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释义 RSPCA 英ˌɑːrespiːsiː'eɪ美ˌɑːrespiːsiː'eɪ 
abbr.英国皇家防止虐待动物协会 Royal Society
An RSPCA spokeswoman said:“ Beer contains barley and grain. It’ll do no harm in moderation.”

Reports of deliberate cruelty to black cats rise especially in the weeks around Halloween in Britain, the RSPCA animal charity said on Wednesday.
英国皇家防止虐待动物协会 RSPCA于本周三称,在临近万圣节的前几周,英国故意虐待黑猫的案例数出现上升。 iciba

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals RSPCA said demand for the meat has grown in the last year as rumours spread about its aphrodisiac qualities.
皇家防止虐待动物协会 RSPCA说,去年,随着有关象肉的壮阳作用谣言的传播而使对象肉需求的增大。 hongen

The RSPCA said, with the benefit of hindsight, it may have been better to put the whale down as soon as it was discovered.
RSPCA表示,这一系列惨痛教训表明,在发现鲸搁浅时,最明智的办法是对它尽快实施安乐死。 yeeyan

A huge team of armed police, RSPCA inspectors and vets were needed to capture what turned out to be a lynx.
为了抓住它,动用了大量武装警察、皇家防止虐待动物协会检查员和退伍军人,后来查明这是一只猞猁。 yeeyan

Although they already have had at least one fundraiser, the RSPCA does not yet have enough money to pay for Ellie's operation.
虽然他们已经找到了至少一位筹款人,但英国皇家防止虐待动物协会仍没足够的钱来承担埃丽的手术。 yeeyan

Animal welfare groups, including the RSPCA, believe stranded whales should be humanely put down rather than rescued.
一些动物福利组织如皇家防止虐待动物协会 RSPCA认为,搁浅的鲸类无法救助,还不如对它们实施安乐死。 yeeyan

But the RSPCA said the rabbit- throw sent a message to children that dead animals were fun and could legitimately be used as a form of entertainment.
但是皇家防止虐待动物协会 RSPCA称,扔兔子会给孩子传递这样的信息,即死去的动物很有意思,可以合法将其当成娱乐手段。 yeeyan

But the RSPCA said she could be someone's missing pet who was the victim of a prank.
但是皇家防止虐待动物协会称,这只猫咪可能是谁家走丢的。 suiniyi

Ellie was part of a litter of five puppies rescued from harsh conditions by the RSPCA, says Julie Lander, an RSPCA volunteer and Leo and Ellie's owner.
埃丽曾是五只被遗弃的小狗中的一员,被 RSPCA从脏乱的环境里救出, RSPCA的志愿者和利奥、埃丽的现主人朱莉·兰德说。 yeeyan

It was obvious that she had just given birth to kittens, so after her recovery, RSPCA inspector Jon Knight returned with her to the location where she was found with the hope of finding the kittens.
显然,她刚生完小猫,所以在她康复后, RSPCA的督察员乔恩.奈特把她带回发现她的地方,以期找到小猫咪们。 yeeyan

Mark Townend, a senior officer with the RSPCA, said disorganization would provide any help needed to search for the culprit and bring cruelty charges.
皇家防止虐待动物协会高级官员马克汤恩说他的组织愿意提供任何帮助,搜寻罪犯并给予严厉惩罚。 yeeyan

Read up on the RSPCA's guidelines for adopting a pet, or the equivalent in your country.

Thanks to Jolie's maternal instincts, all four kittens are healthy and being cared for at an RSPCA center with their mother until they are ready for adoption.
多亏了卓琳的母性本能,四只小猫都很健康,现在由 RSPCA的一家中心照料,直到它们准备好能接受收养。 yeeyan

The RSPCA is appealing for potential owners to come forward for the black cats in its shelters.
英国皇家防止虐待动物协会正呼吁潜在的收养者们主动领养收容所的黑猫。 yingyu

The RSPCA have criticised a“ sick prank” in which a cat had its fur dyed pink and was then thrown over a garden fence in Swindon.
一小猫全身被染成了粉色,之后被遗弃在斯温顿地区某花园里,皇家防止虐待动物协会严厉谴责这一“变态恶作剧”行为。 suiniyi

The RSPCA in the United Kingdom takes in nearly10,000 unwanted pets each year, and it is only one of the charities that shelters animal in need.

The RSPCA said it was determined to catch whoever carried out the despicable act.
爱护动物协会表示会全力缉捕做出这种卑鄙行为的人。 hongkongdot

The RSPCA acknowledged its policy change was controversial but said it had to put the welfare of whales first.
RSPCA承认自己的政策改变有些自相矛盾,但他们认为该政策还是将鲸类的福利放在第一位的。 yeeyan




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