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词汇 Bachu
释义 BachuCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺
In the Himalayan period, Bachu high and its ramp are the main favorable areas for exploration, and Tadong also deserves attention.

Searching hydrogeologic conditions in Bachu is an important foundation work for the comprehensive prognosis for uranium metallogeny.
塔里木盆地西北缘巴楚地区铀矿综合预测的一个重要基础是查清其水文地质条件。 dictall

The present paper focuses on the evolutionary significance of the Calathium reef mound from the Yijiangfang Formation, Bachu, Xinjiang based on its biotic structures and age.
从建造时代和群落组成的角度,专论新疆巴楚地区一间房组瓶筐石礁丘的演化定位。 dictall

The formation of the Bachu uplift mainly related to the action of basement-involved transpressional structure of the Aqia- Tumuxiule faults.
巴楚隆起的形成主要与阿恰-吐木休克断裂的基底卷入扭压构造活动有关。 geojournals

The main deformation of the southern Bachu uplift completed before the Carboniferous and the strata reduction is about55%.
巴楚隆起南段的主变形期是在前石炭纪完成的,地层缩短量约占55%; geojournals

The Bachu and Kalpin structural belts were two tectonic units in the Tarim Basin.
巴楚隆起和柯坪冲断褶皱带是塔里木盆地西北部的两个构造单元。 cnki

There were11 cases with hemorrhagic fever occurred in Aksakmaral area of Bachu County in 1965, in which10 cases died.
1965年新疆巴楚县阿克沙克马拉勒地区发生出血热患者11例,死亡10例。 cnki

Actually, Keping fault- uplift, under which there exists a paleouplift as a part of Bachu fault- uplift, is an overthrust belt formed during Neocene Kuche period.
柯坪断隆实际上是上新世库车期形成的逆掩推覆带,其下尚隐伏着与巴楚断隆连为一体的古隆起。 cnki

Both the North Tarim Uplift and the Bachu Uplift had gone through forebulge phase, so they had some similar features.
塔北隆起和巴楚断隆都经历过前缘隆起这一发展阶段,两者存在诸多共性。 dictall

Different types of carbonate hydrocarbon accumulation zones are mainly distributed in different parts of many paleouplifts, such as the Tabei uplift, Tazhong uplift, Bachu fault uplift.
不同类型的碳酸盐岩油气聚集带主要分布于塔北隆起、塔中隆起及巴楚断隆等古隆起的不同部位。 cnki

Hercynian activation zone of Paleo- proterozoic basement in Bachu.
巴楚古元古基底的海西活动区。 cnki

In tectonic tranquility, the lithosphere bounded back and in consequence of it, Bachu uplift slipped down and showed migration toward craton, at that moment negative inversion structures developed.
在宁静期岩石圈回跳,整体向下滑动,发育负反转构造,平面上为向隆起轴部的迁移。 cnki

Structural geologic models of Bachu and Kalpin fracture systems are also presented in this paper.
在此基础上,构建了巴楚和柯坪断裂体系形成的构造地质模型。 cnki

Tempestite sedimentary succession have been discovered through the study of the outcrop of the up of Cambrian to the low of Ordovician in the Bachu area of the Tarim Basin.
通过对塔里木盆地巴楚达板塔格上寒武—下奥陶统剖面实测,于鹰山组上部发现风暴岩沉积序列。 dictall

The research area is situated in the northwestern part of Tarim basin and covers the Bachu block uplift and Awati depression.
研究区位于塔里木盆地西北部,跨越巴楚断隆和阿瓦提坳陷两个构造单元。 cnki

The zone evaluation of Bachu uplift was carried out according to the above analysis.
在上述分析的基础上,对巴楚地区的油气有利区带进行了评价。 cnki

The pathway system is classified into3 types of fault, carrier bed and unconformity in Bachu area, the Tarim Basin.
从塔里木盆地巴楚地区输导体系类型入手,将其分成断裂、输导层和不整合面等3类。 zidian8

Tilting activity occurred during Late Paleozoic, forming the uplift in western Bachu during Middle Late Carboniferous.
晚古生代发生东西向翘倾活动,石炭纪中、晚期巴楚地区西部形成低隆; cnki

Bachu Culture is an important constituent part of the Huaxia Culture, the Oriental Culture as well as the world's culture.
“巴楚文化”被誉为华夏文化、东方文化、乃至世界文的重要一支。 cnki

Bachu mushroom has more resistance to salt-alkaline land;
巴楚蘑菇耐盐碱环境具有极强的抗性; cnki

Bachu mushroom has more adapt to soil nutrient.
巴楚蘑菇对土壤营养条件有很强的适应性。 cnki




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