

单词 rulebook
释义 rulebook 英'ruːlbʊk美'ruːlˌbʊk 高COCA⁷⁶⁶⁵⁴BNC³⁰⁸²⁵iWeb²¹⁰⁹⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
A lot. The term is only used in the Comprehensive Rulebook, not on any cards.
当然,我们的团队只应用到规则手册,而不是任何的牌。 mtgchina

The best way to do this is to continue to merge their standards, including those for financial firms, into one global rulebook.
实现独立性最好的方法是继续将他们的准则,包括对金融机构的规则,合并成一个全球规则手册。 ecocn

The Lisbon treaty, successor to the ill-fated European Union constitution, which in turn followed the Maastricht, Amsterdam and Nice treaties, would create a permanent club rulebook.
继马斯特里赫特条约、阿姆斯特丹条约和尼斯条约之后,里斯本条约代替命途多舛的欧盟宪法成为欧盟永久性最高协定。 ecocn

The union had a rulebook with fifty-six pages of what workers called “ legislation” limiting the power of employers.
钢铁工人联合协会出台了一本56页的规则手册,用来限制雇主的权利,工人们将之奉为“法典”。 shuwo

“ Pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding must not be allowed to work in a unit where mercury is present, ” states one official rulebook.
“怀孕妇女和实行母乳喂养的母亲绝不应被允许在有水银接触的单位工作,”一本官方的规则书如是说。 yeeyan

“There’s a lot of motivation within the Pentagon to get this going, ” he said. “ So they might have a way around the rulebook.”
他说:“对于五角大楼来说,推进这个项目依然有很大的动力,所以他们可能要在修改规则方面做文章。” yeeyan

A politician minded to use them may do better to take a leaf from the investor's— or the statistician's— rulebook.
那些想要使用这个方法的政客们最好是先从投资者的或者统计员的规则手册中。 ecocn

An interest in history lured him into war- gaming, the re- enactment of historical battles with miniature men and a simple rulebook.
对历史的兴趣使他迷上了战争游戏,那是一种用一本简单的规则指南册和一些微型的棋子重现历史战役的游戏。 ecocn

But if the rulebook will no longer contain all the rules, we have somehow to get values take on a central place in how we develop and train our civil servants.
但新的规则不再容纳所有条规,我们总得有方法使得这些价值观在我们对公务员的培养与训练中占有一个中心位置。 jukuu

But it’s not enough for us to merely share our rulebook. We must be actively engaged in the new media reality.
但仅仅将我们的从业标准拿出来共享还远远不够,我们必须积极参与到新媒体的现实中去。 yeeyan




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