

单词 ruminations
释义 ruminations ˌru:məˈneɪʃənz COCA⁵⁰⁵⁷⁵BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.反刍;沉思rumination的名词复数原型rumination的复数 The course of Xu's artistic creation has been very consistent, with each stage harping on about ruminations of a different kind.
他的整个创作历程十分连贯,每个阶段都有思考上的侧重点。 christies

He may have guessed, or even intended, that his ruminations would become public.
他可能在掂量,甚至是打算将他的深谋远虑公诸于众。 ecocn

His intense, animated ruminations— the title of his course is“ Death” — have brought fan mail from Mexico, Iraq, Korea and China.
他紧促、生动、令人深思的课堂——课程内容是“死亡”——收到了来自墨西哥、伊拉克、韩国和中国粉丝的追捧和来信。 yeeyan

In some odd way, the face assisted his ruminations.
说也奇怪,这种局面倒促使他深思起来。 kuenglish

Such anxious ruminations seem to haunt much of our national commentary these days, even in the unlikeliest of contexts.
诸如此类的反思最近常常出现在我们全国性的评论当中,甚至场合都令人匪夷所思。 yeeyan




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