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词汇 ruling party
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Areas that were former strongholds of ZANU- PF, the ruling party, which dared to switch to the opposition in March, have now been turned into no-go areas for the MDC.
执政党津巴布韦非洲民族联盟爱国阵线因大胆地在三月的选举中转向反对党,于是他们之前作为要塞的地区现在禁止民革运进入。 ecocn

The leader of South Africa’s ruling party, Jacob Zuma, likely to be the country’s president next year, must surely respond to the crescendo of outrage.
南非执政党领袖祖玛明年很有可能当选总统。 他定然会对国际社会日渐鼓噪的声讨声有所反应。 ecocn

A doctor close to the top of the ruling party has a concession for rubbish- collection in Luanda: he has kept out competitors but fails to provide any service in poor districts.
与执政党高层有密切联系的一位医生得到特许,可在罗安达进行垃圾收集:他挤掉了竞争对手,但是不能在贫穷地区提供任何服务。 ecocn

But they succeeded only in widening the splits in the ruling party.
可惜他们无非是在进一步分裂执政党上取得了成功。 ecocn

His election as president in1997 was the first time power had shifted from a ruling party president to an opposition leader.
他于1997年被选为总统,那也是总统的权力第一次从执政党手里移交给一位反对党领袖。 yeeyan

In a country struggling with chronic poverty, even the most ambitious ruling party dared go no further.
对于一个长期和贫困做斗争的国家,即使是最有野心的执政党也不敢走太远。 yeeyan

The opposition says these moves are part of an orchestrated attempt by the ruling party to overturn its first defeat since independence28 years ago.
反对派说这些举动是执政党策划行动的一部分,目的是推翻执政党在津巴布韦独立28年以来首次选举失利的结果。 ebigear

The amendments proposed by the ruling party allow Parliament, which is dominated by ZANU-PF, to choose a successor if the president steps down or dies before the end of his term.
执政党提出的这个修正案充许议会――目前由民盟控制――在总统于他的任期结束前下台或者死亡的情况下选择一个继承人。 ecocn

There is no sign yet of a fraying of the basic compact between the PAP and Singaporeans, who trade some individual freedoms for the prosperity and stability provided by an efficient ruling party.
现在人民行动党和新加坡人民他们用个人的自由来换取有能力的执政党所构建的繁荣及稳定在基本协定上还没有摩擦迹象。 ecocn

They say they welcome the initiative by the Gulf states to end Yemen's political crisis but seem reluctant to serve in a government with the ruling party.
他们表示,他们欢迎海湾国家试图结束也门政治危机的倡议,但是似乎不愿意参与到包含执政党在内的政府中。 hxen

This newly buttoned-down approach coincides with a planned shift in the top leadership of the ruling party and government, an intricate process that will last for the next year.
新出台的的保守政策同计划内执政党和政府的高层领导的更迭保持了一致,后者是一项负责的过程,会在第二年持续进行。 yeeyan




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