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词汇 Bachu Uplift
释义 Bachu Uplift
The migration of the hydrocarbon from the thick depocenters in the Kashi and Awati depression toward the Bachu uplift, which should be further explored.早期形成的巴楚隆起构造南北两侧发育的阿瓦提盆地和塔里木盆地西南为生油区,巴楚隆起为油气运移指向区。
Research on color index of conodont fossil shows that hydrocarbon source rocks in palaeozoic formation inBachu UpliftArea are in mature phase of thermal evolution.牙形刺化石颜色指标研究表明,巴楚断隆区古生代地层中的烃源岩正处在热演化的成熟期,寻找古生代油气藏应成为该构造带今后勘探的重点;
The both sides of theBachu Upliftin the west Tarim Basin,especially the MaigaitiSlope of the west side,are prospective oil land and key exploration area in the near futureas well.塔里木盆地西部巴楚隆起两侧,尤其是西侧的麦盖提斜坡,是具有油气远景的地区,也是近期的重点探区之一。
Study is made on palaeozoic conodont fossil fromBachu Upliftand Awati Depression. 5 conodont fossil assemblage zones are identified.And their geological history and geological eras are discussed.对塔里木盆地西部巴楚断隆、阿瓦提凹陷古生代产出的牙形刺化石进行了研究,建立了5个牙形刺化石组合带,讨论了其地史分布及其地质时代。
Keywords Conodont fossil;Color index;CAI value;Palaeozoic;Bachu Uplift;Awati Depression;Tarim Basin;牙形刺化石;颜色指标;CAI值;古生代;巴楚断隆;阿瓦提凹陷;塔里木盆地;




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