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rum·ble·s 英'rʌmbl美'rʌmbl COCA⁴²⁶³⁶BNC⁵⁹⁶⁸⁹Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺⁹ 基本双解英英搭配近义反义句型例句例句 n. 隆隆声⁶; 辘辘声¹⁰n. 旧式汽车车厢后的折叠加座打群架v. 发隆隆声; 使辘辘响⁶原型rumble的三单形容词rumbly副词rumblingly名词rumbler过去分词rumbled现在分词rumbling三单rumbles n.名词 US隆隆声,辘辘声a low,powerful,rolling noise v.动词 vi. 发出隆隆声,发出辘辘声make a low,powerful,rolling noise Noun: a loud low dull continuous noise;they heard the rumbling of thunder a servant's seat or luggage compartment in the rear of a carriagea fight between rival gangs of adolescents Verb: make a low noise;rumbling thunder to utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds;he grumbled a rude response Stones grumbled down the cliff rumble strip停车振动带,闹市区…rumble level转盘噪声电平,盘噪声…rumble tumble马车背后的车座位…turntable rumble转盘的低频噪声…rumble filter转盘噪声滤波器…rumble noise不稳定燃烧噪音… 近义词 roll卷roar吼叫boom繁荣thunder雷growl吠声crash撞击grumble发牢骚rumbling隆隆声reverberate回响resound使回响reverberation反响grumbling喃喃鸣不平的… 用作名词n.I could still hear a rumble of thunder in the distance.我仍然能听见远处的雷声隆隆。 We could tell from the rumble of the thunder that rain was coming.我们根据雷的轰隆声可断定,天要下雨了。用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AThe big guns rumbled in the distance.远处炮火轰鸣。 The train rumbled across the bridge.火车隆隆地从桥上驶过。 Things rapidly became calm, though beneath the surface the argument rumbled on.事情迅速平静下来了,然而,在这种平静的表面背后争论如隆隆雷声持续不断。 动词70%,名词30% 用作名词We heard the occasionalrumbleof a passing truck.我们偶尔听到卡车驶过的隆隆声。 Far below I could hear therumbleof tube trains carrying commuters to the West End.我能听到把使用月票的乘客送往西区的地铁火车在地下深处行驶时发出的隆隆声。用作动词We heard the occasionalrumbleof a passing truck.我们偶尔听到卡车驶过的隆隆声。 Far below I could hear therumbleof tube trains carrying commuters to the West End.我能听到把使用月票的乘客送往西区的地铁火车在地下深处行驶时发出的隆隆声。 And a case rumbles on against Udo Schneider, an organiser of sports sponsorship, for allegedly bribing managers at Infineon, a chipmaker, to keep the sponsorship money flowing. 一个体育赞助商的组织者 Udo Schneider,依其陈述,为维持赞助费向制造商英飞凌行贿,现在也是闹得沸沸扬扬。 ecocn Later that night, an endless convoy of buses rumbles up to reception. 夜深了,一串连绵不绝的大巴车队驶到前台。 yeeyan Raising my head out of the political foxhole here on the battlefield, all seems quiet. Only distant rumbles becoming weaker. 我把头从政治搏斗的壕沟中小心地探了出来,发现一切似乎在归于平静,只有远处仍旧有依稀的争斗。 oralpractice The air waves pass you one after another, so you hear thunder as a series of rumbles. 电波一个接一个地从你身边而过,所以你听到一连串的轰隆声。 blog.sina.com.cn The gay- rights war rumbles on, but without the fire of old 同性恋权利之战依旧上演,旧日之争却并未战火重燃 ecocn There are already rumbles of discontent about Mr Cameron’s failure to secure the majority that once seemed within the Conservatives’ reach. 就卡梅伦没能保住本是保守党囊中之物的半数以上席位,不满之声早已沸沸扬扬。 ecocn A more pressing worry for Goldman is the loss of clients if the public storm over its conduct rumbles on. 更让人焦虑的是,如果公众对其管理的质疑持续下去,高盛将会失去自己的客户。 ecocn A bus rumbles past the window. 一辆巴士隆隆地穿过窗前。 yeeyan A cluster of the red-and- white empties from last weekend apparently went into the city recycling truck that rumbles past on Tuesday mornings. 上周起,一堆红红白白的空罐似乎进入这周二轰隆隆穿梭于这个城市里的垃圾车的车厢中。 yeeyan After two rounds of voting and weeks of legal rumbles, Viktor Yanukovich was inaugurated on February25th as Ukraine’s fourth democratically elected president. 经过两轮投票和法庭上数周的争吵后,亚努科维奇在2月25日宣布就职,成为乌克兰第四位通过民主选举出来的总统。 ecocn As if the economic concerns were not great enough, the Iran nuclear debate rumbles and is the wild card. 仿佛是觉得经济预期还不够糟,伊朗的核问题又一次抬头并扮演了万能牌的角色。 eastfinance As the first big banking crisis of the21st century rumbles on, the clamour for reforming international finance is rising. 随着21世纪最大的银行业危机甚嚣尘上的进行,要求对国际金融系统进行改革的呼声也日益高涨。 ecocn As the current obsession with offensive comedy and its boundaries rumbles on, commentators and pontificators are wheeling out their best and worst gags by way of example, left, right and centre. 由于目前人们对于攻击性喜剧及其如何界定的问题如此热衷,评论家和保守派给着各种各样的例子,一次次耍弄着他们最好或者最差的伎俩。 yeeyan Britain throws out an Israeli diplomat as the row about the assassination of a Hamas official rumbles on 就在“暗杀门”事件依然沸沸扬扬时,英国驱逐了一名以色列外交官 ecocn But the ethics issue rumbles on. 可是,道德问题却一直萦绕。 ecocn However, while they put on a brave face in public, rumbles of deep discontent continued to emanate from executives talking privately. 但是,当通用若无其事地出现在公众面前时,源自于高层们私下讨论的大量不满声音持续着。 ecocn If and likely when financial instability rumbles in other parts of Europe in the coming months, we'll probably hear from the Chinese again. 如果可能当金融动荡在即将到来的几个月里蔓延到欧洲其它部分的时候,我们或许会再次收到来自中国的信息。 yeeyan Not a trace fo green is in visible in its violent torrents, but the heavy rumbles can be distinctly heard--- the sound of life telling one its stories. 那暴跳的激流没有一丝绿色,惟有生命的呼吸在沉重的隆隆声中诉说着什么。 film.buluo.tianya.cn Off in the distance, we hear the rumbles of an approaching storm, and several lightning bolts streak across the sky. 从远处,我们听到了暴风雨来临的隆隆声,以及数声闪电的巨响划过天空。 ecocn She was awakened during the storm by the rumbles of thunder. 在暴风雨期间她被打雷的隆隆声惊醒。 blog.sina.com.cn THE Soviet Union had three years left when rumbles hinting at its imminent collapse began to reverberate in the Caucasus. 苏联解体三年前,高加索地区可谓山雨欲来风满楼。 ecocn The passionate world of indifference that rumbles in their hearts does not seem at all monstrous to us. 这个在他们心中轰鸣的冷漠世界充满着激情,因而对我们而言,它看似并不那么可怕。 yeeyan They have to take into account passing clouds, distant traffic, seismological rumbles and many, many other sources that could mask a real signal. 他们不得不考虑浮云、远处行驶的车辆、地壳的震动以及其他许多许多可能屏蔽真正信号的噪音源。 yeeyan |