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词汇 rummage
释义 rum·mage 英ˈrʌmɪdʒ美ˈrʌmɪdʒAHDrŭmʹĭj ★☆☆☆☆高IS八COCA¹⁶⁴¹¹BNC⁵⁹⁶⁹¹iWeb²¹¹⁶⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹


look through many things

vi. 翻找,搜寻


a jumble of things to be given awaya thorough search for something often causing disorder or confusion;

he gave the attic a good rummage but couldn't find his skis

search haphazardly;

We rummaged through the drawers

rum-,屋子,室,词源同 room,-age,名词后缀。原义为检查船舱堆放货物是否捆绑牢固,后引 申词义乱翻,搜寻。rummage sale清仓大拍卖捐赠品义…jumble sale废旧杂货廉价拍卖…
GRE难词记忆rummage→roomage n.(空间→在有限的空间里翻来翻去地找 roomagen.空间⇒在有限的空间里翻来翻去地找近义词 dig挖comb梳子hunt狩猎dive潜水scour擦洗delve探究reach到达search搜寻fumble摸索plunge使投入dip into浸入ferret out追猎ransack彻底搜索grope暗中摸索look through 看穿ferret about各处搜寻ransacking动词ransack的现在…poke around到处寻找到处闲逛…
用作名词n.He had a good rummage inside the sofa.他把沙发内部彻底搜寻了一番。用作动词v.
S+~+AI rummaged through my clothing,looking for a pair of winter socks.我把衣服翻了个遍,想找一双冬天穿的袜子。Prummagern.搜查者检查者

用作动词Larry had torummagethrough several cartons.拉里不得不翻了好几个纸盒。
The old lady began torummagein her pocket for her spectacles.老太太开始在口袋里摸索,找她的眼镜。
Irummagedout some old clothes and give them to the man at the door?我找出些旧衣服送给门口的那个人。用作名词He had a goodrummageinside the sofa.他把沙发内部彻底搜寻了一翻。
She gave a goodrummagearound her basement but couldn't find her radio anywhere.她在地下室翻箱倒柜但是找不到她的收音机。verb.ransack, search
同义词 comb,forage,poke,scourdelve,disarrange,disarray,disorder,disorganize,disrupt,disturb,examine,explore,fish,grub,hunt,jumble,rake,root,seek,shake,spy,tossbeat the bushes,dig out,ferret out,leave no stone unturned,look high and low,mess up,mix up,search high heaven,shake down,turn inside out,turn upside down
反义词 arrange,calm,cover,neaten,neglect,order,organize,soothe,systematize
clutternoun disarray, mess
combverb search by ransacking
beat,beat the bushes,examine,finecomb,forage,go through with fine-tooth comb,grub,hunt,inspect,investigate,leave no stone unturned,look high and low,probe,rake,ransack,rummage,scour,screen,scrutinize,search high heaven,sift,sweep,turn inside out,turn upside down
delveverb dig into task, action
burrow,dig,dredge,examine,excavate,explore,ferret out,go into,gouge out,inquire,investigate,jump into,leave no stone unturned,look into,probe,prospect,ransack,really get into,research,rummage,scoop out,search,seek,shovel,sift,spade,trowel,turn inside out,unearth
derangeverb make crazy;confuse
confound,craze,dement,disarrange,disarray,discommode,discompose,disconcert,disorder,disorganize,displace,distract,disturb,drive mad,frenzy,madden,make insane,mess up,misplace,muss,perplex,ruffle,rummage,unbalance,unhinge,unsettle,upset
dislocateverb displace
break,disarticulate,disconnect,disengage,disjoint,disorder,disrupt,disturb,disunite,divide,jumble,misplace,mix up,move,put out of joint,remove,rummage,separate,shift,transfer,unhinge,upset
disorderverb mix up, disarrange
clutter,confound,confuse,derange,discompose,discreate,dishevel,disjoint,dislocate,disorganize,disrupt,distemper,disturb,embroil,jumble,mess up,muddle,muss up,rummage,rumple,scatter,shuffle,tumble,unsettle,upset She uses her cane to rummage through the dump and pick out plastic bags and bottles to exchange for money in order to pay for her children's schooling.
用拐杖扒垃圾堆,然后有塑胶袋塑胶瓶她就捡起来,然后换钱供她那些小孩读书。 newdaai

