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词汇 rpt
释义 rpt.
In this thesis, we also discuss the mechanism of Flooding and Pruning in Dense- Mode multicast routing protocol and the process of switch from RPT to SPT in Sparse- Mode routing protocol.
并分别对密集模式组播路由协议的扩散和剪枝机制、稀疏模式组播路由协议中的 RPT树到 SPT树的切换过程进行了详细的探讨。 cnki

My study shows that the reform contributes to regulation of RPT.

Related party transaction RPT is the transaction between the listed company and related party.
上市公司关联交易是指上市公司及其控股子公司与关联方之间的交易。 cnki

The empirical results show market reaction to RPT improved significantly after the reform, more than that of the arm's length transactions.

The modification is done by just editing the request headers of the generated RPT script.
只需编辑这个产生 RPT脚本请求的标题就可以进行修改。 ibm

After you install RPT, you can begin to record the transactions, and upload the scripts to AMC.
在安装 RPT后,您就可以开始记录事务并将脚本上传到 AMC了。 ibm

After you playback the RPT script on RRT agents, you can view the transaction response time data from the AMC agent workspace.
当您在 RRT代理上回滚了 RPT脚本后,就可以从 AMC代理工作空间中查看事务响应时间数据。 ibm

By default, RPT creates all its assets under the project root.
默认情况下, RPT在项目根目录下创建所有资产。 ibm

Finally, I find that market reaction to RPT involving with state-owned controlling shareholders improved more than the situation of non-state-owned.

How easy is RPT to use?
使用 RPT有多容易? ibm

I am not a RPT, just a grand piano owner looking to sell my30 yr old KG-2 Kawai that I purchased new, and hopefully buy a used GOOD grand in the Kawai, or Boston class with less age.
我不是一个 RPT注册钢琴技师,只是一个三角钢琴的琴主在寻找,卖掉我30年的旧卡瓦依 KG-2,我购买了新的,并希望买到一个使用状态好的卡瓦依三角,或波士顿级的年份新一些的。 cpiano

In recent years, listed companies use various means to do RPT for a variety of motives, and RPT seems to get worse and worse.
近年来上市公司出于各种动机,利用各种手段进行关联交易,而且关联交易呈愈演愈烈之势。 fabiao

In China, related parties and related party transactions RPT appears along with the development of stock market.
在我国,伴随着证券市场的发展而出现关联方关系及其交易。 fabiao

Reverse Project Technique RPT is a typical image reconstructed algorithm.
卷积反投影是二维图像重建的一种典型算法。 cnki

Specifically, if we implemented any of the following use cases, would you switch more quickly to RPT?
特别的,如果我们实现了以下所有用例,您会不会更快地转用 RPT? ibm

The part error with RPT is classified as dimension error, shaped error and roughness of surface.
快速成型制件的的误差分为尺寸误差、形状误差和表面粗糙度。 dictall

This article introduces methods to achieve this objective by using existing RPT features in an innovative manner.
这篇文章通过以创新的方式使用现有的 RPT特性的方法来介绍达到这个目的的方法。 ibm

Though users can start using RPT after creating the project, it is very hard to get any meaningful work done without performing the following recommended steps.
虽然用户在创建项目后就可以使用 RPT了,但以下推荐的步骤能够有效的帮助您完成工作。 ibm

Would you be interested in a closer working relationship with RPT to exchange information and help?
您是否有兴趣进一步使用 RPT,用于交换信息及帮助? ibm

You can verify the change of the User- Agent string in the Protocol Data tab of the RPT workspace after you have saved the changes Figure4.
您可以在保存这个更改之后,验证 RPT工作区的 Protocol Data标签中的 User- Agent字符串值图4。 ibm

Did RPT satisfactory accomplish your performance test goals i. e., stressed your system?
令人满意的 RPT是否实现了您的性能测试目标也就是,强调您的系统? ibm

Launch RPT into a local workspace.
将 RPT拖入本地工作区。 ibm

RPT creates numerous files during the course of recording a test, creating a schedule, and executing a test or a schedule.
在记录测试、创建调度、执行测试或调度的过程中 RPT新建了大量文件。 ibm




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