

单词 runny
释义 run·ny 英ˈrʌniː美ˈrʌniAHDrŭnʹē ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁹⁶⁰³BNC²⁹²⁶²iWeb¹⁴⁵⁰⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
characteristic of a fluid; capable of flowing and easily changing shaperun,流淌,-y,形容词后缀。比喻用法。runny gluten粘软面筋
run跑,流+ny⇒流鼻涕的近义词 thin薄的fluid液体soft柔软的gooey胶粘的liquid液体的

用作形容词You've got arunnynose!你流鼻涕了!
Manatee fat is widely available to aidrunnynoses.治疗流鼻涕的海牛油随处都可以买到。
The butter had gonerunnyin the heat.黄油因为温度过高变得松软。
The sauce lookedrunnyso I added some more flour.调料汁看上去水分太多了,所以我往里面又加了点面粉。as in.fluid
同义词 flowingrunningaqueous,fluent,in solution,juicy,liquefied,lymphatic,melted,molten,serous,uncongealed,watery
反义词 inflexible,solid,stable,unchangeableas in.liquid
同义词 damp,melted,running,smooth,solvent,splashing,succulent,wetaqueous,deliquescent,dissolvable,dissolved,dulcet,fluent,fluidic,fusible,ichorous,juicy,liquefied,liquescent,liquiform,luscious,mellifluent,mellifluous,mellow,meltable,moist,molten,moving,pulpy,sappy,serous,soft,thawed,thin,uncongealed,viscous,watery
反义词 broken,dry,intermittentclose,condensed,dense,firm,frozen,hard,solid,unavailableas in.thin
同义词 watery,weakdiffuse,dilute,dispersed,fine,light,rarefied,refinedsubtle,wishy-washy
反义词 concentrated,dark,unrefineddense,efficient,fat,heavy,inflated,obese,solid,strong,thick,undilutedas in.watery
同义词 colorless,damp,moistadulterated,anemic,aqueous,bloodless,dilute,doused,flavorless,fluid,humid,insipid,marshy,pale,serous,sodden,soggy,tasteless,thin,washed,watered-down,waterlike,water-logged,weak,wet
反义词 dryconcentrated,dehydrated,solidas in.weak
同义词 thindilute,diluted,insipid,milk-and-water,tasteless,washy,waterish,watery,wishy-washy
反义词 concentrated,potent,strong,thick
fluidadjective liquid
aqueous,flowing,fluent,in solution,juicy,liquefied,lymphatic,melted,molten,running,serous,uncongealed,watery
liquidadjective fluid, flowing, melting
thinadjective diluted
thinneradjective diluted
thinnestadjective diluted
wateryadjective liquid, diluted
adulterated,anemic,aqueous,bloodless,colorless,damp,dilute,doused,flavorless,fluid,humid,insipid,marshy,moist,pale,runny,serous,sodden,soggy,tasteless,thin,washed,water-logged,watered-down,waterlike,weak,wet Stock up on groceries and other household items to save yourself from venturing out in public with a runny nose or watery eyes.
把杂物和其他的生活用品收起来,将自己从在公共场合鼻涕不断和眼泪汪汪的窘境中解救出来。 yeeyan

The common cold generally involves a runny nose, nasal congestion, and sneezing.
感冒通常会有流鼻涕、鼻塞及打喷嚏的现象。 iask.edu.sina.com.cn

The normal side effects of FluMist include fever, headache, muscle aches, runny nose, vomiting and wheezing.
喷雾疫苗正常的副作用有发烧、头痛、肌肉痛、流鼻涕、呕吐和喘息。 yeeyan

The problem is that to get a solid microbicide to all the right places, it is easiest if it starts off runny.
如何让固体杀菌剂到达正确的位置呢?如果杀菌剂开始流动了,问题就会变得很简单。 ecocn

The selection process, which the paper said is for the second batch of Chinese astronauts, will disqualify those who have runny noses, ringworm, drug allergies or bad breath.
该报表示中国宇航员的第二批的选拔过程,将淘汰掉那些流鼻涕,有癣病、药物过敏或是体味难闻的候选人。 yeeyan

About1 in5 people taking sibutramine get some of these side effects: headaches, a dry mouth, constipation, difficulty sleeping, an itchy, runny nose and a dry, sore throat.
服用西布曲明胶囊后,约每5人中就有1人产生如下副反应:头痛,口干,便秘,失眠,瘙痒,流鼻涕以及喉咙干痛。 yeeyan

All parents know that having kids is a blessing— except when it's a nightmare of screaming fits, diapers, runny noses, wars over bedtimes and homework and clothes.
所有的父母都明白孩子是老天的恩赐,当然这不包括那些噩梦般的尖叫、尿布、鼻涕和关于就寝时间、家庭作业和衣服的争吵。 yeeyan

