier conditions allow for a rise in the rodent population, which further decimates the soil.
随着更多的水分的流失,会有更多的侵蚀,同时旱情会让啮齿类动物数量上升,这又会毁坏土壤。 yeeyan

But you can’t coat yourself with plain water because it just runs off.
但是很明显,你并不能简单的在身上涂一层水,因为这很容易挥发。 yeeyan

Coming this summer: a Javelin system that runs off the natural voltage difference between a tree and the soil.
今年夏天,一个释放树木和土壤之间自然电压的 Javelin系统就要横空出世。 yeeyan

Coyote of the “ Road Runner” cartoons, who runs off the cliff and finds himself suspended in air before dropping to the valley floor.
Coyote笔下的卡通“公路奔跑者”,直到冲下悬崖才发现自己悬在空中,即将坠落谷底。 yeeyan

He runs off and hides in caves and stuff.

In addition, as it runs off fields it can contaminate water supplies and produce nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas.
此外,该肥在肥田的过程,还会给供水造成污染,它所产生的一氧化二氮,很有可能会成温室气体的来源。 yeeyan

One runs off and the other one stops to call911.
一个少年跑了,而另一个停下来打了911。 blog.sina.com.cn

Similarly, floods and droughts are symptoms of a carbon cycle gone wrong: when soil is compacted or eroded, rain evaporates or runs off.
同样地,水灾和旱灾的发生也是碳循环出现问题的直接表现:当土壤受到挤压或侵蚀,雨水就会蒸发,流失。 yeeyan

When the temperature reaches melting point, the metal runs off as a liquid and flows into special moulds.
当温度达到熔点时,金属成为熔液流出。再进入特别的铸模。 iciba

You should wear trail shoes if you are a runner who frequently runs off-road, and are looking for rugged shoes with great outsole traction and some weather- and water-resistant qualities.
如果你经常在野外活动,需要鞋底有良好的抓地性能,并能应对恶劣天气以及防水,那么你应该选择健行鞋。 yeeyan




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