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At the moment, no single JAX- RPC run- time system provides all of the features discussed in this series.
现在,没有哪个单独的 JAX- RPC运行时系统可以提供本系列中讨论的所有功能。 ibm

At the base of the stack we have HTTP, an RPC- like protocol that is simple, widely deployed, and firewall- friendly.
这部分的基础是 HTTP,它是一个被广泛运用的、类似 RPC的简单协议,并且是防火墙友好的。 ibm

The RPC address and other binding data structure's field values like the protocol version, timeout are all retrieved from this input binding handle and copied into another handle representation.
从这个输入绑定句柄获取 RPC地址和绑定数据结构的其他字段值,比如协议版本、超时等,把它们复制到另一个句柄表示中。 ibm

Depending on the contract with the RPC server it could interpret any property or even the body of the message to determine where to reply.
根据和 RPC服务器的约定,它可以解释消息的任何属性甚至数据体来决定回复给谁。 infoq

Each user using Secure RPC with DES authentication is supposed to have a pair of public and secret keys.
每个通过 DES身份验证使用安全 RPC的用户都必须拥有一对公钥和机密密钥。 ibm

Every time a user logs in and starts a session with a remote Secure RPC application server, they get a new session key, which is called a common key.
每当用户登录并使用远程安全 RPC应用服务器启动会话时,他们都会获得一个新的会话密钥,这个密钥就称为通用密钥。 ibm

From there, I'll go on to compare SOAP, and RPC in general, with one of its biggest competitors, remote method invocation RMI.
从那里,我继续将 SOAP和一般而言的 RPC与它的最大竞争对手之一,远程方法调用 RMI相比较。 ibm

I explained how the JAX- RPC standard defines this feature and some of the important points on designing an interoperable type system.
我解释了 JAX- RPC标准怎样定义该功能,以及关于如何设计互操作类型系统的一些要点。 ibm

If the server receives more than the maximum number, it simply queues the additional RPCs until a free call executor thread is available to execute the RPC.
如果服务器收到的 RPC超过这个最大数量,它会把多余的 RPC排队,直到有空闲的调用执行者线程可以执行 RPC。 ibm

In fact, this pattern could be extended to any number of additional protocols, so long as those protocols maintain the same basic RPC semantics.
事实上,这种模式可以扩展到任意数目的附加协议,只要那些协议支持相同的基本 RPC语义。 ibm

In the next part of this series, I will discuss the other aspects of the JAX- RPC specification including service implementation, service clients, and other core concepts.
在这一系列文章的下一部分中,我将讨论 JAX- RPC规范的其他方面包括服务实现、服务客户机以及其他的核心概念。 ibm

In any case, with the information I provided in my first Soapbox article, you should be armed with enough knowledge about SOAP and RPC to compare it to its primary rival in programming today, RMI.
在任何情况下,有了我在第一篇临时讲台文章中提供的信息,您应该拥有了 足够的 SOAP和 RPC知识,可以与今天编程中它的主要对手 RMI做比较。 ibm

In such cases, getting statistics like number of packets sent or received and the number of RPC calls sent or received by that interface helps in debugging.
在这种情况下,获取统计数据有助于调试,比如接口发送或接收的数据包数量和发送或接收的 RPC调用数量。 ibm

In this article, you learned how to configure the environment for running Secure RPC applications using DES authentication.
在本文中,您了解了如何配置环境,以便使用 DES身份验证运行安全 RPC应用程序。 ibm

In this article we have dealt with the most basic and important routines that any RPC client and server application makes.
在本文中,我们讨论了任何 RPC客户机和服务器应用程序调用的最基本、最重要的例程。 ibm

In RPC, this format is the External Data Representation XDR standard I mentioned earlier.
在 RPC中,该格式是我早先提到过的外部数据表示 XDR标准。 ibm

Next, the client issues a LOOKUP RPC request to see if the requested file exists.
接下来,客户端发出 LOOKUP RPC请求来查看所请求的文件是否存在。 ibm

Not surprisingly, there will be times when SOAP and RPC make sense and times when RMI does, so my next article in this series will help identify the tradeoffs involved.
毫不惊奇,总会有 SOAP和 RPC有意义的时候也会有 RMI起作用的时候,所以在本系列中的下一篇文章将帮助搞清楚涉及的折衷方法。 ibm

Note that the definition of JAX- RPC client is relative to the service which the client communicates with, and stubs for different services are deemed as different clients.
请注意 JAX- RPC客户端的定义是相对于服务的,这些服务与客户端进行通信,并且不同服务的存根被认为是不同的客户端。 ibm

One typical case is that a binding provider is created for a specific application that has a few XML schema types that are not supported by the JAX- RPC specification.
一个典型的例子就是为一个特定的应用程序创建绑定提供者,这个应用程序有几个 XML脚本类型是不被 JAX- RPC规范支持的。 ibm

So if all you want is this procedural means of communication, then RPC may be for you.
所以如果您所希望的是这种通信方式,那么 RPC也许适合于您。 ibm

Support for document and RPC styles.
对于文档和 RPC样式的支持。 ibm

The same goes for any classes transferred over RPC; you only need to code them once and you can use them both client and server code.
跨 RPC传递的任何类都适用这种情况;只需要编码一次,就可以将它们用在客户机和服务器代码中。 ibm

We will write a simple client and server application to show you how to use the library, and compare some of the features of XML- RPC with similar features in SOAP.
我们将编写一个简单的客户机和服务器应用程序来向您展示如何使用这个库,并且将 XML- RPC的一些功能与 SOAP中类似的功能进行比较。 ibm

While these patterns are at the abstract level of WSDL, “ binding” to SOAP provides for more variability in integration mechanism by means of having the operation as RPC-oriented or document- oriented.
这些模式处于 WSDL抽象级别,而到 SOAP的“绑定”可通过将操作指定为面向 RPC或面向文档的操作而在集成机制方面提供更多的变化。 ibm

While messaging does have more overhead than RPC, that makes only a small performance difference, unless you add much greater quality of service like persistent messaging.
然而,消息传递确实有比 RPC更高的地方,仅有一点性能差异,除非您加入了高品质的服务,如持久性的消息传递。 ibm

While you want to be consistent in your processing model, you can achieve this by using either document and RPC style in a consistent way.
当您想要在您的处理模型中保持一致时,您可以通过一致的方法使用文档或 RPC样式来达到这个目的。 ibm

RPC runtime provides inquiry routines for elements, groups, profiles and towers, which are accomplished by querying or accessing the name service database.
RPC运行时为元素、组、概要和塔提供查询例程,这通过查询或访问名称服务数据库来完成。 ibm




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