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词汇 Rufino
释义 RufinoCOCA¹¹⁵⁶⁴⁸BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
n.鲁菲诺在阿根廷;西经 62º45' 南纬 34º16'
Rufinoearns some money doing hard and dirty work, such as moving meat around a slaughterhouse.罗干辛苦和肮脏工作来谋生,比如在屠场搬肉。
The three women were being driven byRufinoto Puerto Plata to visit their imprisoned husbands.三姐妹当时由Rufino驾车带她们去普厄尔脱埔拉塔PuertoPlata探视她们狱中的丈夫。
Modern artist Zhou's brother,Rufino- Tamayo also learned from the best of rock paintings, created a unique painting language.现代艺术家周氏兄弟、鲁菲诺-塔马约也从岩画中吸取精华,创造出了自己独特的绘画语言。
Rufinoroams the streets of Mexico City.He tries his best to look after the youngest homeless children who survive on a diet of glue and hash and sleep in the sewers at night.15岁的罗分诺是墨西哥城的街童,他尽力照顾无家可归的小孩子,他们吃得不好,而夜里睡在下水道里。
The building will serve as a nucleus of education and culture - locally, regionally, and internationally - and continue to carry the name of the Oaxacan born artistRufinoTamayo .它将提供本地,地区和国际的教育和文化服务。它以出生于Oaxacan的艺术家RufinoTamayo命名。




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