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词汇 rpr
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In order to resolve the inherent problems caused by current fairness algorithms adopted in RPR, a novel fairness algorithm RCPD based upon PD feedback theory is proposed in the paper.
文章提出了一种基于反馈控制理论的 RPR带宽公平分配算法 RCPD,以解决 RPR中不公平算法造成的问题。 cnki

Objective: Compare the value of RPR and TPPA in the serologic test for syphilis.
目的比较 RPR和 TPPA两种检测方法在梅毒血清学试验中的价值。 cnki

The application of two types of serologic test for syphilis, RPR and TPHA, in syphilis diagnosis is also discussed.
同时,对 RPR和 TPHA两种梅毒血清学检测方法在梅毒实验室诊断中应用进行了初步探讨。 cnki

The paper mainly introduced compatibility and its plan of RPR technology and expressway SDH transmission system.
主要介绍 RPR技术与现在的高速公路 SDH传输系统的兼容,以及实现兼容的方案。 cnki

The technical process, production equipment and technology of PET microfilament production line which is imported from italy NOY Co. and RPR Co. and some modification to it are introduced.
介绍了从意大利 NOY公司、 RPR公司引进的涤纶微细旦生产线的工艺流程、生产设备、工艺技术以及对该生产线的部分技术改造。 cnki

This paper mainly proposes one fair rate allocation scheme in RPR networks.
主要提出了一种基于 RPR环网中的带宽公平分配方案。 cnki

After simply introducing the principle of RPR, this paper mainly discusses the key techniques of RPR, such as RPR priority scheme, fairness algorithm and topology discriminating mechanism.
文中在简单介绍了 RPR的工作原理之后,主要讨论了 RPR中的优先级方案、公平算法和拓扑识别等关键技术。 cnki

Because RPR is a Layer 2 MAC-based technology, it can operate over multiple physical layers, including SONET.
由于 RPR是第二层基于 MAC的技术,所以它能在多个物理层上工作,包括 SONET。 examw

DFT circuits implemented in RPR ASIC reduces difficulties in circuit test and greatly improves fault coverage.
DFT电路的实现大大降低了专用集成电路的测试难度,提高了故障覆盖率。 cnki

During labor, the CBC, urinalysis and RPR are repeated. The HBSAG is repeated for high-risk patients. A clot of blood is placed on hold.

ELISA anti- phospholipid antibody detection and RPR were compared in screening146 suspicious syphilis serum samples.
对 ELISA法抗心磷脂抗体检测技术和 RPR试验筛选146例可疑梅毒患者血清进行了比较研究。 cnki

In accordance with the constraint conditions of rod lengths, the optimization model without constraints for solving the positional forward solution of3- RPR planar parallel mechanism was presented.
根据杆长约束条件,给出了求解3- RPR平面并联机构位置正解的无约束优化模型。 dictall

In this paper, one new data transport technology named Resilient Packet Ring RPR in metropolitan area networks is discussed and analyzed in a great extend.
本文主要是对城域网中一种新型的数据传输技术—弹性分组环 RPR,进行了详细地探讨和深入地研究。 dictall

In this paper, we have developed primary bandwidth model of RPR and analysed its bandwidth utilization factor and fairness policy.
论文通过建立弹性分组环基本带宽模型并对其带宽利用率及带宽分配的公平策略进行分析。 cnki

Metropolitan optical transport network RPR technical requirement etc.
城市光传送网弹性分组环 RPR技术要求等。22doc

Nowadays the RPR network is single wavelength channel network and dissatisfied the request of the development of digital services.
当前 RPR网络是单波长信道的,不能满足数据业务发展的需求。 cnki

One network with high survivability, expandable and fully reflect the technological superiority of RPR is in need.
这就迫切需要一种具有高生存性的,可扩展的,充分体现 RPR技术优越性的网络。 cnki

Or they can install multiservice provisioning platforms, which are optimized for TDM services but also can support advanced data applications via RPR over SONET.
或者他们可以安装多服务提供平台,这些平台为提供时分复用 TDM服务进行了优化,同时也能通过 SONET上的 RPR支持高级的数据应用。 examw

Presented the routing method of the packet going to the RPR ring network and its control plane and forwarding plane design.
研究提出了报文上 RPR环网的选路表方法,以及控制平面和转发平面的设计实现。 cnki

Realizing spatial reuse and fairness allocation simultaneously is a main object of Resilient Packet Ring RPR, and achieving fairness based on flows is reasonable in many situations.
同时实现空间复用和公平分配是弹性分组环 RPR的重要目标,在很多环境下按流分配是合理的策略。 iciba

The IEEE created a draft specification for RPR and is expected to ratify the standard this year.
IEEE为 RPR制定了一个规范草案,可望今年内获得批准成为标准。 examw

This article discusses the working mechanism of RPR-based MSR with protocol stack frame structure node function and networking included.
详细探讨了基于 RPR的 MSR的工作机理,包括协议栈和帧结构、节点功能结构、组网应用等几个方面。 cnki

Treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay TPPA was positive in4430.34% cases, among which rapid plasma reagin assay RPR was positive in2215.17% cases.
梅毒螺旋体明胶凝集试验 TPPA阳性44例占30.34%,其中快速血浆反应素试验 RPR阳性22例占15.17%; cnki

Unlike older ring-based data networks such as token ring or FDDI, RPR uses a spatial reuse mechanism.
它与较老的基于环的数据网如令牌环或 FDDI不一样, RPR使用了空间复用机制。 examw

What a survivability of the network is, and how to improve the survivability of optical network based on Resilient Packet Ring RPR are research focuses in this paper.
什么是网络的生存性,如何提高基于弹性分组环 RPR的光网络的生存性是本文的研究重点。 iciba

RPR Resilient Packet Ring and MSR Multi- Service Ring are the two newest MAN application scheme.
弹性分组环 RPR、多业务环 MSR就是其中最新的两种城域网解决方案。 cnki

RPR also uses statistical multiplexing so that bandwidth can be oversubscribed, while establishing committed information rate CIR and peak- rate thresholds on a per- application basis.
RPR也采用统计复用,因而带宽能被超额定购,同时建立了在每个应用程序基础上的约定信息速率 CIR和峰值速率门限。 examw




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