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runs along短语³¹⁶⁵⁸ 基本例句 离开 It runs along a fixed route. 公交的线路是固定的。 blog.sina.com.cn The Taliban nowadays often adjudicate quarrels in the tribal areas, a wild buffer zone that runs along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan. 如今塔利班经常在部落地区的争端中起裁决作用,这是一个位于巴基斯坦与阿富汗边境地区的巨大缓冲区。 ecocn The thin corpus spongiosum runs along the underside of the shaft, enveloping the urethra, and accounts for all of the head. 薄的阴茎海绵体沿着柱状的阴茎体,包裹着尿道,并且占据了整个龟头。 yeeyan A squirrel runs along on a transmission line. 一只松鼠在一条输电线上奔跑。 bab An Afghan girl runs along a dirt path in her village on the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan. 一名阿富汗裔的小女孩在巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡郊外村庄的一条泥路上奔跑。 w167782.l209.myverydz.com Angkor Wat features the longest continuous bas- relief in the world, which runs along the outer gallery walls, narrating stories from Hindu mythology. 吴哥窟还拥有世界上最长的连续不断的浅浮雕,这些浅浮雕沿着外墙一路延伸,向人们讲述着印度神话中的故事。 englishmorning If the line only touches such a square, or runs along its edge for example, along a wall, it is still clear. 如果这条直线只是接触到这种方格或是沿著它的边例如沿著墙的话,它仍算是通畅的直线。 In ancient times, it was an important strategic outpost and communications link, as the Hexi corridor runs along the “neck” of the Gansu province. 在古代,由于河西走廊沿着甘肃之“脊”向西延伸,这里就具有重要的战略地位,是边防前哨,和通讯联络枢纽。 chinafanyi In the last frame, the shore of Egypt and Libya runs along the lower portion of the image, while the focus is on clouds over the Mediterranean Sea. 在最后一帧图像中,埃及和利比亚海岸与图像下边的部分平齐,焦点落在了覆盖着地中海的云层上。 yeeyan It then runs along channels to different parts of the garden. 水沿着渠道流往菜园的各个部分。 wwenglish Jack notices a mounted camera in the facility with its wires threading into a narrow conduit that runs along the ceiling. 杰克注意到在拘留中心内有安装摄像头,摄像头的电线穿过一排窄的线管,沿着天花板延伸下去。 yeeyan Thai soldiers periodically hear gunfire from the section of the river north of Thailand that runs along the border between Laos and Myanmar. 泰国士兵时不时地听到泰国北部河道部分传来枪声,该段河道流经老挝与缅甸的边境。 yeeyan |