This article based on from the establishment and development of the color theory, rummage the color perceptible system which focus on physics, chemistry and physiology.
当代艺术家在继承和发展这些理论系统的基础上建立了新的认识系统。 fabiao

To search laboriously by or as if by digging; rummage.
搜寻辛苦地挖掘或如挖掘般地寻找; iciba

Allowing academics to rummage in secret files presents problems both for the spooks and the academics.
允许学者翻阅秘密档案,体现了间谍与学者两方面的问题。 ecocn

America's Supreme Court has also acknowledged the importance of waste, ruling that police may rummage through trash left out for collection without a warrant.
美国最高法院也已经承认了垃圾的重要,规定警察可以未经许可翻找扔掉的垃圾。 topsage

Among other limits, soldiers legally can detain only people caught in the act of a crime as they check suspicious cars, rummage through trash cans and gather intelligence from neighbors.

Believe it or not, you can rummage through a lot of resumes before you find one without errors.

But we needed even more room, so hours before our scheduled airport pickup, I left a house full of friends and family downstairs to rummage through the attic for an extra bag.
但装东西的家什还是不够,所以,飞机起飞前几小时,我只得置满屋子的亲朋好友于不顾,跑到阁楼上去再找一只箱包。 neworiental

I had a rummage in drawers.
我在抽屉翻找。 hotdic

I had to rummage drawer while to find, while constantly telling myself: perhaps to find a money, it may be two dollars.
我只好翻找抽屉,一边找,一边不断地告诉自己:或许会找出一块钱,或许两块钱呢。 dota123

I had a good rummage in the library through the files.

If you're adventurous enough to rummage through the PEPs, you can find more in- depth information there.
如果您具备足够的探索精神愿意深入研究所有的 PEP,那么您一定能够从中获得更深入的信息。 ibm

In such circumstances it makes a lot of sense to invite outside examiners to rummage about in filing cabinets and ask difficult“ what if” questions.
在这样的情况下,邀请局外的评估者来彻查档案柜或者提出高难度的“万一”一类的问题要合乎清理得多。 ecocn

One way of getting a snapshot of their lives would be to rummage through their rubbish, and that is pretty much what metabolomics does.
了解他们的生活的一种方法就是去翻他们的垃圾,这和代谢组学所要做的很相似。 ecocn

Part of the fun of vacation at home was the chance to go through Mom's hoard of rummage, destined for the less fortunate.
返家度假的部分乐趣是翻妈的杂物堆,那儿放着不值钱的东西。 hotdic

Presently Beth and Amy woke to rummage and find their little books also, one dove-colored, the other blue, and all sat looking at and talking about them, while the east grew rosy with the coming day.
不一会,贝思和艾美也醒来了,翻寻到各自的小书--一本乳白色,另一本蓝色--四姐妹于是坐着边看边讨论,不觉东方已泛起红霞,新的一天又告开始。 kekenet

She bought her clothes at rummage sales, didn't own a car and worked most of her life as a secretary for a pharmaceutical company.
她在清仓甩卖时买衣服,没有汽车,而且一生中大多数时间在一家医药公司做秘书。 voa365

They are crammed into filthy windowless confinement systems and will never raise their families, rummage in the soil or do anything that is natural to them.
他们挤在肮脏又不见天日的狭小空间里,无法养育他们的家人,不能扒土为乐或做任何符合他们天性的事情。 china

Used to be, if parents wanted to know what their kids were up to, they’d just rummage through their dresser drawers.
过去,如果家长们想知道他们的孩子们在干些什么,他们经常会在孩子们的衣柜里寻找线索。 yeeyan

You rummage through your plastic bag collection to see which ones you should keep to take to the store and which can be sacrificed to garbage.




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