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rub·ble 英ˈrʌbəl美ˈrʌbəlAHDrŭbʹəl ★☆☆☆☆高四GST宝八COCA¹⁰⁴⁹⁸BNC¹²⁴²⁴iWeb¹³⁷⁹²Economist¹⁰⁴⁶⁷ 基本英英词源搭配记法近义反义派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.瓦砾⁵⁹;碎石⁴¹形容词rubbly 地质物体石头
Noun: the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up来自法语,很可能和单词rubbish垃圾词源相关,原本是个建筑领域的专业术语,表示没什么用的碎石、碎砖。rubble mound堆石斜坡堤,毛石护坡…rubble concrete毛石混凝土rubble wall毛石墙rubble filling抛石rubble tipping抛石rubble masonry毛石圬工rubble drain乱石盲沟rubble pitching抛石护坡rubble aggregate毛石骨料random rubble乱砌毛石rubble foundation片石基础rubble dam块石坝rubble backing毛石底层rubble bed毛石基床rubble work毛石工coursed rubble成层粗石圬工…rubble slope毛石砌坡 GRE红宝书rub摩擦, ble: 磨破人脚的石头-碎石 rubbish 垃圾 + cobble 圆石→碎石GRE难词记忆rubble→rabble n.乌合之众→乌合之众就象一堆瓦砾,不堪一击rabblen.乌合之众⇒乌合之众就象一堆瓦砾,不堪一击近义词 junk垃圾dust灰尘trash废物ruins遗址litter垃圾debris碎片refuse拒绝wreckage失事detritus碎石remains剩余物remainder剩余物 Prubbleworkn.毛石工乱石工程乱石工毛石工程
名词100% 用作名词The explosion reduced the house torubble.爆炸把房子变成一堆瓦砾。 Firemen were still clearingrubblefrom apartments.消防队员还在从单元房里清理出瓦砾。 The little statue was made ofrubble.这座小塑像是用碎石拼合起来的。 Li's arm became gangrenous after being crushed in therubble.李婉芝的手臂被压在碎石底下后来腐烂了。noun.remains 同义词 debrisfill,screebrash ashesnoun ruins debris,relics,remains,remnants,vestiges debrisnoun litter, waste bits,crap,detritus,dregs,dross,fragments,garbage,junk,offal,pieces,refuse,remains,riffraff,rubbish,rubble,ruins,trash,wreck,wreckage debrisesnoun litter, waste bits,crap,detritus,dregs,dross,fragments,garbage,junk,offal,pieces,refuse,remains,riffraff,rubbish,rubble,ruins,trash,wreck,wreckage detritusnoun debris deposit,fragments,grains,leavings,rubble,scree,sediment,shavings garbagenoun refuse, litter bits and pieces,debris,detritus,dreck,dregs,dross,filth,junk,muck,odds and ends,offal,rubbish,rubble,scrap,scrapings,sewage,slop,sweepings,swill,trash,waste junknoun odds and ends;garbage clutter,collateral,debris,filth,hogwash,litter,miscellany,offal,refuse,rubbish,rubble,rummage,salvage,scrap,trash,waste After placing the wreath at the foot of a tree that had been wrested from the rubble, nursed back to health, and replanted on the site as a memorial, Mr. 花圈放置在一棵树下,这棵树曾遭到碎石攻击而扭曲,受到悉心照料后又健康成长,后来移植到此处作为纪念物。 yeeyan The engineer’s most stressful months, he said, were in June and July, once enough rubble was cleared to let him work on the systems. 他说道,工程师最大压力的几个月,是在六月跟七月,一旦碎石被清理干净,他们就可以开始操作系统运行了。 ecocn The largest mollusks on Earth, adult giant clams permanently affix themselves to surfaces such as sand or coral reef rubble. 图为地球上最大的软体动物,成年蛤蚌会将自己永远粘附在沙子或珊瑚礁碎石上。 yeeyan The only sources? Rare lunar meteorites, soil from Soviet probes, and the842 pounds of rubble carted back by Apollo astronauts from1969 to1972. 仅有的资源包括稀少的月岩,苏联探测器传回的月球土壤和1969-1972年阿波罗宇航员带回的842磅重的的碎石。 yeeyan The tsunami washed the plants away with their house, but the family found four of them in the rubble. 海啸冲走了他们家所有的盆栽,但是家人在碎石中发现了四盆。 yeeyan As the parents began lighting candles and incense, a worker directed his hose at the mountain of rubble. The strong smell of bleach drifted over the crowd. 