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Rubalcaba ruːbalˈkɑːbə COCA²⁰⁹²⁸⁸BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本例句 鲁瓦尔卡瓦¹⁰⁰ One Socialist who will find the volte-face particularly awkward is Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, who replaces the outgoing Mr Zapatero as the party's candidate for prime minister in November's election. 而对这种180度逆转感到格外尴尬的工人社会党员莫过于阿尔弗雷多·佩雷斯·卢瓦尔卡瓦Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba了,他将取代即将离任的萨帕特罗作为该党的首相候选人出征11月大选。 ecocn The energetic and wily Mr Rubalcaba is the more obvious choice. 精力充沛、狡猾的卢巴卡巴是更明确的选择。 ecocn The59-year-old Mr Rubalcaba is a wily and enthusiastic politician, but his track record is patchy. 时值59岁的 Mr Rubalcaba是老谋深算且满腔热情的政客,但他的表现记录不尽完美。 ecocn “ If Europe is to adopt measures, we should be in the lead group, ” says Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, the Socialist candidate for prime minister. 工人社会党首相候选人阿尔弗雷多・佩雷斯・卢巴卡巴称,“如果欧洲要采取措施,我们应该作为领导小组成员。” ecocn A February poll found that the59-year-old Mr Rubalcaba could slice the PP lead to just 4%. 二月份得一项民调显示59岁的卢巴卡巴先生可以让人民党的领先优势降低到4%。 ecocn Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, Spain’s interior minister, confirmed that this equipment might be falling into Al Qaeda’s hands. 西班牙内政部长阿尔弗雷多·卢巴卡巴 Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba证实,有些武器可能正在流向基地组织。 yeeyan Among the members of the government that Spaniards say they find more enticing than the prime minister are Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, the interior minister, and Carme Chacón, the defence minister. 在政府官员中,西班牙民众认为内务部长阿尔弗雷多•佩雷斯•卢瓦尔卡瓦、国防部长卡梅•查孔比总理更富魅力。 ecocn But he knows that his successor as Socialist candidate for prime minister, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, stands virtually no chance of winning the vote. 但是他知道,接替他成为社会党首相候选人的卢巴卡巴几乎没有任何可能赢得选举。 ecocn But Mr Rubalcaba has some blots on his record. 但是卢巴卡巴先生记录上也有一些污点。 ecocn But what nobody knows is how different a party led by Mr Rubalcaba or Ms Chacón would be from Mr Zapatero’s. 但是未知的是无论是卢巴卡巴先生还是查孔女士领导的党派究竟和萨帕特罗先生领导的有什么不同。 ecocn During a ceasefire in2006 someone from Mr Rubalcaba’s interior ministry tipped off some ETA men who were about to be arrested. 在2006年得一次停火中,卢巴卡巴先生内政部的某人提前警告了一些即将被逮捕的埃塔 ETA成员。 ecocn He will avoid taking on Mr Rubalcaba in television debates, they believe, to stop the campaign turning into a contest over the future of the welfare state. 他们也相信拉霍伊会避免在电视辩论中和鲁瓦尔卡瓦正面对峙,以防竞选最终化为关于福利国家未来的辩论。 ecocn His party quickly needs to choose a new leader, preferably Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, the shrewd interior minister. 他的社会党急需选择一位新的领导,其中精明的内阁部长 Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba是热门人选。 ecocn Instead, he made Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba his party’s candidate. 相反,他提出了由阿尔弗雷多·佩雷斯·卢巴卡巴作为他下一任的社会党参选人。 ecocn Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba said the police were“ not going to resolve one problem by creating another”. 内政部长阿弗雷多·沛雷兹·卢巴卡巴说警方不会“为了解决一个问题又制造另一个问题。” yeeyan Mr Rubalcaba looks an increasingly obvious successor as leader of the Spanish Socialist party. 卢巴卡巴似乎正日益成为西班牙社会党明显的接班人。 ecocn One poll has Ms Chacón as the highest-rated minister, ahead of Mr Rubalcaba. 民调显示作为最高级别的部长查孔女士领先于•萨帕特罗。 ecocn The Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba said the offer didn't go far enough, and that only Eta's complete disbandment would be acceptable. 内政部长 Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba表示,这个提议不够深入。他们唯一能够接受的是埃塔完全解除武装。 tingclass The PP is already using it to attack Mr Rubalcaba. 人民党已经利用这一点攻击卢巴卡巴先生。 ecocn The promotion of the interior minister, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, in October has given him an able, popular and hyperactive deputy prime minister. 去年10月对内政部长卢巴卡巴 Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba的提升使萨帕特罗获得了一个能干,受欢迎且极度活跃的副首相。 ecocn This week a poll from the state-run Centre for Sociological InvestigationCIS indicated that Mr Rubalcaba had begun to eat into Mr Rajoy's lead, cutting it from ten percentage points to seven. 本周来自国营的社会调查中心所作的一项民意调查显示卢巴尔卡巴已开始侵吞拉霍伊的领先优势,从领先十个百分点削减至七个百分点。 ecocn Rubalcaba said Spain is living at an historic crossroads, with the next four years very important for its future and urged Spaniards to vote. 卢巴卡巴说,西班牙来到了历史交叉口上,未来四年对西班牙的未来十分重要。他敦促西班牙人去投票。 qiewo |