Because a hot dog should be a dog that's hot and a runny nose should be a nose running, and a smelly foot should be a foot that has a nose on it.
因为“热狗”应该是一条热的狗,而“鼻涕虫”应该是一条流鼻涕的虫,而“香港脚”应该是在香港的脚。 yeeyan

Egg yolks should not be runny or liquid.
蛋黄不应是流淌的或液体状。 who

He was sitting in a plastic chair, dozens of women in ripped dresses singing and dancing around him, little children with runny noses and distended bellies squeezing his hand.
他坐在塑料椅子上,很多穿着裙子的妇女围着他唱歌,跳舞。流鼻涕的小孩子玩他的手掌。 yeeyan

He developed symptoms of fever and a runny nose on 13 September, was hospitalized on 20 September, and died on22 September.
他于9月13日出现发烧和流鼻涕症状,9月20日住院,并于9月22日死亡。 who

Histamine released by these cells causes small blood vessels to dilate, giving rise to the well-known symptoms such as itching and swelling in the mouth, skin rash, itchy or runny nose or diarrhoea.
由这些细胞释放出的组胺导致小血管扩张,引起众所周知的症状,比如搔痒、口腔肿胀、皮疹、鼻子发痒或流鼻涕,或腹泻。 yeeyan

If you are one of those people who are sensitive to this change, you will probably experience the symptoms of sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, stuffy or runny noses and scratchy throats.
如果你属于对这种改变很易过敏的人,那么你将有可能经历像打喷嚏、眼睛瘙痒流泪、鼻塞流鼻涕和喉咙刺痛等一些这样的症状。 yeeyan

Imagine knowing you’ll be too sick to go to work, before the faintest hint of a runny nose or a sore throat.
假设这么一种情况:可以根据一些非常微小的表现诊断你可能将会影响你工作的疾病,比如流鼻涕、喉咙痛。 yeeyan

Infectious bronchitis generally begins with the symptoms of a common cold: runny nose, sore throat, fatigue, and chilliness.
感染性支气管炎起病时,一般具有普通感冒症状;出现流鼻涕,喉痛,疲乏和寒战。 yeeyan

Kids might go from28 days of runny noses to24 per year.
儿童则可能把每年流鼻涕的时间从28天缩短到24天。 yeeyan

Measles causes a mild, red rash, high temperature, runny nose, and sore eyes.
麻疹能引起轻微、红疹、高烧、流鼻涕和眼痛。 yeeyan

Physicians also should educate parents to watch for such signs as chronically red or runny eyes or nose, paint or stains on the body or clothing, nausea, loss of appetite, and drooling.
医生还应该教导家长注意一些征兆,比如眼睛和鼻子长期性红肿、流泪、流鼻涕,身体或衣服上的油漆或污迹,恶心,厌食和流口水。 yeeyan

Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness boosting immune function and subjective as in happy people being less troubled by a scratchy throat or runny nose.
研究人员认为,这可以从客观和主观两方面来解释,从客观上说,快乐的情绪可以增强人体的免疫力;从主观上说,快乐的人对于嗓子疼、流鼻涕等感冒症状没那么敏感。 cri

Some people with swine flu also have reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
一些感染猪流感的病人出现了流鼻涕,咽喉痛,恶心,呕吐以及腹泻的症状。 yeeyan

Symptoms Headaches, aching limbs, fever, sore throat, cough, lethargy, runny nose.
头痛、腿痛、发热、喉咙痛、咳嗽、昏睡和流鼻涕。 yeeyan

The most common adverse reactions reported during clinical trials were fussiness, irritability, cough, runny nose, fever, loss of appetite and vomiting.
临床研究中最常报告的不良反应是易激惹、咳嗽、流鼻涕、发热、食欲缺乏,以及呕吐。 yeeyan

The rise will be fuelled by air pollution in urban areas which exacerbates the symptoms of sneezing, runny nose and eyes triggered by pollen, says the Hay Fever Health Report.
这一上升趋势主要是城市空气污染所造成的,污染也会加重像打喷嚏、流鼻涕以及花粉引起的眼睛不适等类似的病发症。 cri

Typical symptoms to watch for are similar to seasonal viruses and include fever, cough, headache, body aches, sore throat and runny nose.
典型的症状与季节性流感类似,包括:发烧,咳嗽,头痛,身体疼痛,嗓子发炎和流鼻涕。 yeeyan

When I said I don't smoke, she gave me3 packets of tissues that would be useful for my runny nose.
我说我不抽烟,她又换给我3包纸巾,说擦鼻涕用得上。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

When Rafe wipes his runny nose on his sleeve or blurts out a rude word, it never upsets me.
当 R用他的袖子擤鼻涕,或者从口里蹦出一些粗话时,我从不生气。 yeeyan




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