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词汇 RSA
释义 RSA 英ˌɑːres'eɪ美ˌɑːres'eɪ 高COCA⁵⁸⁵⁷²BNC³³⁰⁶⁶
abbr.英国皇家艺术学会=Royal Society of Artsabbr.南非共和国=Republic of South Africa
Both RSA and EMF have specific purposes in the application development lifecycle, purposes that you can easily use across each tool.
RSA和 EMF在应用程序开发周期中都有着特定的用途,目的就是使您能够容易的跨工具使用。 ibm

In addition, RSA contains two other powerful tools that can help you understand the concepts we have been talking about.
顺便提及, RSA包含了另外两个强大的工具,它们可以帮助你理解本文所讲述的概念。 ibm

The update also includes two report descriptions, an RSA tool mentor that describes creating a service model, and a reasonably complete example showing the development of a service model.
更新还包含两个报告描述,描述创建服务模型的 RSA工具指导者,和表现服务模型开发的相当完整的实例。 ibm

To begin with, RSA's help files can assist you with the concept of reusing artifacts you may be working on.
首先, RSA的帮助文件可以帮助你了解重用你可能正在工作的工件的概念。 ibm

A final article will explain how to use an RSA add-on to create the artifacts introduced.
最后的一篇文章将介绍如何使用 RSA附加功能创建所介绍的工件。 ibm

After importing your code into RSA, switch to the modeling perspective and create a UML model from it, so you can see how UML has characterized your work.
当你把代码输入到 RSA后,转到建模透视图并从此透视图创建了一个 UML模型,现在你可以看到 UML是如何定义你的工作方法。 ibm

Experts from Ireland, the UK, Sweden and Belgium recently gathered in Dublin for the Republic of Ireland’s Road Safety Authority RSA conference.
近日,来自爱尔兰,英国,瑞典和比利时的专家聚集在都柏林,参与爱尔兰共和国道路安全管理局 RSA的会议。 yeeyan

Figure7 shows how you create a use case diagram in RSA.
图7显示了你如何在 RSA中创建一个用例图。 ibm

Given the combination of RSA modeling and EMF, you can quickly and easily create a data model and an editor for it.
因为由于 RSA模型和 EMF的结合,您能够方便快捷的创建一个数据模型并对其加以编辑。 ibm

However, these constructions and the diagrams for each model type can be maintained through the use of the model merge capabilities of RSA or RDA respectively.
但是,可以使用 RSA或 RDA各自提供的模型合并功能维护这些结构以及用于每个模型类型的图形。 ibm

If you have a new data structure model defined in RSA, you can then export it as a single DDL file from which to build your new DB2 database.
如果您在 RSA中定义了一个新的数据结构模型,那么您可以将它导出为一个 DDL文件,然后用这个文件创建新的 DB2数据库。 ibm

In this article, the UML models are manipulated by modeling tools such as RSM or RSA.
在本文中, UML模型是由例如 RSM或 RSA这样的建模工具操纵的。 ibm

Next, you'll see the migration of the code into the model- driven development arena by visualizing it as UML models within RSA.
然后,你将看到这些代码被移植到模型驱动的开发舞台,这些代码被可视化为 RSA内部的 UML模型。 ibm

On each machine, execute the following command to generate the RSA public and private keys.
在每台机器上执行以下命令,从而生成 RSA公共和私有密钥。 ibm

Once you select a model, RSA instantiates a copy of the template in your selected project.
一旦您选择了一个模型, RSA将会在您选择的项目中实例化一份模版的拷贝。 ibm

Similarly, changes to this UML model, perhaps based on business use cases in RSA, can be imported as updates to the LDM in RDA.
类似地,对这个 UML模型的更改也许是基于 RSA中的业务用例可以被导入,作为对 RDA中 LDM的更新。 ibm

The application modeler accesses and imports the class model in RSA.
应用程序建模师在 RSA中访问和导入类模型。 ibm

These allow a LDM expressed in RDA to be transformed into a UML model within RSA for use during service analysis.
这使得 RDA中表达的 LDM可以转换为 RSA中的 UML模型,以便在服务分析期间使用。 ibm

This implementation of the requester-side caching pattern is created using the RSA patterns engine.
请求端缓存模式的这个实现是使用 RSA模式引擎创建的。 ibm

This will install the requester-side caching pattern implementation into RSA.
这会将请求端缓存模式实现安装到 RSA中。 ibm

We have taken quite the tour of RSA to work on our application, and introduce the model- driven development paradigm.
我们已经介绍了很多有关如何将 RSA应用到应用程序上的内容,并且引入了模型驱动开发的范例。 ibm

When working on complex models, it is typically ideal to work in RSA to develop the model.
当工作在复杂的模型中时,使用 RSA来开发模型就变得非常理想。 ibm

While you use RSA to model your data model and applications, you have to look at the tooling that EMF provides for creating an EMF model for generating code.
当您使用 RSA模型化您的数据模型和应用程序时,必须先来看一下 EMF为创建一个用于产生代码的 EMF模型所提供的工具。 ibm

You can reach both of these extremely helpful tools from RSA's help menu.
你可以在 RSA的帮助文件中获得这两个非常有用的工具。 ibm

You have used RSA to successfully migrate an application from code-centric principles to a model-centric paradigm by introducing and applying MDD concepts, and that's a very good thing.
你已经使用 RSA和 MDD的概念成功地把一个应用软件从以代码为中心的开发移植为以模型为中心方法的开发,这真是一个好消息。 ibm

RSA can help you understand additional modeling concepts and help you with team development concepts.
RSA可以帮你理解附加的模型概念并且帮助你获得团队开发的概念。 ibm

RSA can help you with them, particularly if you are trying to include them in your current or future slate of engineering projects.
RSA可以帮你使用这些功能,特别是当你试图在你当前或今后的工程项目中用到它们。 ibm

RSA models are based on the UML2 standard, which models not only a system's static data model but also behavioral constructs.
RSA模型是基于 UML2标准的,这种模型不仅可以建模一个系统的静态数据模型,而且还可以对行为进行建模。 ibm

RSA will automatically open this model for you.
RSA将会自动为您打开这个模型。 ibm




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