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A good CAT tool will allow a translator to reuse a sentence from an HTML page when translating a Rich Text Format RTF document, keeping text layout intact.
好的 CAT工具使翻译人员在翻译丰富文本格式 RTF文档时能够重用 HTML页面中的句子,同时又不改变文本布局。 ibm

Enclosing the tag like this will make it easier to find the RTF- formatted code using regular expressions in VBA.
如此处理标签,使得使用 VBA中的规范表达式找到 RTF格式化代码变得更加容易。 ibm

In our tests clicking on the . rtf file prompted a save window but clicking on the link for an image opened it in a new tab.
我们测试一下,点击一个 rtf类型的文件,会跳出一个保存窗口,但是点击之后会在新标签页打开图片。 yeeyan

The related.RTF has several advantages: it's encoded in ASCII and is almost human- readable, and it's far less likely to bear effective infections.
相关的. RTF有几个优势:它用 ASCII进行编码,几乎具有人工可读性,并且它不太可能被病毒传染。 ibm

To some extent, RTF Rich Text Format achieves a similar goal: It is a textual markup format that is publicly documented.
RTF富文本格式从一定程度上讲也实现了这个目标——它是一种公开描述的文本标记格式。 ibm

To this end, RTF's approach focuses on training teachers, helping communities rebuild their schools and providing school materials.
基于此,“改写未来”主要着眼于培训教师队伍,帮助社区重建他们自己的学校同时提供教学器材。 yeeyan

Also, they run applications to create and view simple documents for example, memos, letters, spreadsheets for use within the company only, in portable formats PDF, RTF, HTML.
另外,他们通过运行应用程序创建和查看简单的文档例如,备忘录、信件、电子表格,这些文档只在公司内部使用,采用便于转移的格式 PDF、 RTF、 HTML。 ibm

Although saving the Word document as an RTF or TXT file usually works pretty well, that technique does you no good if Word won’t open the file.
尽管把 word文档存为 RTF或 TXT文件通常很有效,但是如果 Word打不开文件的话,这个技术就毫无用处。 yeeyan

Avoidance of the node- set function eliminates bugs where two copies of the tree, one RTF and one node- set, get confused.
不用节点集函数避免了出现树的两个副本的弊端,一个 RTF和一个节点集容易造成混乱。 ibm

Click in the RTF field and an ellipsis will display.
点击 RTF字段将会显示一个省略号。 ibm

Click the ellipsis, and the RPM RTF fields dialog displays, as shown in Figure21.
点击这个省略号,将会显示 RPM RTF字段对话框,如图21所示。 ibm

Computer Aided Translation CAT tools usually have filters for the most common formats: HTML, RTF, XML, and plain text.
计算机辅助翻译 CAT工具通常拥有常见格式的过滤程序,如: HTML、 RTF、 XML和纯文本等。 ibm

Content of a variable produces an RTF.
变量的内容产生一个 RTF。 ibm

For example, a word processing application might want to transfer text in RTF and plain text.
例如,某个字处理应用程序可能要传送 RTF和纯文本格式的文本。 ibm

For more structured, scalable, and maintainable programming, use Perl's RTF modules.
为了使编程更加结构化、可伸缩和可维护,请使用 Perl的 RTF模块。 ibm

For the simplest.RTF generations, simple cutting and pasting is enough.
对于最简单的. RTF生成过程来说,进行简单的剪贴就够了。 ibm

Fortunately, most word processors can export and import documents in RTF, another well- documented format.
所幸的是,多数字处理程序都可以导入和导出 RTF文档, RTF也是容易编制的格式。 ibm

If this list does not meet your needs RTF Field Label, you will need to define these RTF fields prior to creating a profile.
如果这个列表不能满足您的需求 RTF Field Label,您就需要在创建档案之前定义这些 RTF字段。 ibm

In XSLT1.0, string and RTF are the only data types that you can use to store an arbitrary number of intermediate results.
在 XSLT1.0中,只能使用字符串和 RTF存储中间结果。 ibm

Moreover, it appears to have been less volatile through the years; a reader from1997 will probably be able to digest a.RTF written this year, and vice- versa.
而且,这些年里它已经显得稳定多了;1997 年的阅读器多半能理解今年编写的. RTF,反之也是。 ibm

Most document formats require fixes in the layout of the translated document; the XML, HTML, and RTF formats generally require the fewest post- translation adjustments.
多数文档格式都需要固定在翻译后的文档布局中,一般而言, XML、 HTML和 RTF格式所要做的译后调整较少。 ibm

Sometimes, using a format such as RTF or TXT will cause some of Word’s codes to be stripped from the document, which often fixes the problem.
有时候,使用 RTF或 TXT格式会导致某些 word的代码剥离文档,这通常就能修复问题。 yeeyan

Table1 shows two versions of the same sentence, one in HTML format and the other in RTF.
表1显示了同一句子的两种版本,一种是 HTML格式,另一种是 RTF 格式。 ibm

The last column to be populated is called RTF Fields.
最后要填充的栏目叫作 RTF Fields。 ibm

The last solution is to stick with your word processor and use an RTF converter to generate the XML document.
最后一种解决方案是仍然使用您的字处理器,并使用 RTF转换器生成 XML文档。 ibm

They can have rich text formatting RTF, which will not be automatically translated by Microsoft Word to the corresponding formatting.
它们拥有高级的文本格式化操作 RTF, Microsoft Word不会将其自动转化为相应的格式。 ibm

This script generates HTML, PDF, or RTF output based on the arguments that you supply.
此脚本基于所提供的参数生成 HTML、 PDF或 RTF输出。 ibm

To complete the mapping for these fields, click in the ClearQuest Fields column for the RTF Field index that you want to set up.
要完成这些字段的映射,点击您想要安装的 RTF Field索引的。 ibm

XML Encryption uses the type definitions by IANA for various popular data formats such as RTF, PDF, and JPG.
XML对各种流行的数据格式如 RTF、 PDF和 JPG使用 IANA的类型定义。 ibm

You will need to populate all the RTF fields in this manner.
您将利用这种方式填充所有的 RTF字段。 ibm




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