

单词 Rumex
释义 ru·mex AHDˈrüˌmeks COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺

docks: coarse herbs and shrubs mainly native to north temperate regions A seed- like structure, as in the fruit of some Rumex species;
类似种子的结构,如酸膜属的果实; plantphoto

An experiment of planting Rumex K-1 was carried out on meadow solonchak with results showing significant effects on desalting and ameliorating the soil.
并在草甸盐土上种植了鲁梅克斯草,脱盐改土效果十分明显。 zidian8

Botanical investigation and chemical analysis of Chinese herbal medicines derived from the genus Rumex.
标题酸模属中草药的调查鉴定与成分分析。 www.cvh.org.cn

The distribution and expansion of Rumex nepalensis was affected by local traditional grazing regimes.
土大黄的分布和扩张与传统的轮牧体系息息相关。 cnki

The enthusiasm of peasant planting hybrid rumex is the highest in the popularize system of rural cooperative organizations main part.
农村合作组织为主体的推广体系中农民种植杂交酸模的积极性最高; cnki

Benefit analysis shows that hybrid rumex planting benefit is better than field crop planting benefit, but it is lower than the vegetable planting.
效益分析表明,杂交酸模种植效益优于大田作物种植效益,但较蔬菜种植效益低; cnki

Object To establish a new method for the identification of YangtiChinese herb from Rumex L. , Polygonaceae by near infrared diffuse reflectance spectrometry.
目的用近红外漫反射光谱法对部分羊蹄类生药进行鉴别,为生药鉴定提供一种新的方法和手段。 chemyq

Rumex Kl was a perennial plant with persistent roots. It was introduced to China in1995. Rumex Kl attracted people's attention with its biological characters beneficial to human and economical value.
鲁梅克斯 K-1杂交酸模是一种多年生宿根植物,1995年引入我国,因其具有多种有益于人类的生物学特性和经济价值而备受人们的关注。 fabiao




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