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词汇 running water
释义 running water 英'rʌnɪŋ 'wɔ:tə美'rʌnɪŋ 'wɔ:tə 短语¹²⁸⁶⁹
His mute and illiterate mother, and her extended family, raised her two sons in a small flat in Algiers with neither a lavatory nor running water.
加缪的母亲沉默寡言、目不识丁,她和家人共同抚养两个儿子,住在阿尔及利亚的一套小公寓里,没有厕所也没有自来水。 ecocn

It does not, however, have running water— except through the roof in the rainy season.
不过,除了下雨时从屋顶流下雨水,这间旅馆至今没有什么自来水。 yeeyan

Breuning was born on 21 September1896, in Minnesota and spent his early life in South Dakota. His family had no electricity or running water.
1896年九月21日,布莱宁出生在明尼苏达州,他早年居住在达科他南部。那时候他家里还没用上电和自来水。 yeeyan

Ger districts lack running water and other basic services.
蒙古包区没有自来水和其他基础设施。 yeeyan

He and a partner rented a room at a local hotel and then marketed it to ger dwellers, who lack running water, as a place to take a shower or a bath.
他和一位合伙人在当地的旅馆租了一间房间,再把它转租给那些没有自来水用的蒙古包居民,让他们在那里洗澡沐浴。 yeeyan

His grandparents raised him in rural China, in a home without running water or electricity.
他的祖父母将他在中国的农村抚养长大,那里没有活水和电。 yeeyan

Houses were made of sticks covered by mud. There was no electricity or running water.
房屋由覆盖着泥巴的木棍建造而成,这里没有电力与自来水。 yeeyan

In endorsing polygamy, these women, particularly those in remote rural areas without running water, may be less concerned with loneliness than with something more pragmatic: help with the chores.
在签署一夫多妻协议时,这些女性,尤其是边远地区连自来水都没有的地方的女性,可能比起孤独更需要实际的东西:帮忙做家务。 yeeyan

In India, for example, many rural inhabitants have no access to power or running water, meaning that any low- cost water purifier must be able to operate in the most basic environment.
例如,在印度许多农村居民没有电或自来水,也就是说,任何低成本的净水器必须能够在最基本的自然环境下工作。 yeeyan

It can be used on fresh spinach and lettuce too before rinsing under running water, because vinegar isn’t going to taint the taste of your salad!
它也可以在自来水冲洗前,用来对新鲜菠菜和生菜进行清洗下,因为醋是不会败坏沙拉的味道。 yeeyan

Most of the houses have no electricity and no running water.
大多数房子都没有通电,也没有自来水。 yeeyan

Most residents of Kandahar have no running water and rely on canals and wells for their water needs.
大部分的坎大哈居民没有自来水,只能靠沟渠里的水和井水来满足他们的用水需求。 yeeyan

She used the royalties to purchase a run- down farmhouse in New Hampshire, where she raised four children without the aid of electricity or running water until her youngest child was five years old.
她用所获得的版税购置了一座位于新罕布什尔的古旧农舍,她在那里抚养四个孩子长大,直到她最小的孩子五岁之前农舍都无法使用电和自来水。 yeeyan

Some people live without running water, or in homes heated by kerosene.
有些人住的地方没有自来水或家里仍然使用煤油取暖。 yeeyan

Some villages in their home region near the Turkish border do not have running water.
在他们家乡,一些靠近土耳其边境的村庄甚至没有自来水。 ecocn

Someday, they’ll build wireless Internet into every building, just the way they build in running water, heat and electricity today.
总有一天,他们会在每栋建筑里都建起无线互联网,就像今天安装自来水、暖气和电一样。 yeeyan

The village now has about a dozen of these houses, with electricity and running water.
现在,村子里已经有大约十几座这样的房子了,里面都通了电,还有自来水。 yeeyan

Then, rinse well under running water.
然后,用自来水好好冲洗。 hjenglish

There’s nothing between you and them— no buildings, no radios, no TV, no BlackBerry, no running water— just you and the elements.
只有我和他们—没有建筑物、没有收音机、没有电视、没有黑莓手机、没有自来水—只有你和大自然。 yeeyan

There is no electricity or running water, and very little fuel.
这里没有电,没有自来水,只有少量的燃料。 yeeyan




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