释义 |
Rubus chingii 基本例句 掌叶覆盆子 Conclusion: The main constituents of the volatile oil inRubus chingiiHu are hexadecanoic acid and ambrettolide .结论:覆盆子挥发油主要成分为正十六酸、黄葵内酯;分别占挥发油总量的28.;23%和26 Methods: The volatile oil inRubus chingiiHu was distilled through steam distillation.Then the constituents were analyzed and identified by GC-MS.方法:采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取其挥发油,气相色谱-质谱法对挥发油的成分进行分析鉴定。 KeywordsRubus chingii;chemical constituents;掌叶覆盆子;悬钩子属;化学成分; Studies on chemical constituents in fruit ofRubus chingii掌叶覆盆子的化学成分研究 Research on the causes of seed dormancy ofRubus chingii掌叶覆盆子种子休眠原因初探 Rapid propagation ofRubus chingiiby plant tissue culture应用组织培养对覆盆子快速繁殖的研究 |