

单词 RTL
释义 RTLCOCA¹⁴⁶⁷⁷⁶BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
And the process of functional verification consists of the implementation of RTLregister transfer level simulation, gate level simulation and post-layout simulation in the process of design.
验证最关键的是测试方案的制定,而功能验证的过程是在于在设计过程中实施 RTL级仿真、门级仿真和后仿真。 cnki

Speaking in an interview today with RTL Luxembourg radio, he also said the efforts to help Ireland overcome the problems in its banking industry will prevent the crisis spreading to other countries.
容克昨天接受了卢森堡电台的采访,他还表示欧盟会帮助爱尔兰解决银行业引起的问题,预防危机蔓延到其他国家。 yeeyan

The design includes system level design, RTL level design and logic synthesis.
设计工作包括系统级设计、 RTL级设计、逻辑综合。 iciba

The optimized RTL is then fed to the code generator, which produces target code.
然后,优化后的 RTL被提供给代码生成器,后者产生目标代码。 ibm

This paper constructs the function simulation platform for buffer manager and the whole system, and validates the design on the platform after the RTL design.
在完成该单元的 RTL级设计的基础上,进一步构建了该单元及整个系统的功能仿真平台,在该平台上验证了设计的正确性。 iciba

Warrants for RTL are analyzed in view of safety and traffic operation efficiency.
从安全和交通效率两个方面研究左转相位的设置。 cnki

“The news from medical staff is good, he's leaving today, which proves that it's fine, ” Patrick Devedjian, the minister on charge of France's fiscal recovery plan, told French radio RTL on Monday.
法国振兴经济部部长帕特里克·德维让今天对法国媒体说:“从医院传来的消息是一切正常,他今天就会出院,这一点也可以证明。” hjenglish

After completing system-level and algorithm- level designs, the RTL implementations of each module are performed and the functional simulation and FPGA verification are carried out on the RTL codes.
完成软核各个模块的算法级设计和 RTL级设计,并对软核的 RTL级代码进行仿真和 FPGA验证; cnki

But critics say RTL is still too dependent on traditional ad- supported broadcasting and must do more to avoid being overwhelmed by the same online tsunami that has devastated the music business.
但批评者认为, RTL仍过于依赖于传统的广告支持广播和必须做更多以避免被在线音乐的冲击倒。 yeeyan

Cooperate and involve into new project team to improve supplier performance to achieve RTL target.
协作并置身于新项目团队,改进供应商绩效,以达到 RTL的目标。 c114

Finally, the SSA trees are converted into RTL, which the back end uses for target code generation.
最后, SSA树被转换成 RTL,后者被后端用于目标生成代码。 ibm

French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde today told RTL radio that the16 countries that share the euro need greater coordination of economic policies to avoid a financial crisis.
今天法国财政部长拉加德告诉 RTL电台,欧元区16国需要加强经济政策的合作,避免发生金融危机。 yeeyan

High-level synthesis is also called behavioral synthesis, the main task of which is to translate the behavioral description of a digital system into the design of RTL Register Transfer Level.
高级综合也叫行为级综合,其基本任务是完成从数字系统的行为描述到寄存器传输级 RTL设计的转换。 cnki

in Europe, he acquired90% of RTL Group, a huge radio and television company.
在欧洲,他收购了大型广播电视公司 RTL集团90%的股份。 ecocn

Optimizations that require higher-level information about the program may not be possible, because their expression is lost in RTL.
需要关于程序的高级信息的优化可能无法实现,因为无法用 RTL表达它们。 ibm

Sequential logic synthesis is an important part of RTL synthesis system design.
时序逻辑综合是 RTL综合系统设计中的一个重要部分。 cnki

The problem with RTL is that the optimizations it enables are those close to the target.
RTL的问题是,它支持的优化是接近于目标的。 ibm

Therefore, the author design an anti- collision system of Type A card with VHDL, which is tested with RTL simulating.
基于此,本文使用 VHDL设计了 A型卡的防冲突电路,使用 RTL级波波形仿真验证了芯片的工作。 cnki

To do this, the optimizer uses the RTL to create fast or more compact code or both, when possible.
为此,优化器使用 RTL创建快速的或紧凑的代码或者两者兼顾。 ibm

RTL and FPGA are used to validate high-level models while software tools are used for tasks such as workload analysis.
RTL和 FPGA主要用于验证高级语言模型,各种辅助工具可以用于工作负载的分析和优化。 cnki

RTL is a low-level representation very close to assembly language inspired by LISP S- expressions.
RTL是非常接近于汇编语言的一种低级的表示受 LISP S表达式的影响。 ibm

RTL news says it has seen thetop- secret documents and has photocopied several sections.
荷兰 RTL国际新闻台声称他们已经看过被列为是头等机密的申办文件,而且还复制了其中的几个版块。 yeeyan




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