释义 |
Ruha 基本例句 鲁哈¹⁰⁰ Ruhahad never seen anything like it.露哈从未见过类似的东西。 Ruhadid not even consider fleeing ahead of the creatures.露哈根本没想过要先于这些生物逃跑。 Ruhalonged to take Ajaman in her arms, to hear him speak her name.这把弯曲的双刃匕首是露哈珍爱的财产,因为这是蔻哈达在她12岁生日时送她的。 Several times, the beasts passed so close thatRuhacould see their yellow, egg-shaped eyes.在这块高大的岩石四周几百码的地方,还会有更多守卫躲在最高的沙丘的暗面中。 AsRuhastudied the desolate scene ahead, a cold sense of dread settled over her.年轻的妻子回到门口,停下来观察营地。 |