当父母们点上蜡烛和香火时,一名工作人员开始对着废墟喷洒消毒药水,一股刺鼻的味道顿时飘散到人群之中。 yeeyan But she sat there, clinging to her husband for support because she knew she still had a living child under the rubble. 但是她仍坐在那里,紧紧地靠着他丈夫,因为她知道,她还有一个健在的孩子在废墟下面。 yeeyan Chinese scientists have cloned a pig which was hailed a hero in2008 after surviving more than a month under earthquake rubble, a newspaper reports. 在2008年地震中,一头猪在废墟中生存了一个月,被视作英雄;据报纸报道,现在中国科学家克隆了这头猪。 yeeyan Her brother told us that she was the last of a family of three to be plucked from the rubble. 她的兄弟告诉我们她是这家三口人最终最后一个废墟从中挖出的人。 yeeyan In the rubble. 倒在碎石中。 yeeyan In the after picture, she says, there's only crushed brown rubble. 在灾后的图片上,那里只留下了一堆褐色的瓦砾。 yeeyan NOT since Cologne was rebuilt half a century ago, out of the rubble of war, has a change in the urban landscape generated so much heat. 自从科隆半个世纪前走出战争废墟得以重建以来,城市景观的变化还不曾引发如此的热情。 ecocn Officials say many of the missing are among161 bodies that have been pulled from the rubble so far. 官员们说到目前为止从碎石当中被拖出的161具尸体当中,许多是失踪人员。 yeeyan Only you know how it is to continue every day in your struggle to clear away the rubble- both physical and emotional. 唯有你们自己知道,是怎样在一天一天的不断奋斗中,清除心灵与肉体的瓦砾。 kekenet Or they had been busy after the bombs hit, with the wounded guard contingent, pulling them out of the rubble, bandaging them, taking care of them. 或者炸弹袭击后他们忙于那些受伤的看守卫队,把他们从瓦砾堆里拽出来,给他们包扎伤口,看护他们。 yeeyan Perhaps, like the mastermind of the Vietnam war, Mr Wolfowitz would quit the rubble of a failed conflict to build a righteous empire of aid. 或许,就像是策划越战那样,沃尔福威茨想要清理斗争失败后留下的瓦砾,去建设一个正义的援助帝国。 ecocn Rescue teams were still finding people alive under the rubble, providing the only moments of relief and happiness. 救援队仍不断在废墟下发现幸存者,这是极少的令人安慰和高兴的时刻。 hjenglish Shards of twisted metal, rubble and glass littered the streets of central Oslo left devastated by Friday's enormous explosion. 星期五的爆炸威力巨大,扭曲的金属碎片、瓦砾和玻璃散落在奥斯陆市中心的街上。 yeeyan So there are people still living in tents, or in the rubble. 就这样,很多人还在帐篷或瓦砾里生活。 yeeyan Sometime in the Autumn of1942, Soviet soldiers advance through the rubble of Stalingrad. 1942年秋天的某个时候,苏联士兵穿过斯大林格勒的废墟。 yeeyan The last time I saw that castle it was a pile of rubble; now the marquis himself would no doubt approve. 我最后一次见到那座城堡时,它就是一堆瓦砾,而城堡现在的样子,假如侯爵见到,也一定赞叹不已。 yeeyan They had so much rubble to clear, he says, that they often keeled over in the heat under the weight of their protective gear. 他们有如此多的碎石需要清理,他说,在那里他们经常需要在炙热、笨重的保护装置下面翻身。 ecocn This image did the rounds after the attacks with the claim that it was found in a camera pulled out of the rubble. 这张照片是恐怖袭击之后名声大噪,据称它是在从大楼废墟发掘出的一部照相机中被发现的。 iciba We salvaged it from the rubble of our house and put it aside by the road, but someone stole it. 我们把它从房子的废墟中抢救出来放在路边,但又被人偷走了。 worldbank When they exhausted a quarry, they stuffed it with rubble or simply abandoned it. 当挖完一处的石矿后,他们只是用一些碎石填埋或弃之不管。 yeeyan Rubble and rubbish lie everywhere. 到处都是碎石和垃圾。 yeeyan |