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词汇 rubbing
释义 rub·bing 英ˈrʌbɪŋ美ˈrʌbɪŋAHDrŭbʹĭng ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁹⁸⁶⁰BNC⁹⁴⁷⁸iWeb²⁰²⁷⁹Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
the resistance encountered when one body is moved in contact with anotherrepresentation consisting of a copy as of an engraving made by laying paper over something and rubbing it with charcoaleffort expended in moving one object over another with pressure来自 rub,刮,擦。引申词义拓本。rubbing alcohol外用酒精surgical spirit消毒用酒精brass rubbing拓印品rub擦rubbing fastness耐摩擦程度rubbing varnish可打磨清漆rubbing factor摩擦因数rubbing board擦菜板rubbing area摩擦面积rubbing strake船底外板rubbing block粗纹石板rubbing stone异型磨石,细粒磨石…rubbing machine摩擦机,搓擦机…rubbing reflex摩擦反射rubbing strip腰带rubbing contact滑动接点rubbing surface摩擦面rubbing drum搓擦滚筒rubbing speed摩擦速度rubbing effect摩擦作用
rubb,-ing动名词⇒n.摹拓动词rub的现在分词形式.近义词 drag拖copy复制品relief减轻friction摩擦scraping擦去abrasion擦伤soreness痛苦detrition耗损impression印象resistance抵抗irritation刺激blistering快的chafing皮肤发炎reproduction再现brass rubbing拓印品

Constantrubbingwill fray even the thickest rope.再粗的绳子也经不住总磨。
If you keeprubbing, the paint will come off.你再多擦擦颜色就能掉了。
The wheel'srubbingon the mudguard.车轮蹭著了挡泥板。
In his job he'srubbingshoulders with film stars all the time.他在工作中一直与电影明星有来往。
Therubbingmust have worked.搓揉一定是有效了。
As I came by them, he wasrubbingit in your brother.我在他们旁边经过的时候,他正在臭骂你的兄弟。
A small cube of chalk used inrubbingthe tip of a billiard or pool cue to increase its friction with the cue ball.擦抹于球杆顶端的粉块用来擦弹子球棒梢或落袋台球棒梢以增加其与球的摩擦的一小方块白垩as in.grinding
同义词 crumbling,crunching,crushing,disintegrating,erodinggranulatinggrating,milling,powderingpulverizingscraping,shivering,smashingbone-crushingas in.abrasion
同义词 chafing,erosion,grating,scratchingabrading,scuffingas in.application
同义词 treatmentadministrationadministering,applying,creaming,dosing,oilingas in.attrition
同义词 erosionabrasion,attenuation,debilitation,depreciation,disintegration,grinding,thinning,weakening,wearas in.massage
同义词 beating,manipulation,strokingback rub,chirapsia,rolfing,rubbing-downas in.tactility
同义词 caress,collision,communication,contact,contingence,crash,cuddling,embrace,feel,feeling,fondling,graze,grope,handling,hit,hug,impact,junction,kiss,lick,manipulation,nudge,palpation,pat,peck,perception,percussion,petting,push,rub,scratch,shock,stroke,stroking,tap,taste,touchingtactionas in.touch
同义词 communication,contact,feeling,tasteblow,brush,caress,collision,contingence,crash,cuddling,embrace,feel,fondling,graze,grope,handling,hit,hug,impact,junction,kiss,lick,manipulation,nudge,palpation,pat,peck,perception,percussion,petting,push,rub,scratch,shock,stroking,tap,touchingtaction
abrasionnoun scraping or wearing down by friction
abrasionsnoun scraping or wearing down by friction
applicationnoun putting substance on another
applicationsnoun putting substance on another
attritionnoun wearing down or away
grindingadjective abrasive
bone-crushing,crumbling,crunching,crushing,disintegrating,erodinggranulatinggrating,milling,powderingpulverizingrubbing,scraping,shivering,smashing A bull, meanwhile, stimulates itself by alternately protruding its penis from a genital sheath, while some moose can ejaculate simply by rubbing their antlers on bits of vegetation.
与之同时,公牛刺激自己的方式是把它的生殖器间歇地从生殖包皮里伸出,而某些北美麋在草木上简单地擦擦鹿角就能射精。 yeeyan

As a result, some patients wait until the cartilage in their knees wears out completely, leaving them housebound and with painful bone-on- bone rubbing in their knees.
结果,有些病人一直等到膝盖中的软骨彻底损坏,最后不得不瘫倒在家,忍受膝盖内骨头与骨头相摩擦的痛楚。 yeeyan

Don’t laugh, but even with years of experience manipulating people’s feet, you’ll still find yourself poor and rubbing the feet of people who never made income their top priority.
先别笑,即使有多年按摩脚掌的经验,你发现自己仍然一贫如洗,而且还在给那些从不把赚钱当成头等大事的人按脚。 yeeyan

The friction of rubbing your hands together jars them loose, then the suds lift them away from your skin so the water can rinse them away.
双手互搓相摩擦,冲击稀释了它们,然后泡沫把它们从你的皮肤中带出来,水可以把它们冲走。 yeeyan

