

单词 rum
释义 rum 英rʌm美rʌmAHDrŭm ★☆☆☆☆高T八COCA¹³²³⁷BNC¹²⁶⁹³iWeb⁸⁶¹⁹Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

liquor distilled from fermented molassesa card game based on collecting sets and sequences; the winner is the first to meld all their cards
beyond or deviating from the usual or expected;

a curious hybrid accent

her speech has a funny twang

they have some funny ideas about war

had an odd name

the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves

something definitely queer about this town

what a rum fellow

singular behavior

据说是来自吉普赛语 rom,男人,丈夫,引申词义强壮的,有力的,优秀的,极好的,后词 义讽刺的反转至古怪的,奇特的。bay rum发用香水,月桂酒…a rum go怪事rum-dum酩酊大醉的rum baba罗姆酒婆婆蛋糕…green rum临时生产rum punch老姆酒加糖、柠檬酸、…Jamaica rum牙买加甜酒a rum start惊人的事情
近义词 odd奇数的rummy酒鬼weird离奇的funny可笑的queer古怪的curious好奇的strange奇怪的bizarre奇异的unusual异常的singular单数的peculiar奇怪的uncommon不寻常的extraordinary非凡的

He sipped arumand began to talk.他呷了一口朗姆酒,开始说话。
Mr. Stokes helped himself to morerum.斯托克斯先生又给自己添了酒。用作形容词He's arumcharacter.他这个人真古怪.
Howrumof him to do that!他会做那种事真是奇怪!adj.eccentric
同义词 aberrant,beat,bent,characteristic,crazy,freak,funny,irregular,oddball,offbeat,queer,singular,weird,wildabnormal,anomalous,bizarre,capricious,cockeyed,cranky,curious,droll,erratic,far-out,flaky,freakish,funky,idiosyncratic,kooky,nutty,odd,off the wall,off-center,out in left field,outlandish,peculiar,quaint,quirky,quizzical,strange,uncommon,unconventional,unnatural,unusual,way-out,whimsical
反义词 common,normal,regular,standard,usual
grognoun alcoholic drink
alcohol,drink,liquor Mr Hernández was a close personal friend of Mr Lage. Together with Mr Pérez and their families, they would meet at Mr Hernández’s ranch for roast pig, rum and dominoes.
赫楠迪斯是拉赫的一位私人好友,连同佩雷斯和他的家人,他们可能在赫男迪斯经营的牧场烤乳猪,顺便喝点朗姆酒和玩玩多米诺骨牌。 ecocn

The Rum Diary is getting mediocre reviews so far, but Johnny has said the movie was a personal passion for him, as he's playing a version of his longtime friend Hunter S. Thompson in the film.
目前为止《朗姆酒日记》表现一般,但是约翰尼说自己个人很喜欢这部电影,因为这部电影中他扮演的是自己的一位多年好友 Hunter S. Thompson。 kekenet

A hundred years later, the trade flowing from Jamaica alone— sugar, slaves and rum, which was made from molasses— was worth more than all the traffic with North America.
一百年后,仅来自牙买加三角贸易所带来的丰厚利润就远大于宗主国来返于北美洲之间的航运费了,这种贸易的对象则是糖料,奴隶和由糖浆制成的朗姆酒。 ecocn

A piece of biscuit and a small quantity of rum formed his supper, and he snatched a few hours' sleep, lying over the mouth of the cave.
一片饼干和几口朗姆酒成了他的晚餐,他在洞口边上躺下来,睡了几小时。 ebigear

Before serving, fold in2 tablespoons of sifted powdered sugar and a tablespoon or two of brandy, rum, or sweet liqueur, or a teaspoon or two of vanilla extract.
使用前,用2汤匙筛过的糖粉,或是一到两汤匙白兰地,朗姆酒或甜的利口酒,再或者是一到两茶匙的香草精,翻拌到奶油中去。 yeeyan

Break an egg and offer it to the deceased with some rice and rum.
打个蛋和米饭还有朗姆酒一起供奉给故人。 yeeyan

Each bartender in Puerto Rico concocts his or her own favorite rum drink, but other island cocktails are made with fresh fruit juices.
波多黎各的每一个酒保,都有他或她自己最钟爱的朗姆酒,而其他品种的鸡尾酒则是用新鲜果汁调制的。 kekenet




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