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词汇 RSS
释义 RSS.
All of this leads to the notion of using RSS to store information that previously might be stored in a relational database.
所有这些导致产生一种新的观念,即使用 RSS存储信息,而以前可能使用关系数据库存储这些信息。 ibm

As outlined in the beginning of this article, RSS alleviates many concerns with syndicating and aggregating content.
正如在本文开始所概括的, RSS减轻了连锁和聚合内容方面的很多负担。 ibm

Because content flows across the Web in RSS feeds and can be remixed along the way, Web designers must now think beyond sites and figure out how to brand the content itself.
由于内容以 RSS的形式在网上流动并且以此方式被重新整合,网站设计者们的思维应当超越站点本身,并且要着重考虑如何去打内容牌。 yeeyan

Because of this, RSS lets you add any tag you like, but requires that it be used with a namespace.
因此, RSS允许您增加所喜欢的任何标签,但是要求必须和名称空间一起使用。 ibm

Besides enabling me to retrieve metadata about the RSS file, it provides a handy way to remove that information from the store.
除了使我能够检索有关该 RSS文件的元数据以外,它还提供了从存储中除去该信息的便利方法。 ibm

Each RSS feed consists of the most recent news stories in summary form.
每一项 RSS提要传送包括摘要形式的最新新闻故事。 who

Each RSS server maintains a complete copy of the database.
每个 RSS服务器维护数据库的一个完整的副本。 ibm

For this example, go for RSS, because it's the cleanest and contains the line feeds you need.
对于这个例子,可以选择 RSS,因为它是最整洁的,而且包含您需要的换行。 ibm

If it gets a successful result of RSS feed items from a provider, then it calls the feed results output component.
如果从提供者那里获得了一个成功的 RSS提要条目的结果,那么它就会调用提要结果输出组件。 ibm

In our case, we are going to store the feed results received from each RSS feed provider in their own file.
在本示例中,我们会把从每个 RSS提要提供者处收到的提要结果存储到各自的文件中。 ibm

Information overload is a real problem for many web users, and one way to cope with it is to filter your RSS feeds so you only see what you want to see.
对许多网络用户来说,这种信息过剩的现象的确是一个很现实的问题。 不过有一种方法可以让你只看你想要看的,就是过滤 RSS种子。 yeeyan

Instead of arguing about RSS reader’s future, I will instead focus on Twitter’s and Facebook’s future.
代替关于 RSS阅读器的前途的争论,我反而关注微博客和美国社交网站的前途。 yeeyan

It takes a function argument of an input filename, in which details about the RSS feed sources are specified.
它接受输入文件名称作为函数参数,在该文件中指定了关于 RSS提要源的细节。 ibm

Many RSS feeds have one channel object, but you can have several, perhaps if you wanted to separate feeds by an arbitrary filter.
许多 RSS提要具有一个通道对象,但是如果您希望使用任意过滤器分离提要,您就可以使用多个通道。 ibm

Next, it creates a file with a unique name for a given RSS feed provider.
接下来,它要为给定的 RSS提要提供者创建一个具有惟一名称的文件。 ibm

Once the archive checkpoint is completed in the RSS node, it will stop applying any other further log records, leaving the server in the correct state to copy the chunks by an external utility.
一旦存档检查点在 RSS节点中完成操作,它会停止应用任何其他的日志记录,让服务器保持正确状态,以便使用外部实用工具复制数据块。 ibm

Show not only RSS items' title and link, but also their descriptions.
不仅显示 RSS项的标题和链接,还显示简介内容。 ibm

So when you clicked the link in your RSS reader that bought you here, you made a GET request.
所以当你在你的 RSS阅读器里点击链接,打开网页的时候,你就是在做一个 get请求。 yeeyan

Some have quirks, and they do not always agree exactly on how to interpret a feed, so we stuck to a subset of RSS and used it in a way that all feed readers handled properly.
有些阅读器支持花体字,但并非所有阅读器对提要的解释方式都是一致的,因此我们将坚持使用 RSS的一个子集,并以所有提要阅读器都能恰当处理的方式来使用它。 ibm

Subscribe to them all, set your RSS reader to check for updates as often as possible, and be the first to apply for new jobs and gigs as they go up.
把它们全部订阅,尽可能多的设置你的 RSS阅读器来多检查这些更新,一旦它们出现,作第一个申请这些新工作或新兼职的人。 yeeyan

The tutorial begins with an explanation of the RSS format and some actual feed samples.
本教程首先对 RSS格式和一些实际的提要示例进行说明。 ibm

The demonstration archive includes a couple of example RSS files you can run.
该演示归档文件包括两个您可以运行的示例 RSS文件。 ibm

The process continues until all the items in the RSS feed are processed.
该过程将持续进行,直到处理完 RSS提要中的所有项。 ibm

They create an RSS channel for their content.
他们为这些内容创建了一个 RSS频道。 ibm

This context is then appended to every statement found in the retrieved RSS.
这个上下文然后被追加到在检索到的 RSS中找到的每个语句中。 ibm

This subtle difference should be accounted for in the code that parses these different RSS formats.
这一细微差异应该在编写解析这些不同的 RSS格式的代码时考虑进去。 ibm

With the increased accessibility that RSS provides, you can now simplify the process of keeping up to date for your users.
通过 RSS提供的提高了的可访问性,您现在能够简化使您的用户保持同步的过程。 ibm

You can extract these files to your machine and run them with your own customized set of RSS feed sources.
您可以将这些文件解压缩到您的机器并用自己的一组定制 RSS提要源运行这些文件。 ibm




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