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词汇 Bachmann
释义 Bachmann
Michele Bachmann says she is proud never to have voted for raising the debt ceiling in the past.
而众议员米歇尔•巴赫曼也认为自己没有投票赞成提高债务上限是正确的选择。 ecocn

Pace Ms Bachmann, the constitution is for all Americans and does not belong to her party alone.
巴赫曼女士啊,美国宪法为所有美国人服务,不是单单为你们茶党设定。 yeeyan

The fact that Michele Bachmann, leader of the House tea-party caucus, insisted on giving her own response to Mr Obama this week shows how prickly this faction can be.
Michele Bachmann,众议院党内茶会核心会议的领袖,坚持亲自给奥巴马先生予以回应,来显示这个小团体是多么的不好惹。 ecocn

The opposite is true: the agency wanted more deficit reduction but expressed alarm at the spectacle of politicians like Mrs Bachmann turning the debt ceiling into a political bargaining chip.
然而真相是:信贷机构希望减少更多赤字,但对巴克曼女士等政客只是将债务限额当做政治谈判筹码的情况提出了警告。 ecocn

“ We have so much material, it’s going to be a joy, ” exulted Michele Bachmann, a congresswoman and presidential candidate.
“我们有很多的资料,这将令人欣喜”,米歇尔.巴赫曼狂喜道。 她是一位众议院女议员并且也是总统候选人。 ecocn

Aides to Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann say she suffers from severe migraine headaches that can incapacitate her for days at a time.
共和党候选人助理米歇尔·巴赫曼说她患有严重的偏头痛,每次发作时都好几日无法正常工作。 yeeyan

As a Minnesota state senator a decade ago, Mrs Bachmann made her opposition to gay marriage into a crusade that helped to build her political career.
作为十年前的一名明尼苏达州参议员,巴克曼女士决定借反对同性恋婚姻改革,帮自己规划政治生涯。 ecocn

Attitudes like Mrs Bachmann’s may do her little harm with the Republican base, but strike parts of the wider electorate as antiquated or downright bigoted.
类似 Bachmann这样的态度可能损害不了共和党的基础,但是作为一种过时和完全固执的观念却打击了更广泛的各方选民。 ecocn

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, at a press conference after Obama's speech, said Congress should not pass this plan, not least because his last stimulus plan did not work.
众议员 Michele Bachmann在 Obama演说后的新闻发布会上说,因为总统去年的刺激方案没有成效,众议院不应该通过这个提案。 yeeyan

Even if Mrs Bachmann has the party's right wing to herself, she may still struggle to win the nomination.
即使米歇尔赢得了共和党右翼势力的全权支持,她还是很悬能够获得总统候选人提名。 ecocn

He has tea- party credibility, but boasts a far longer and more impressive track record than Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain or Rick Santorum.
裴瑞先生有着茶党的代表力,又要比米歇尔•巴克曼 Michele Bachmann、赫尔曼•凯恩 Herman Cain和里克•圣多伦 Rick Santorum有着更长期和更能打动人的历史记录。 ecocn

In a rebuttal, presidential candidate Michele Bachmann called the proposal“ a political speech” and she accused Obama of being “ politically paralyzed.”
在驳辩中,总统候选人 Michele Bachmann称该提案根本是一场政治演讲,她指责奥巴马政治无能。 yeeyan

Like Bachmann, Perry appeals to both social conservatives and Tea Party activists who want to reduce the size of the federal government.
对于社会保守派和希望缩减联邦政府规模的茶党活动人士来说佩里和巴克曼很有吸引力。 hxen

Marcus Bachmann, the husband of Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, runs a counseling clinic that reportedly provides the therapy.
据报道,共和党总统候选人 Michele Bachmann的丈夫, Marcus Bachmann,经营的咨询门诊在提供这种治疗。 yeeyan

Michele Bachmann, a tea-party favourite, formally entered the race at the debate.
茶党赏识的 Michele Bachmann正式参与辩论赛。 ecocn

Michele Bachmann, a Republican congresswoman from Minnesota, said that nine of the ten census questions were unconstitutional.
来自明尼苏达州的一位共和党国会女代表米歇尔•巴克曼 Michele Bachmann说90%的普查问题构成违宪。 ecocn

Mrs Bachmann is also prone to blunders.
米歇尔也很容易就犯错了。 ecocn

Now that she is running for president, Mrs Bachmann is choosing her words more cautiously, especially on social issues.
现在,因为要竞选总统,所以巴克曼女士措辞更为谨慎小心,在谈论社会问题时更是如此。 ecocn

Now not even wannabe Mr Smiths like Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry can seduce voters.
现在即使是竭力想成为“史密斯先生”的米歇尔•巴赫曼 Michele Bachmann和里克•佩里 Rick Perry也很难再吸引选民了。 dusystem

One of his rivals, Michele Bachmann, was embroiled in an argument over whether her susceptibility to migraines might render her unfit for the Oval Office.
而他的竞争对手之一,米歇尔·巴赫曼却卷入一场争辩,辩论围绕其偏头痛与总统椭圆办公室布局的关系展开。 ecocn

Thatcher would have seen through Bachmann’s ideologically driven scientific ignorance and absurd social bigotry in a matter of moments.
撒切尔瞬间就能看穿巴克曼受意识形态驱使的科学无知和荒谬的社会偏见。 yeeyan




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