The smooth metal coils rubbing against the plastic housing seems less prone to deterioration and change in friction level.
光滑的金属螺圈与塑料壳体的摩擦,看起来也不太容易磨损,也不会改变摩擦强度。 yeeyan

The typical American only washes their sheets once every week or two, but every night your face is rubbing against that pillow case.
典型的,一个美国人每一周或两周清洗他的枕套,但是你的脸每晚都与枕套摩擦。 yeeyan

“ I don’t personally like rubbing things on me, ” he said.
“个人而言,我不喜欢在身上擦东西,”他说。 yeeyan

“ Oooh, ” she murmurs, rubbing her legs, the paper towels still in one hand.
“喔!”她轻叹了一声,搓揉着她的腿,手里还捏着那些纸巾。 yeeyan

As the frequency of the rubbing reaches that at which the bowl naturally vibrates, the bowl's edge begins rhythmically to change shape, from one slightly oval shape into another.
当摩擦的频率达到了碗自身的振动频率时,碗的边缘便会有节奏地改变形状,从一个略微的椭圆形变成另一个略微的椭圆形。 yeeyan

At that point I was still sitting at her table and I found myself rubbing the grain of it with one finger.
这时我仍然坐在她的桌子旁边,我发现我自己正在用一根手指擦着桌面上的纹理。 yeeyan

Enjoy this technique using any of the stroking styles while lightly rubbing the head of your clitoris for a more focused or “ ticklish” feeling.
采用任何击打抚摸类型都可以享受这种指法——轻轻擦抚你的阴蒂头,那难以忍痒的感受更集中,就在那最后的巅峰。 yeeyan

He sits rubbing his temples with fatigue.
他疲惫地坐着,揉着他的太阳穴。 yeeyan

His nighttime visits continued regularly and soon he was placing her face down on her bed, talking her clothes off and rubbing his body against her, until one night he raped her.
他的夜访仍在继续,很快,他把她脸朝下放倒在床上,脱掉她的衣服,用他的身体来摩擦她,直到有一天晚上,他强奸了她。 yeeyan

Hot tip: Avoid touching or rubbing your organs repeatedly, let your partner have the privilege to arouse you by touching your erotic zones.
热心提示:避免反复触摸和摩擦你的身体,让你的另一半通过抚摸你敏感区域,激起你的情欲。 yeeyan

I thought I was dreaming and kept looking at this cat, rubbing my eyes, looking back down at it but it remained.
我以为自己是在做梦,注视着这只猫,我揉了揉眼睛,再看了一下,它还在那里。 cri

Moreover, she can press down on the man’s pubic region so that her clitoris is sensitized by rubbing on his skin.
此外,她可以向下按男人的腹部,使她的阴蒂与男人的皮肤摩擦,变得更敏感。 yeeyan

Next would be parental response to their toddler's natural exploration that leads to rubbing or rocking on a penis or clitoris to enjoy the good feelings.
紧接着是父母对于他们初学走路的孩子的自然探索的反应,这导致孩子们摩擦或摇摆阴茎或者阴蒂去享受这美妙的感觉。 yeeyan

Stridulation is believed to be a form of communication between larvae, and is generated by an individual rubbing its second and third legs together.
人们认为,鸣声是锹虫幼虫之间的一种交流方式,它们靠同时摩擦第二条和第三条腿发出这种声音。 yeeyan

The procedure involves rubbing a gooey substance on your abdomen and gliding a wand across your belly to photograph what’s inside.
这一过程包括擦一点下腹部的粘性物质、并用一个棒在肚子上游走来察看肚子里的事物。 yeeyan

This kind of bag named Hot Club will heat quickly after rubbing.

Try lying in bed with sexy music, rubbing your body with scented oil, fingering your nipples and using the vibrator directly on your clit.
躺在床上,播放一些性感的音乐,用香油按摩你的身体,用手指揉搓你的乳头,然后直接用震动器按摩阴蒂。 yeeyan

Wendy Hill, professor of psychology at Lafayette College, Pennsylvania began the research to find out why the mundane physical activity of rubbing lips can elicit such a gratifying emotional response.
宾夕法尼亚拉斐特学院的温蒂.黑尔教授开始研究,为什么像摩擦嘴唇这样普通的身体动作可以引起如此令人满足的情感反应。 yeeyan

When the corner this snake wards you off not by the hiss but by curling into a figure of shape and rubbing their scales against each other to produce a distinctive and unsettling rasping sound.
当这条蛇要避开你的时候没有发出嘶嘶的声音,而是把身体盘成一种形状,摩擦它们的鳞片,制造出一种奇特的令人不安的尖锐声音来保护自己。 kekenet

You can easily scrub away these unattractive rings by sprinkling salt onto a sponge and rubbing in little circles across the ring.
要清除这些不引人注意的环状物很简单,你可以撒一些盐到海绵上,然后用海绵在环状物上打圈擦拭。 yeeyan




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