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词汇 running off
释义 running off短语¹⁵⁶⁹⁴

名词 runoff:
the occurrence of surplus liquid as water exceeding the limit or capacitya final election to resolve an earlier election that did not produce a winneras in.abscond
同义词 bolt,break,decamp,disappear,escape,fade,flee,get,hightail,jump,leave,quit,scram,skedaddle,slip,split,vamoose,vanishbeat it,clear out,cut and run,dog it,duck out,fly the coop,go AWOL,go south,make a break,make off,make scarce,pull out,run off,skip out,sneak away,steal away,take off
反义词 appear,arrive,come,continue,face,join,remain,stay,strengthen,waitabide,endure,give up,stop,yieldas in.make off
同义词 abscond,bolt,clear,cut and run,decamp,depart,escape,fly,go,leave,make away,quit,retire,run,run for it,run off,scamper,scoot,skedaddle,skip,withdraw
反义词 stay,waitas in.print
同义词 disseminate,engrave,imprint,mark,publish,reissue,reprint,stampcompose,impress,issue,letter,offset,setgo to press,let roll,publication calligraph,put to bed,run off,set type,strike offas in.jump bail
同义词 escape,flee,leave town,run offas in.lam
同义词 abscond,avoid,blow,bolt,circumvent,decamp,depart,desert,disappear,dodge,double,duck,elope,elude,emerge,evade,flee,fly,leave,pass,run,shun,skip,slip,vanishbail out,break out,burst out,cut and run,cut loose,duck out,fly the coop,get away,get away with,get off,give someone the slip,go scot-free,make a getaway,make getaway,make off,make oneself scarce,play hooky,run away,run off,run out on,slip away,steal away,take a powder,take flight,take it on the lam,take on the lam,work out of,wriggle out
反义词 accept,aid,appear,arrive,assist,come,come in,confront,continue,encounter,face,help,meet,remain,stand,stay,stop,take on,wait,walkas in.drain
同义词 diminish,flow,leak,ooze,reduceabate,decline,decrease,dwindle,effuse,exude,percolate,trickle,wellfilter off,flow out,leave dry,osmose,run off,taper off
反义词 expand,extend,grow,increase,develop,enlarge,risefill,pouras in.elope
同义词 run offabscond,bolt,decamp,disappear,escape,flee,fly,leave,skipgo secretly,go to Gretna Green,slip away,slip out,steal away
反义词 continue,face,meet,remain,stay,waitas in.enumerate
同义词 calculate,itemize,recite,specify,spell out,take account ofcite,compute,detail,figure,identify,inventory,mention,name,number,particularize,quote,recapitulate,reckon,recount,rehearse,relate,specialize,sum,tally,tell,totaladd up,count noses,keep tabs,run down,run off,tick off
反义词 conceal,estimate,guess,hide,neglect,subtract,not countas in.escape
同义词 avoid,depart,disappear,dodge,elude,emerge,evade,flee,fly,leave,run,slip,slip away,vanishabscond,bolt,circumvent,decamp,desert,double,duck,elope,pass,shun,skipbail out,burst out,cut and run,cut loose,duck out,fly the coop,get away with,get off,go scot-free,make getaway,make off,make oneself scarce,play hooky,run away,run off,run out on,steal away,take a powder,take flight,take on the lam,work out of,wriggle out
反义词 appear,arrive,come,confront,continue,encounter,face,meet,stand,stay,take on,wait,walk,accept,aid,assist,helpcapture,remain Already, Pakistan has accused India of diverting too much water from rivers running off the Himalayas;
巴基斯坦指责印度引下过多喜马拉雅山脉流下的河水; yeeyan

And the thought doesn't send him running off to his man cave.
意味着这个想法不会把他吓得溜进他自己的私人空间男人避世所。 yeeyan

The former car dealer had been accused by a colleague of running off with two vehicles valued at5m naira$43, 200.
他曾是一个汽车经销商,被他的一位同事控告携带总值为5百万奈拉合43,200美元的两辆汽车而潜逃。 ecocn

Abuse of power not only damages the rights and interests of taxpayers, but also causes the running off of the state's revenue, and the consequent social injustice.
权力的滥用,不但损害了纳税人的合法权益,也导致国家税款的流失和因税收而产生的社会不公。 cnki

At present, there is water and soil running off in the main environment geology problem of soil factor.
目前土壤因子出现的主要环境地质问题有水土流失、盐碱化、土壤污染。 chemyq

Bella puts herself before her family: Bella knows that becoming a vampire and running off with Edward means she’ll risk never seeing her parents ever again — but she does it anyway.
Bella将自己比家庭看得更重要: Bella深知自己变成吸血鬼和 Edward私奔就意味着她得冒着此生再也见不到双亲的危险——而她却想尽办法这样做。 hjenglish

Didn't actually see this film, but judging by this clip of the beautiful Mia Kirshner in a sexy schoolgirl outfit, I'd probably be running off to the nearest video rental shop before the day ends.
虽然实际上并没有看过这部电影,但是单单从米亚·科施那在海报中那身性感的学生套装来看,我很有可能会立刻冲到最近的影碟出租店,借来一睹为快。 yeeyan

I taught Trey to ride a bike, but not before running off curbs and toppling over about a dozen times first.

I wish that the board had kept him from running off the tracks.
我希望董事会先前制止过他的出轨。 yeeyan

So guys of a certain age who don’t want to look like they’ve passed their “use- by” date are always running off at lunchtime to get their roots done.
所以男人到了一定年纪如果不想被人看做过了“保质期”的话,肯定得时常在午餐时间染好他们的发根。 yeeyan

Sometimes if I'm running off for a quick weekend, I designate a compartment of my wallet, and throw my receipts in.
有时利用周末进行短期旅行时,我会在钱包里专门留一个隔层放收据。 hjenglish

That's a lot of worry and trouble for one night of sex, and it could all be avoided by getting to know the person a bit before running off to the bedroom.
这就是一夜情的烦恼和麻烦。 而这完全可以避免,只要你在冲向卧室前多了解对方一点。 yeeyan

The dog running off with the ball is the BP oil spill.
而狗突然跑出来追球就好比是发生了英国石油公司漏油事件。 yeeyan

These measures have improved staff's job enthusiasm and satisfaction, staff decreases running off rate, The institute has made the good economic benefits too.
这些措施提高了员工的工作积极性和满意度,员工流失率降低,研究所也取得了良好的经济效益。 cnki

They’re so busy running off in too many different directions that they overlook the opportunity to develop a powerful brand that actually stands for something today and tomorrow.
他们太忙于尝试太多不同的方向,却忽视了建立一个强大品牌的机会,实际上这种做法表示企业更注重今天而非明天。 yeeyan

They may have a little fun chasing each other or running off a few birds from your bird feeder.
它们还会互相嬉戏,追赶,从鸟食器那儿追赶小鸟。 yeeyan

Unfortunately, this won't be the case, and you might find yourself running off to figure out how to capture the keypress event to mimic this function.
遗憾的是,情况并非如此,您可能会发现自己必须努力确定如何捕获按键事件来模拟这个功能。 ibm

You may see them stop and enjoy an acorn, or you may see them collecting acorns and running off to hide them.
你会看到它们停下来,拿住一只橡子慢慢品尝;或者看到它们收集橡子,又很快地跳走,把橡子藏起来。 yeeyan




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